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Thread: The final and real truth about Tyde

  1. #1
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    The final and real truth about Tyde

    Some of you may have noticed some animosity by me towards Marty in recent months. At one point in time I was Marty's biggest defender. So much that in the old DonkDown days I was given the title of "Jewdonk's Penis Protector." Flash forward to now and I will tell you that Marty is an ungrateful lying sack of shit. Here's the backstory.....

    In March of 2016, Marty contacted me. He was in San Diego and basically homeless. He had blown thru most of the roughly $30K he had won on Stars. He had spent the last few days sleeping in his car with Tommy in a casino parking lot. I felt bad for the guy and told him that if he made up by me, I could put him up for a few days in a hotel that owed me some free rooms. This wasn't exactly true, this hotel has an account with my restaurant. They order pizzas for Happy Hour in their bar and I bill them monthly. At the time they owed me about $1200. I told the owner that my friend needed a room and to just deduct the cost of the room from monies owed to me. Marty agrees and makes the drive up.

    He arrives in town pulls into a Home Depot lot, presumably to let Tommy out to go to the bathroom. Somehow, he was probably drinking, he slams one of his front wheels into a curb and pops the tire and bends the rim. He calls me to come rescue his ass and I spend a few hours getting his wheel fixed and paying for it because he was broke.

    After this, he gets checks into the hotel. Not a fancy hotel but a cool place to stay especially if you had just been sleeping in your car. The place is clean, gives you a few free drinks every night in the bar, free made to order breakfasts, free sodas, coffee, ice cream, cookies 24/7 in the lobby, blue ray players in every room and a collection of 3000 dvds available to checkout for free. Marty later tells me that he really liked the hotel. He said the people were nice and he loved the amenities.....especially the free booze.

    Marty ends up staying in the hotel for an entire week, pretty much using up all the money that was owed to me. After he checked out, the owner of the hotel calls me and said that there was damage to the room. He said it looked like he was burning something in the tub. Marty denies doing anything but the owner insists that his cleaning staff would have noted any previous damage. Not wanting to have any bad blood with the hotel as they spend a lot of money with me, I agree to eat the cost of the repairs.

    I don't recall the exact timeline of everything, but we were going to the casino a couple times per week and I was staking Marty. He won a Friday night tournament for roughly $1500, don't really remember exactly. He kept most of his winnings and really just gave me stakeback plus $100 or so. I didn't really mind as I was trying to help him get back on his feet.

    After staying a week in the hotel, I gave Marty a job working in the restaurant. Again, I didn't need any help but I was helping him. He would sleep in his car some nights or get a room at Motel 6. He started staying at Motel 6 paying weekly rates but it ate up most of what he was making. He was trying to find a room to rent but it wasn't easy with a dog. He finally found a room down the street from the restaurant. I had to help him with money for the deposit. He moves in and 2 days later the guy kicks him out. Marty said the guy got crazy and threatened him after Tommy took a shit on his floor. The guy refused to refund any of the money. I doubt this is the entire story but who knows.

    Terrible picture but that was of Marty asleep in his car. Marty stayed around a bit longer alternating between a cheap hotel and sleeping in his car. When he showed up to work he was a decent employee but there were several days he showed up drunk, didn't show up at all or called and said he was too hammered to work. Keep in mind these were all day he was already hammered at 9 am.

    Eventually Marty decided this wasn't the town for him....he couldn't find a place to live, I couldn't pay him much (about $375/week) and he decided he should go back to being a Merchant Marine. So he decides to leave town.

    He wanted me to give him additional money on top of his pay to help him out. I this point I was getting tired of him. I initially wanted to help him out but he was beginning to feel like a giant sponge that just kept soaking up my money.
    He then proposes to redo my website which admittedly is a piece of shit. He agrees to redo it for $500. He leaves town with roughly a grand in his pocket.

    A couple of months pass and he makes no attempt to build a new website. Eventually he admits its not gonna happen and that he will pay me back once he gets his first check after returning to sea. Well its been over one year and Marty has made ZERO efforts to pay me. He has been on here numerous times bragging about making $10-15 K per month yet cant manage to pay off a $500 debt. When I spoke to him in July I was told he was going to be sending his paychecks to his mother who would send me a check.....again nothing. I told him he could send it thru Venmo......nothing. He even came thru town for a night and we hung out and went to the casino and he claimed some bullshit about his paypal card not working thus he couldn't pay me.

    So over the months I've needled Marty about it...and he has this cavalier attitude...."Jesus fucking Christ, you're bitching about $500 measly dollars" Lets keep in mind this was 500x his net worth 18 months ago. For me its not even the money...$500 will not make or break me. How about a little fucking gratitude though. The first time he got paid he should have immediately paid me. I should never have needed to ask. Marty's delusional ass even suggested that I should be the one that's thankful because he put $5 grand in my pocket shadowing me in a tournament 10 years ago. He seems to have forgotten he was paid $1200 for his help then. I sent him a message the other day that said "Pay that man his money" Marty flipped out, telling me he has never been harassed so much over a debt, told me I'm a piece of shit cheap Jew, I should go fuck myself, etc...

    So I've had it with Marty. He has shown his true colors. He is an ungrateful, narcissistic asshole. I wouldn't piss on him if he was on fire. HEY MARTY -GO FUCK YOURSELF
    Attached Images Attached Images   

      The_Lurker: Thank you sweet prince
      BetCheckBet: never give up your penis protector
      thesparten: Dam Marty, one dam good friend.
      Baron Von Strucker: you deserve a medal
      DRK Star: A pattern has emerged
      JimmyG_415: No wonder he likes Trump, both are dead beats.
      Suicide King: What a piece of shit
      MumblesBadly: The truth has outed.
      nunbeater: I learned something today
      hongkonger: BOOM HEADSHOT
      Crowe Diddly:
      GambleBotsSatire: great googily moogily
    Last edited by hutmaster; 10-18-2017 at 03:39 AM.

  2. #2
    Plutonium Brittney Griner's Clit's Avatar
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    You would be good at the board game balderdash.

  3. #3
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  4. #4
    Gold SetofKs's Avatar
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    yer out of the circle of trust


  5. #5
    Plutonium sonatine's Avatar
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    "Birds born in a cage think flying is an illness." - Alejandro Jodorowsky

    "America is not so much a nightmare as a non-dream. The American non-dream is precisely a move to wipe the dream out of existence. The dream is a spontaneous happening and therefore dangerous to a control system set up by the non-dreamers." -- William S. Burroughs

  6. #6
    Gold DonaldTrumpsHairPiece's Avatar
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    Two things come to mind.

    Road to hell is paved with good intentions and fool me once shame on you.


  7. #7
    Plutonium Brittney Griner's Clit's Avatar
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    Oh shit this was in 2016. I missed that. Hutmaster is your first name Willie and are you Honduran?

      BetCheckBet: willie was a mexican high school student who was worker for tyde to get his community service hours

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tyde View Post
    (I'm) a little preoccupied in Thailand right now

  9. #9
    Gold tommyt's Avatar
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    I'm sure this is just a big misunderstanding

      Baron Von Strucker: wow beat me to it gg
      DRK Star: Early bird gets the worm

  10. #10
    Platinum Baron Von Strucker's Avatar
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    I am sure this is all just a big misunderstanding
    all hail Hydra

    Originally Posted by DanDruff:Since I'm a 6'2" Republican with an average-sized nose and a last name which doesn't end with "stein", "man", or "berg", I can hide among the goyim and remain undetected unless I open my mouth about money matters.

  11. #11
    Nova Scotia's #1 Party Rocker!!!!11 DJ_Chaps's Avatar
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    Hutmaster a real snake in the grass.
    Chaps' 2017-18 NFL $$ Thread

  12. #12
    Platinum BetCheckBet's Avatar
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    Part of me feels bad for you hut but the other part of me says you definitely knew what jewdonk was about. Even DJchaps was smart enough to run off when Jewdonk came to port.

    All that being said a jewdonk drama thread is always solid gold.

    Also can we get Jewdonks mother on radio to clear this up?

      Baron Von Strucker:

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by BetCheckBet View Post

    Part of me feels bad for you hut but the other part of me says you definitely knew what jewdonk was about. Even DJchaps was smart enough to run off when Jewdonk came to port.

    All that being said a jewdonk drama thread is always solid gold.

    Also can we get Jewdonks mother on radio to clear this up?
    I fully admit to being an idiot for trying to help him. Had a fairly long history with him though and thought he was a bit more honorable.

  14. #14
    Platinum thesparten's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by hutmaster View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by BetCheckBet View Post

    Part of me feels bad for you hut but the other part of me says you definitely knew what jewdonk was about. Even DJchaps was smart enough to run off when Jewdonk came to port.

    All that being said a jewdonk drama thread is always solid gold.

    Also can we get Jewdonks mother on radio to clear this up?
    I fully admit to being an idiot for trying to help him. Had a fairly long history with him though and thought he was a bit more honorable.
    U still did the right thing hunt... True gentleman and class.

      LegalizeMeth: for once I agree with the racist crackhead

  15. #15
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    lol haven't read any of this yet, but I'm sure it's over the 5 hundo I owe him.

    Before I write a real reply, I'll just say that I've never in my entire life had anyone harass me so relentlessly over a debt.

    I don't have any excuses for making him wait on his 500 other than the fact he didn't have PayPal (I offered to send him PayPal about a dozen times,) and also to be honest I put him off because he was being a huge bitch about pestering me.

    Its 5 am here and I have work to do, but you can bet your ass that a reply is forthcoming.

    Incidentally, hut has been threatening to make this tell all post about me for a long time now...even before I borrowed the 500 from him...

    Really nothing I'm worried about here...yes I was broke....yes I was sleeping in my car in the Walmart parking lot...yes I worked as Daves pizza boy...I'm sure most of what he said is true.

    It is what it is. I was in a bad place and asked for his help.

    Other than that, I'm going to wait to read this write up he has been salivating to post for a long time

    Real reply coming in a little while. lol this will be fun

      Baron Von Strucker: fuck you are a ingrate pay the guy his money and publicly apologies for being a cunt
      4BET: You are a low life and always will be. The man helped you out the least you could do is send him the nickel
      Suicide King: Scummy
      Sloppy Joe: lol
      Muck Ficon: You are trash Marty. You always will be.
      hongkonger: You and Trump are deadbeats
      jacosta24: Ur a joke
      GambleBotsSatire: tonayan is a helluva drug

  16. #16
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    ms word about to get fired up in hutmasters gook face

  17. #17
    Diamond mulva's Avatar
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    chalk up the lost funds as an entertainment expense.
    Quote Originally Posted by bottomset_69 View Post
    Johnny Manziel will be the 1st pick in the draft. I truly believe not only will Johnny Manziel be rookie of the year, quite possibly he will be MVP as his style will shock defensive coordinators. Manziel may only be 6 feet tall, but he has size 15 feet. And he has HUGE hands. I know some NFL scouts so I know what I am talking about.

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tyde View Post
    lol haven't read any of this yet, but I'm sure it's over the 5 hundo I owe him.

    Before I write a real reply, I'll just say that I've never in my entire life had anyone harass me so relentlessly over a debt.

    I don't have any excuses for making him wait on his 500 other than the fact he didn't have PayPal (I offered to send him PayPal about a dozen times,) and also to be honest I put him off because he was being a huge bitch about pestering me.

    Its 5 am here and I have work to do, but you can bet your ass that a reply is forthcoming.

    Incidentally, hut has been threatening to make this tell all post about me for a long time now...even before I borrowed the 500 from him...

    Really nothing I'm worried about here...yes I was broke....yes I was sleeping in my car in the Walmart parking lot...yes I worked as Daves pizza boy...I'm sure most of what he said is true.

    It is what it is. I was in a bad place and asked for his help.

    Other than that, I'm going to wait to read this write up he has been salivating to post for a long time

    Real reply coming in a little while. lol this will be fun

    As much as I love forum drama.

    Instead of typing up a response to this, why don't you just make this right. I am not talking about just sending him $500, but sending him enough that he feels whole, and is glad that he helped out a friend.

      4BET: This
      WillieMcFML: truth - hutmaster came to the rescue - above and beyond
      FPS_Russia: Tyde, quit asking yourself what would Trump do and do what's right. You awe a couple hundred extra for stress imo that shit would be infuriating.
      LegalizeMeth: dude this is PFA, void of all human decency
      big dick: .

  19. #19
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    also what kind of phone do you have hut? nextel razr quality of photos.

  20. #20
    Plutonium sonatine's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by The_Lurker View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Tyde View Post
    lol haven't read any of this yet, but I'm sure it's over the 5 hundo I owe him.

    Before I write a real reply, I'll just say that I've never in my entire life had anyone harass me so relentlessly over a debt.

    I don't have any excuses for making him wait on his 500 other than the fact he didn't have PayPal (I offered to send him PayPal about a dozen times,) and also to be honest I put him off because he was being a huge bitch about pestering me.

    Its 5 am here and I have work to do, but you can bet your ass that a reply is forthcoming.

    Incidentally, hut has been threatening to make this tell all post about me for a long time now...even before I borrowed the 500 from him...

    Really nothing I'm worried about here...yes I was broke....yes I was sleeping in my car in the Walmart parking lot...yes I worked as Daves pizza boy...I'm sure most of what he said is true.

    It is what it is. I was in a bad place and asked for his help.

    Other than that, I'm going to wait to read this write up he has been salivating to post for a long time

    Real reply coming in a little while. lol this will be fun

    As much as I love forum drama.

    Instead of typing up a response to this, why don't you just make this right. I am not talking about just sending him $500, but sending him enough that he feels whole, and is glad that he helped out a friend.

    Hang tight Tyde, I speak fluent Mossad.

    He said; light his ass up from orbit then smoke his ashes out of a Redbull can.

      lol wow: incrediibe monsieur
    "Birds born in a cage think flying is an illness." - Alejandro Jodorowsky

    "America is not so much a nightmare as a non-dream. The American non-dream is precisely a move to wipe the dream out of existence. The dream is a spontaneous happening and therefore dangerous to a control system set up by the non-dreamers." -- William S. Burroughs

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