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Thread: Some things I'm changing this year, regarding my WSOP play...

  1. #1
    Owner Dan Druff's Avatar
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    Some things I'm changing this year, regarding my WSOP play...

    I never like posting much about my WSOP strategy, because the internet is a treasure trove of info, and I don't want to give opponents (especially Day 2/3 opponents) ammo to use against me.

    However, I will speak in generalities, and go over what I'm going to change regarding my 2018 approach.

    - I won't overthink. I've made some mistakes in play over the past few years by overthinking critical hands, to the point where the heat of the moment morphs my view of the situation and I end up making a bad decision. While I won't rush through hands or act recklessly, I will also not let myself get too caught up in overthinking spots where the answer at first seems fairly obvious one way.

    - I will adjust more to my table image. In 2017, I did a great job taking advantage of a good table image. For example, in Days 1 and 2 of the WSOP Main, I did one of my best jobs ever of knowing when to put chips in the pot and when not to, and much of this was a combination of the player I was up against and the table image I knew I had. However, I've struggled to adjust to a bad table image in recent years, sometimes still running a similar style which was working when my image was better. This year I will make the necessary adjustments.

    - I will control my emotions better. I am not a tilter (really, I'm not), but I also allow myself to get frustrated and in a bad mood easily when things aren't going well at the table. I will try to keep a good attitude the entire time, reminding myself, "This is just one event, and things won't always go well at every moment".

    - I won't let myself get psyched out by unwanted table changes. My recent WSOP career has been littered by frustrating events where I was killing it until I was force-moved tables and then everything collapsed. While much of this was due to pure bad luck, I probably did myself no favors by thinking, "Oh great, now I'm going to start losing". Interestingly, desired table changes (where I get moved away from a tough table where I'm struggling) have often done the opposite -- I show up to the new table feeling good (even with a short stack) and have frequently gotten myself out of the hole. So I'll try to keep that while not becoming a Debbie Downer about a table change I didn't want.

    - I will adjust better to playing when big stacked. I haven't played the best when big stacked recently -- something I regret when I end up with a disappointing finish. In 2005, I noticed some flaws in my big stack play at my first-ever WSOP event (where I ended up still finishing 3rd), and when I picked up a big stack again in the next event, I promised myself to make some changes and play it correctly. I did, and I won. I'm going to attempt to make similar adjustments this year when I am fortunate enough to build a big stack.

      IamGreek: Envision you and my wifey HU!!!!!!!!

  2. #2
    Gold MrTickle's Avatar
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    Wonder how successful you feel this has been.

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