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its too big to fail.
but in a very real way the black athletes and stars of the sport are deliberately rebranding it to remind America that the police in many communities are allowed to comport themselves like rogue death squads with total impunity, and thats brilliant, justified, and highly effective.
truly curious to see how this all shakes out because seriously what do you do with a fucking football stadium once football is officially not putting asses in seats? soccer is not the answer, btw.
look at las vegas for an example of the dynamics at play; the vegas housing market is literally experiencing sustained, enduring positive growth and the single biggest reason is they bought the fucking Raiders and are building a stadium for them.
gotta wonder whats going to become of that growth if we see another deutsche bank debacle where the backers refuse to throw good money after bad.
too big to fail does not mean too big to shut down stadiums.
Orwell’s explanation of patriotism was simple and important. His implication was that while nationalism is about the relationship between your country and other countries, patriotism is about the relationship between your country and yourself - the ideals, values and personal liberty.
Obviously, Patriotism is clearly not being celebrated by the Anthem.
I have long objected to the National Anthem being played before games. I felt this way a long time ago during my years in sports. The Star Spangled Banner has been trivialized and rebranded. No one pays any fucking attention to it. Politics and sports should not be intertwined.
The tradition of the National Anthem being played in sports stadiums was borne of the nationalism felt during World War 1. Some MLB players stayed and some were drafted. As well, there was an obligation for those players who remained to publicly honor those who fought.
Treacherous ground.
I find it no coincidence that the requirement that NFL players be present on the field (previously they were in the locker room) during the song started during the hysteria that engulfed the United States after 9/11.
Frankly, the realization that the political right is now about nationalism just makes every rendition a scary premonition. I’m supposed to drop prewar Germany here, correct?
If this has fractured the NFL fan base as the right has fractured our country and our families then let the NFL burn. You make your choices and suffer the consequences.
I don’t personally feel the Anthem issue is the NFL’s biggest problem rather just another leg removed from the stool.
There is no way the Anthem gets dropped now. Can you imagine that debate?
But seriously, Mahomes is god.