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Thread: In a country so divided I advise you watch the following

  1. #1
    Canadrunk limitles's Avatar
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    In a country so divided I advise you watch the following

    Penn Gillette on Libertarianism, the closest thing you have to a third option.
    He's smart, he's not jumping on one party more than the other but he has a lot of good things to say
    Common sense in an insane culture

      Salty_Aus: David H. Koch was the Libertarian Party's vice-presidential candidate in 1980

  2. #2
    Gold Salty_Aus's Avatar
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    The original Libertarian concept is very interesting, not what Koch and his right wing cronies have turned it into.

    The real problem is, people are not responsible. Most lack the ability to even think for themselves, let alone make the correct judgments.

  3. #3
    Master of Props Daly's Avatar
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    The #1 issue with American politics is the duopoly of the Democrats and Republicans. Most other countries you have multiple parties who need to get along to form a coalition to govern. In this system fiscal conservatives, values conservatives, Libertarians, nationalists and Neo-Cos would have to work together to form a majority and compromise back towards the middle. The way it’s set up now it’s binary and the sects on the right are tolerating the nationals at the moment because at least it ain’t Hillary. Under these circumstances it’s the far right and far left get to run things and it contributes to how polarized we are.

    I would love to be able to vote for a true libertarian candidate much more so than the guy in office now. Only person I feel like I have had to opertunity to vote for was Ron Paul.


  4. #4
    Canadrunk limitles's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Daly View Post
    The #1 issue with American politics is the duopoly of the Democrats and Republicans. Most other countries you have multiple parties who need to get along to form a coalition to govern. In this system fiscal conservatives, values conservatives, Libertarians, nationalists and Neo-Cos would have to work together to form a majority and compromise back towards the middle. The way it’s set up now it’s binary and the sects on the right are tolerating the nationals at the moment because at least it ain’t Hillary. Under these circumstances it’s the far right and far left get to run things and it contributes to how polarized we are.

    I would love to be able to vote for a true libertarian candidate much more so than the guy in office now. Only person I feel like I have had to opertunity to vote for was Ron Paul.
    Absolutely. The province I live in, B.C. was a two party province forever just like the states but not quite so right. Still there was genuine hate between the socialists and the free enterprisers.
    Years of back and forth eventually evolved and a third party option made both traditional strong holds weaker, but ultimately better for the public
    When neither left nor right can agree, to the death, it opens up opportunities.
    FTR I am a free enterpriser lol

  5. #5
    Diamond Pro Zap_the_Fractions_Giraffe's Avatar
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    I'm surprised that you like libertarianism limitles. i thought you were a real left winger 'cause you went down south and held peasants in your arms

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    Canadrunk limitles's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zap_the_Fractions_Giraffe View Post
    I'm surprised that you like libertarianism limitles. i thought you were a real left winger 'cause you went down south and held peasants in your arms
    Let me just take a moment to address common misconceptions. I have worked since my 19th year. I was schooled as a journalist. Married in my 25th year I became a salesman. It worked out. I was successful. I put my daughter though college and she is now an operating room nurse. I own my own home blah blah blah and I do not rely on any external income. Not sucking on any governmental teet.

    No one would suspect I was a bleeding heart liberal but my experiences have brought me to terms with what matters in life and I know material possessions are the least important things to me.

    Take everything I own today, minus my relationships and I am none the worse for it-

    Ha ha.....forgot to mention, I consider myself one lucky guy. things could have gone the other way very easily.
    that's why I have empathy for others because I know it's not a bed of roses for everyone

      Zap_the_Fractions_Giraffe: did u catch the reference though
    Last edited by limitles; 11-18-2018 at 10:51 PM.

  7. #7
    Platinum GrenadaRoger's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Daly View Post
    The #1 issue with American politics is the duopoly of the Democrats and Republicans. Most other countries you have multiple parties who need to get along to form a coalition to govern. In this system fiscal conservatives, values conservatives, Libertarians, nationalists and Neo-Cos would have to work together to form a majority and compromise back towards the middle. The way it’s set up now it’s binary and the sects on the right are tolerating the nationals at the moment because at least it ain’t Hillary. Under these circumstances it’s the far right and far left get to run things and it contributes to how polarized we are.

    I would love to be able to vote for a true libertarian candidate much more so than the guy in office now. Only person I feel like I have had to opertunity to vote for was Ron Paul.

    blame the US presidential system of electing a government for the two party system, rather than a British style parliamentary one. The US system uses a "winner take all" to award legislative seats and select the executive branch, thus political alliances need to be formed before the election in order to win, this leads to only two parties...meanwhile, parliamentary systems first elect legislators to seats, who then form alliances afterward for the purpose of selecting the executive branch (ministers)...that allows for multiple parties to be involved in government and generally, this form is more responsive to opinion changes of the voting public.
    (long before there was a PFA i had my Grenade & Crossbones avatar at DD)

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    Penn's ok, one problem.

    The media decides elections and you can see they want to keep it that way.
    The purge of RT is a crime against the American people, Ed Schultz verified he had way more freedom at RT than MSNBC, way more.
    Nato and the Neocons are censoring FB. The ADL's censoring YT
    They're all working to protect us from fake news, thanks guys.

    Here's how the MSM rigs elections. This is already happening to Bernie, he either doesn't exist or they decided he's to old.

  9. #9
    100% Organic MumblesBadly's Avatar
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    I used to be a libertarian, but learned that there are certain problems with assuming society overall will be best if people don’t work together in some fashion (government and/or social conventions) to address three failings of libertarianism: (1) rational market failures, (2) unaddressed behavioral biases in economic decision making, and (3) excessive wealth concentration corrupting and destablizing democratic forms of governments.
    Quote Originally Posted by Dan Druff View Post
    I actually hope this [second impeachment] succeeds, because I want Trump put down politically like a sick, 14-year-old dog. ... I don't want him complicating the 2024 primary season. I just want him done.
    Quote Originally Posted by Dan Druff View Post
    Were Republicans cowardly or unethical not to go along with [convicting Trump in the second impeachment Senate trial]? No. The smart move was to reject it.

  10. #10
    Bronze RS_'s Avatar
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    I'm somewhere between libertarian and republican. Pretty good video all around. Although there's some stuff that I think is a bit iffy in what he's saying. For one, people in general tend to make some pretty poor choices, at least when it comes to drugs. Not a huge issue to me if someone is a responsible crackhead, but crackheads are rarely responsible. They're going to commit crimes to feed their addictions and I don't particularly want to be on the receiving end of those crimes. So the "legalize all drugs" thing is good from a personal responsibility standpoint, but absolutely terrible when it comes to having a more normal society. You can't just let children go to school if they want to, eat whatever they want, or go do whatever they want -- because they're going to make terrible decisions -- the same applies to adults. So I'm kinda stuck in between.

    Same applies to regulations. I agree that regulations are necessary or at least good to an extent. But also don't want to be overburdened with regulations. I like being able to go to a restaurant and have the expectation the food is most likely going to be safe to eat....and that the fish hasn't been sitting out for a few hours or days, or there are no cockroaches chillin' in the soda fountain. But in a free market, shouldn't I be allowed to go to a restaurant with all that shit if I want to? And since I most likely don't want to, and neither would many others, the restaurant would fail.

    What about having sex with whomever you want, provided two-way consent? Should a 50 year old man be able to fuck a 14 year old girl if she gives consent? On one hand, sure, they're both okay with it, who am I to stop them? On the other hand, younger people tend to not make great choices and aren't mature enough to realize what they're doing and the consequences of their actions.

    No idea why he cares if a president or potential is a woman or a black. Like wtf??

    RE: Taxes via force -- It's going to be pretty tough to get people to pay taxes if not done by force. You're going to have very few people who willingly pay taxes if nothing bad will happen if they don't pay.

    On one hand, welfare, social security, medicaid, etc. is all completely retarded since it shouldn't be the government's job to give that stuff to the citizens, because that's stuff people should be doing for themselves. Give a man a blanket and he'll be warm for a night or light him on fire and he'll be warm for life....or however that saying goes. On the other hand, people make poor choices and sometimes people get swindled and need help. Apparently if many people have little or no money, are starving, and have nowhere to live, shit starts to go bad. People start rioting, bitches be getting kidnapped, and now you gotta have armed security to stay safe from the common folk or peasants. As much as it pains me to say this, but those social systems are probably better off in place than without them. Well, except social security, that's just an outright ponze scheme.

    I think most of it boils down to, at least IMO, "Even though you're not hurting anyone......yes you should be able to do dumb shit, but we're just not going to let you do that dumb shit, because it's too dumb." Finding the balance between dumb shit you're allowed to do and dumb shit you're not allowed to do is the tricky part.

  11. #11
    Platinum devidee's Avatar
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    Libertarianism is unnatural.

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