Quote Originally Posted by ftpjesus View Post
Quote Originally Posted by MumblesBadly View Post

While securing a load in the trailer, I got very short of breath and it didn’t go away for over 10 minutes. EMTs came and found this using a portable EKG unit:

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(Two points of you can figure out what it indicates.)
Medical Cardiac term for that EKG is some trigeminy which is regular PVCs (Premature Ventricular Complexes/Contractions) every third beat caused by irritability of the heart muscle. Usually low blood flow or temporary ischemia where the hearts oxygenation gets a little low. Likely it was one specific site as the PVCs all look uniform (identical). Could’ve simply been a little over exertion could’ve caused it. Yes weight can factor but sadly age and factors such as slowly losing elasticity of the blood vessels get worse as you get older atherosclerosis which is hardening of the arteries is genetic partially and also affected by cholesterol and triglyceride levels... may sound counterintuitive but along with weight loss of your not OTRing much I’d work on some low level aerobic exercise even if it’s judt walking or riding a bike in a gym or something. Even a little work out can help. I’m guessing they didn’t see any signs of major blockage or they would’ve put stents in or worse case a bypass since neither happened this is fixable without major intervention at this point.
Correct on both. Cardiologist put me on carvedilol (6.25gm x2), upped my atorvastatin to 40mg daily, ordered echocardiogram Holter monitor, and stress echocardiogram. I’ve done the first two so far, and the last is on Monday, with summation office visit next Friday.