Tomi Lahren Gets Owned By Genealogist After Her Remarks On Low-Skilled Immigrants

On Saturday, Lahren went on Fox News’ “Watters’ World” to defend White House chief of staff John Kelly’s remarks on immigrants. Kelly, formerly Trump’s homeland security secretary, told NPR last week that undocumented immigrants are “not people that would easily assimilate into the United States into our modern society.”

Lahren went even further and told host Jesse Watters that people who don’t speak English or who come from poverty shouldn’t be allowed to immigrate to the United States.

“These people need to understand that it’s a privilege to be an American and it’s a privilege that you work toward. It’s not a right...


The next day German journalist and genealogist Jennifer Mendelsohn tweeted about Lahren’s comments and shared some telling details about Lahren’s ancestry.