Jail is nowhere anyone wants to be. It's a horrible existence. There are a few types of housing. Some of the housing is cell living. A "lucky" inmate gets his own cell, otherwise two inmates are required to bunk together in a cell. Some inmates resort to homosexuality. Although it is not prison, even jail can be a dangerous place where fights break out or someone is attacked.

Living pent up in a tiny space with only an hour out of the cell every two to three days can be extremely taxing on one's mental state. Exercising helps and there are some good exercises one can accomplish even in the small confined space of a cell. Reading fiction books and writing letters is about all that is left besides exercising. Hand stand push-ups are a great exercise, and abdominal work on the mattress is helpful. Some inmates like reading religious texts.

Another type of living is dorm living. The dorms are very noisy and there is more frequent fighting. There is a television and some inmates are able to make dice. Games of 10,000 can pass the time. Sometimes inmates play poker with commissary items. There is also an hour to play hand ball. It is hard to find time to read in dorm living so one is most often forced to pass the time hanging out with other inmates.