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Thread: Jordan Peterson, Stephen Fry take on Michelle Goldberg, Michael Eric Dyson in a fiery debate on political correctness

  1. #21
    Platinum gimmick's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sah_24 View Post
    gimmick: yeah so too fucking stupid to live

    Luls only on PFA … Hall of Fame
    Speaking of luls, i'm guessing you're about 10 years too old to be using that acronym. Oh and #inthesamecategoryandthatgotold5yearsago.

      sah_24: luls what a fucking retard

  2. #22
    Diamond BCR's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by limitles View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by BCR View Post

    Agree, but I hate that fucking Dyson. I’ve been arguing with progressives for years we need to send that fucker to the showers. His inherent insecurity which manifests itself in nonsensical rhetorical overcompensation makes him a horrible advocate for the issues he argues for. I just fucking cringe every time he’s the voice of the left on any panel, which is pretty much everyday as he never shuts the fuck up or goes away. My least favorite liberal in the world, and when I wonder how the fuck Trump won, after 5 minutes of listening to him, I can understand why anyone who only pays half-attention, and thinks he’s representative of the left would run the other way.
    Never heard of Dyson before this debate. What do you mean by inherent insecurity? I saw no evidence of it.

    He’s a super frequent guest here on panel shows from CNN to Bill Maher. He’s from that lineage of black academics/activists like Jackson and Sharpton who are also preachers. They’re more concerned with rhetorical flourish as opposed to making coherent linear arguments. Basically he tries too hard, is a one trick race pony, and I find him even less charismatic than the two aforementioned activists, who aren’t all that charismatic.

    He preaches to the choir and converts no one.

  3. #23
    Canadrunk limitles's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BCR View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by limitles View Post

    Never heard of Dyson before this debate. What do you mean by inherent insecurity? I saw no evidence of it.

    He’s a super frequent guest here on panel shows from CNN to Bill Maher. He’s from that lineage of black academics/activists like Jackson and Sharpton who are also preachers. They’re more concerned with rhetorical flourish as opposed to making coherent linear arguments. Basically he tries too hard, is a one trick race pony, and I find him even less charismatic than the two aforementioned activists, who aren’t all that charismatic.

    He preaches to the choir and converts no one.
    There's no question he has a narrative that will always be repeated and should be Political correctness was the topic but it was interesting to hear him talk about who is most upset by it, the mainstream power brokers.
    Who else is worried about changes to the status quo. Peterson has not walked the walk

      splitthis: Bloated avatar has to go

  4. #24
    Gold sah_24's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by limitles View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by BCR View Post

    He’s a super frequent guest here on panel shows from CNN to Bill Maher. He’s from that lineage of black academics/activists like Jackson and Sharpton who are also preachers. They’re more concerned with rhetorical flourish as opposed to making coherent linear arguments. Basically he tries too hard, is a one trick race pony, and I find him even less charismatic than the two aforementioned activists, who aren’t all that charismatic.

    He preaches to the choir and converts no one.
    There's no question he has a narrative that will always be repeated and should be Political correctness was the topic but it was interesting to hear him talk about who is most upset by it, the mainstream power brokers.
    Who else is worried about changes to the status quo. Peterson has not walked the walk
    Luls mainstream power brokers (facebook, twitter, major media companies, etc, etc) push the PC … rofl. The #libtards on PFA are truly hall of fame …

      gimmick: mong
      Tellafriend: offset
      herbertstemple: Multiple offsets.

  5. #25
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    Just listened to the debates. It was pretty good. Not the best. I have had much more enjoyable 2 hour podcast segments.

    I will say Jordan Peterson came to debate political correctness in his own way and the black guy and the feminist came to challenge him personally in the context of their own identity politics, and weren't really interested in talking much about political correctness at all; and he didn't respond very well towards their challenges.

    It seems the arguments of the black guy and the chick to the political correctness issue basically boiled down to "Well, know you know how we feel."

    I think Fry had the best perspective of the issue, which is to say that this attitude of "well, now we have the power and it is our turn to fuck up your lives" isn't really making anything better and seems to be doing the opposite. However, neither of the "pro political correctness" debaters were really interested in addressing this, they were too focused on going after Peterson personally.

    As much as I enjoy listening to Peterson speak on Rogan and in some of his own videos (hit and miss), he is so polarizing the whole debate really seemed to center around him and his legitimacy. As far as actually addressing the issue at hand, it probably would have been better he wasn't there, but then we wouldn't care and none of us would have listened to it, which is the whole point of him being there in the first place. Catch 22 I guess.

    p.s.: I found and listened to the YouTube clip the chick mentioned at the end, and she was definitely misrepresenting what he said about men and women in the workforce FWIW.

  6. #26
    Puts His Dick in the Mashed Potatoes
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    I admit that I bought and read his latest book (and found some of what he said to be interesting) but he comes across as a whiney bitch here. Jesus Christ the amount of times he clutches his pearls crying about being shocked and offended smfh. Dude should stick with helping incels learn how to brush their teeth and the occasional interesting discussions about archetypes. Also, the horrific parenting malpractice he committed while raising his daughter should be a warning sign to any of you sad sacks who consider him to be a prophet. She's lucky she isn't more crippled than she already is because of his stupidity. Appreciate him for what he is which is frankly nothing more than a pretty entertaining snake oil salesman/broke dick modern-day version of Joseph Campbell.

  7. #27
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    What's wrong with his daughter? I didn't read the book, but most of his commentary on child-rearing I have heard on various podcasts seem like pretty basic innocuous stuff. Basically try to make sure your children like you and you like them. Of all his material, it seems like his child rearing suggestions are what most people could agree are least objectionable, at least from what I have heard.

  8. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by rum dick View Post
    I admit that I bought and read his latest book (and found some of what he said to be interesting) but he comes across as a whiney bitch here. Jesus Christ the amount of times he clutches his pearls crying about being shocked and offended smfh. Dude should stick with helping incels learn how to brush their teeth and the occasional interesting discussions about archetypes. Also, the horrific parenting malpractice he committed while raising his daughter should be a warning sign to any of you sad sacks who consider him to be a prophet. She's lucky she isn't more crippled than she already is because of his stupidity. Appreciate him for what he is which is frankly nothing more than a pretty entertaining snake oil salesman/broke dick modern-day version of Joseph Campbell.
    In reference to this keep in mind he is a college professor. That means he relies on government grants to fund his research and have a career. And believe me, getting government grants is very political, and if you are not politically correct you are fucked and your career is over. (In fairness, there are some conservative leaning think tanks you can work at, but they are very limited opportunities compared to mainstream academic research that will shun you if you are not politically correct). So from his perspective the repercussions of speaking up against political correctness are very real. The second he started speaking up and getting political his research career was effectively over.

    Of course in his case it seems he will be fine because he has been able to leverage the notoriety and attention into money making opportunities (which may have been the plan all along). But if you are an academic being called a racist or basically saying anything construed as politically incorrect (even if that wasn't your intention) is basically a career death sentence, which sucks because a lot of politically correct thinking is patently wrong, so you basically have to choose between being academically honest and having a career. So in that world it is a very big deal where you can understand why someone might get what the layman might consider overly upset.
    Last edited by ErickAA; 06-11-2018 at 08:59 PM.

  9. #29
    100% Organic MumblesBadly's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by verminaard View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by rum dick View Post
    I admit that I bought and read his latest book (and found some of what he said to be interesting) but he comes across as a whiney bitch here. Jesus Christ the amount of times he clutches his pearls crying about being shocked and offended smfh. Dude should stick with helping incels learn how to brush their teeth and the occasional interesting discussions about archetypes. Also, the horrific parenting malpractice he committed while raising his daughter should be a warning sign to any of you sad sacks who consider him to be a prophet. She's lucky she isn't more crippled than she already is because of his stupidity. Appreciate him for what he is which is frankly nothing more than a pretty entertaining snake oil salesman/broke dick modern-day version of Joseph Campbell.
    In reference to this keep in mind he is a college professor. That means he relies on government grants to fund his research and have a career. And believe me, getting government grants is very political, and if you are not politically correct you are fucked and your career is over. (In fairness, there are some conservative leaning think tanks you can work at, but they are very limited opportunities compared to mainstream academic research that will shun you if you are not politically correct). So from his perspective the repercussions of speaking up against political correctness are very real. The second he started speaking up and getting political his research career was effectively over.

    Of course in his case it seems he will be fine because he has been able to leverage the notoriety and attention into money making opportunities (which may have been the plan all along). But if you are an academic being called a racist or basically saying anything construed as politically incorrect (even if that wasn't your intention) is basically a career death sentence, which sucks because a lot of politically correct thinking is patently wrong, so you basically have to choose between being academically honest and having a career. So in that world it is a very big deal where you can understand why someone might get what the layman might consider overly upset.
    Peterson isn’t at the “basic research” phase of his career as a psychologist, which is when an academic researcher is likely to be at the whim of government grant offices. He’s at the book publishing and media/public intellectual phase, and has artfully used whining about political correctness in recent years to build a massive fanbase. If played right, that targeted popularity can be quite lucrative, as it has created a go-to market for his books and other media, as well as paid speaking gigs.

    So, don’t believe for a second that he is financially suffering from vocally taking up the mantle of fighting against “tyrannical” political correctness. It has probably saved him from completely fading away in academic obscurity.

    Oh, and here’s his official website.

    I couldn’t find any links to recent peer reviewed research there, which is consistent with him having abandoned that kind of academic work some time ago.
    Last edited by MumblesBadly; 06-11-2018 at 11:40 PM.
    Quote Originally Posted by Dan Druff View Post
    I actually hope this [second impeachment] succeeds, because I want Trump put down politically like a sick, 14-year-old dog. ... I don't want him complicating the 2024 primary season. I just want him done.
    Quote Originally Posted by Dan Druff View Post
    Were Republicans cowardly or unethical not to go along with [convicting Trump in the second impeachment Senate trial]? No. The smart move was to reject it.

  10. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by MumblesBadly View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by verminaard View Post

    In reference to this keep in mind he is a college professor. That means he relies on government grants to fund his research and have a career. And believe me, getting government grants is very political, and if you are not politically correct you are fucked and your career is over. (In fairness, there are some conservative leaning think tanks you can work at, but they are very limited opportunities compared to mainstream academic research that will shun you if you are not politically correct). So from his perspective the repercussions of speaking up against political correctness are very real. The second he started speaking up and getting political his research career was effectively over.

    Of course in his case it seems he will be fine because he has been able to leverage the notoriety and attention into money making opportunities (which may have been the plan all along). But if you are an academic being called a racist or basically saying anything construed as politically incorrect (even if that wasn't your intention) is basically a career death sentence, which sucks because a lot of politically correct thinking is patently wrong, so you basically have to choose between being academically honest and having a career. So in that world it is a very big deal where you can understand why someone might get what the layman might consider overly upset.
    Peterson isn’t at the “basic research” phase of his career as a psychologist, which is when an academic researcher is likely to be at the whim of government grant offices. He’s at the book publishing and media/public intellectual phase, and has artfully used whining about political correctness in recent years to build a massive fanbase. If played right, that targeted popularity can be quite lucrative, as it has created a go-to market for his books and other media, as well as paid speaking gigs.

    So, don’t believe for a second that he is financially suffering from vocally taking up the mantle of fighting against “tyrannical” political correctness. It has probably saved him from completely fading away in academic obscurity.

    Oh, and here’s his official website.

    I couldn’t find any links to recent peer reviewed research there, which is consistent with him having abandoned that kind of academic work some time ago.

    Actually, it is looks like he has a graduate student, Zhou, that has published in peer reviewed psychology journals as recently as 2017. I don't know the exact timeline, but I vaguely remember Peterson saying somewhere (Rogan pod?) that he didn't get the last grant he applied for (which was the first time he had ever not received a grant) and he believes the rejection was politically motivated.

    It seems the timeline is that Peterson got rejected for a grant sometime very recently (in the last couple years) that he felt was political in nature and he said "F It" and started his media campaign. It seems you are assuming his political speaking career has been going on awhile. My understanding is it all exploded in the last couple years and up until the last couple years he was a full time researcher.

    Maybe his grant was rejected on the basis of the proposal not being good, and this is all sour grapes. But the way the politics of getting grants works established PIs (principal investigators) who have been around awhile and have gotten a lot of grants and published a lot tend to get the benefit of the doubt and are pretty much never outright rejected, which gives credence to his suspicion it was political.

    And even if Peterson is no longer in the stage where he is at the mercy of grant offices, the fact that a professor that is still at that point has to be politically correct and do research on politically correct topics (e.g. LGTB rights) to get funding isn't a good thing.

      MumblesBadly: Fair enough
      rum dick: I agree about what he says about compelled speech but my God the rest of schtick is icky af
    Last edited by ErickAA; 06-12-2018 at 01:15 AM.

  11. #31
    Puts His Dick in the Mashed Potatoes
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    Quote Originally Posted by verminaard View Post
    What's wrong with his daughter? I didn't read the book, but most of his commentary on child-rearing I have heard on various podcasts seem like pretty basic innocuous stuff. Basically try to make sure your children like you and you like them. Of all his material, it seems like his child rearing suggestions are what most people could agree are least objectionable, at least from what I have heard.
    Long story short he and his wife butchered their parenting responsibilities and she somehow ended up getting a friggin hip replacement as a teenager because of a food allergy. It's complicated story where the parents act stupidly and insanely irresponsibly (and they apparently somehow blissfully not realize the reason why their child is fucked for life is their fault). It's impossible to take him serious after seeing the vid where both he and his daughter feebly try to explain away what happened.

    On a side note, the dude is making bank raking in hundreds of thousands each month, if not more, from his books, speeches, private skype sessions and patreon account so tip of the cap to his snake oil success I guess. He's set for life. Is he even still teaching these days?

  12. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by rum dick View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by verminaard View Post
    What's wrong with his daughter? I didn't read the book, but most of his commentary on child-rearing I have heard on various podcasts seem like pretty basic innocuous stuff. Basically try to make sure your children like you and you like them. Of all his material, it seems like his child rearing suggestions are what most people could agree are least objectionable, at least from what I have heard.
    Long story short he and his wife butchered their parenting responsibilities and she somehow ended up getting a friggin hip replacement as a teenager because of a food allergy. It's complicated story where the parents act stupidly and insanely irresponsibly (and they apparently somehow blissfully not realize the reason why their child is fucked for life is their fault). It's impossible to take him serious after seeing the vid where both he and his daughter feebly try to explain away what happened.

    On a side note, the dude is making bank raking in hundreds of thousands each month, if not more, from his books, speeches, private skype sessions and patreon account so tip of the cap to his snake oil success I guess. He's set for life. Is he even still teaching these days?
    I think he has some legal stuff going on against the U of Toronto. I think it is safe to say his academic career is effectively over there (and anywhere else given his non PC politics).

  13. #33
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    He’s now shilling dangerous diets for his daughter.

      MumblesBadly: JFC! Is the no limit to his pseudo-scientific proclamations?!
    Quote Originally Posted by Tyde View Post
    I stay to myself and keep out of trouble and/or potentially problematic scenarios

  14. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wiganer View Post
    He’s now shilling dangerous diets for his daughter.

  15. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by devidee View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Wiganer View Post
    He’s now shilling dangerous diets for his daughter.
    Yup, gonna say that a diet of just beef and salt is dangerous. But feel free to give it a go.
    Quote Originally Posted by Tyde View Post
    I stay to myself and keep out of trouble and/or potentially problematic scenarios

  16. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wiganer View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by devidee View Post

    Yup, gonna say that a diet of just beef and salt is dangerous. But feel free to give it a go.
    You can say it. Doesn't make it accurate.

  17. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wiganer View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by devidee View Post

    Yup, gonna say that a diet of just beef and salt is dangerous. But feel free to give it a go.
    Like Rogan says, if it is that bad where are all the horror stories of people who tried this, and similar diets, and it worked out disastrously?

    It seems most people who switch to mostly meat and leafy plant based diets, avoiding carbs and sugars as much as possible, have very good results.

      tony bagadonuts: Stop, reasonable statements confuse the sheeple.

  18. #38
    100% Organic MumblesBadly's Avatar
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    Jordan Peterson fans should definitely watch this.

    Quote Originally Posted by Dan Druff View Post
    I actually hope this [second impeachment] succeeds, because I want Trump put down politically like a sick, 14-year-old dog. ... I don't want him complicating the 2024 primary season. I just want him done.
    Quote Originally Posted by Dan Druff View Post
    Were Republicans cowardly or unethical not to go along with [convicting Trump in the second impeachment Senate trial]? No. The smart move was to reject it.

  19. #39
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wiganer View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by devidee View Post

    Yup, gonna say that a diet of just beef and salt is dangerous. But feel free to give it a go.
    The problem with the diet is that the people will still live long enough to procreate and pass along their genes.

  20. #40
    100% Organic MumblesBadly's Avatar
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    Additional evidence that Jordan Peterson is an ignorant pseudo-intellectual who doesn’t even know how ignorant he is given how freely he publicly pontificates on subjects beyond his knowledge base. #DunningKruger

      ErickAA: There is zero chance that you have listened to Peterson at all, except when it is a heavily edited hit piece. Neg rep for ignorant shit post.
    Quote Originally Posted by Dan Druff View Post
    I actually hope this [second impeachment] succeeds, because I want Trump put down politically like a sick, 14-year-old dog. ... I don't want him complicating the 2024 primary season. I just want him done.
    Quote Originally Posted by Dan Druff View Post
    Were Republicans cowardly or unethical not to go along with [convicting Trump in the second impeachment Senate trial]? No. The smart move was to reject it.

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