Druff will be playing this event.
Drexel will NOT be playing this event.
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Druff will be playing this event.
Drexel will NOT be playing this event.
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GL Druff! Get a bracelet for your other wrist.
Tweet from: ToddWitteles (Todd Witteles)
Due to an emergency, I have unregistered from the $3k limit holdem & will return later to it as a late reg. #pfa53
Hope nothing serious.
This doesn't sound good at all. Good Luck with whatever you are dealing with.
Tweet from: lpndj6 (David Jewel)
RT @ToddWitteles: Due to an emergency, I have unregistered from the $3k limit holdem & will return later to it as a late reg. #pfa53
Tweet from: DanDruffPoker (Todd Witteles)
Late regged this event due to emergency. Showed up 90 min late with full 15k stack. 19400 at first break #pfa53
Tweet from: DanDruffPoker (Todd Witteles)
Won nice pot with A9 on K99J8 board, lost it back with TT vs JJ vs J4 on 532 flop. 19k #pfa53
Tweet from: DanDruffPoker (Todd Witteles)
I seem to be a Justin Bonomo magnet. He's been moved to my table at all 3 limit events. I have 20k #pfa53
Tweet from: DanDruffPoker (Todd Witteles)
Justin replaced Bruce Buffer, who was moved from the table. Bad trade. #pfa53
Tweet from: DanDruffPoker (Todd Witteles)
Flopped flush. Up to 22900. #pfa53
Tweet from: DanDruffPoker (Todd Witteles)
I had AK vs A9 on JT8Q board. Up to 25650. #pfa53
Tweet from: DanDruffPoker (Todd Witteles)
Playing 300-600, I have 27900 #pfa53
Tweet from: DanDruffPoker (Todd Witteles)
29400 #pfa53
good luck Druff!
thanks you always provide a good rail for us.
all hail Hydra
Originally Posted by DanDruff:Since I'm a 6'2" Republican with an average-sized nose and a last name which doesn't end with "stein", "man", or "berg", I can hide among the goyim and remain undetected unless I open my mouth about money matters.
Tweet from: DanDruffPoker (Todd Witteles)
34875, 4 min from break #pfa53
Tweet from: DanDruffPoker (Todd Witteles)
4k falls off my total as I lose the first 2 hands back from break. 31625 #pfa53
Tweet from: DanDruffPoker (Todd Witteles)
Flop set against Bonomo, lose to 1 card runner runner flush. Then lose to gutshot straight on river with top pair. 23425. #pfa53
Tweet from: DanDruffPoker (Todd Witteles)
Managed to grind up to 29625, despite no action on QQ9 board holding Q9. #pfa53
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