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Thread: Cant believe nobody posted this yet... Pete Rose's ultimate skeleton in the closet will destroy him

  1. #1
    Platinum ftpjesus's Avatar
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    Cant believe nobody posted this yet... Pete Rose's ultimate skeleton in the closet will destroy him

    Its no secret Pete Rose was and likely is still a degenerate gambler which is what caused him to be blackballed by MLB and banned for life.. Even so he was slowly rehabbing his image and had recently been on TV doing color commentary with Fox Sports.. The City of Philly was scheduled to induct him into their own Wall of Fame... Recently an individual involved in the investigation of Pete Rose by MLB claimed in a 2015 radio interview that Rose was a pedophile and had been arranging for underage girls 14-16 to be made available to him.. Rose apparently engaged in a war of words with John Dowd who was the investigator who headed up the gambling investigation that uncovered the accusations of Pete and the young girls up and including threats of a lawsuit.... Last week a female came forward via sworn statement claiming she was involved with Rose when she was under 16 (age of consent in Ohio at the time was 16) additionally she claimed she also had been with Rose in Florida during Spring Training (Age of Consent in FL at the time was 18) meaning Rose committed numerous counts of statutory rape and possibly sexual misconduct/molestation of a minor..

    Quote from the sworn statement: "In 1973, when I was 14 or 15 years old, I received a phone call from Pete Rose of the Cincinnati Reds. Sometime after that, Pete Rose and I began meeting at a house in Cincinnati. It was at that house where, before my sixteenth birthday, Pete Rose began a sexual relationship with me. This sexual relationship lasted for several years. Pete Rose also met me in locations outside of Ohio where we had sex."

    Downside is Rose cant be held legally accountable as the statute of limitations has long expired on these accusations but it should permanently bury Rose as redeemable in any form or fashion.. No word if his job at Fox is in jeopardy but one can only imagine this is only a matter of time..

  2. #2
    Platinum Deal's Avatar
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    That's just a badge of honor at Fox.
    Quote Originally Posted by Jasep View Post
    I have always tried to carry myself with a high level of integrity in the poker community and I take it very personally when someone calls that in to question.

  3. #3
    Owner Dan Druff's Avatar
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    Reminds me of Roger Clemens having sex with Mindy McCready when she was 15. At the time she was an unknown.

    Oh, but she was just a "family friend" until she was 18. LOL!

    I wonder how much that whole thing contributed to McCready killing herself in 2013.

  4. #4
    Plutonium Brittney Griner's Clit's Avatar
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    I'm not trying to be funny here but Roger Clemons was good looking. The girl probably was proud of herself that he showed interest. She was 15 not 10. Unless he was physically abusive or degrading I'd imagine she looked back on that memory fondly. However it would be totally different if someone that looked like Pete Rose was fucking you at that age and people found out about it. I could totally see a girl killing herself over that embarrassment. Wimminz are so fucked in the head. A super good looking guy could probably tell a woman that he used to molest children and she'd figure out a way to get past that and make it work with him.

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