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Thread: Event #53 June 27 $3000 Six-Handed Limit Holdem

  1. #61
    Gold DonaldTrumpsHairPiece's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sah_24 View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Lord of the Fraud View Post
    Limit novice took it down.

    Who is the twitter troll stalking you Druff?

    likely a drunk jewdonk . . .

    Can we shop Druffs head on him for luls

  2. #62
    Owner Dan Druff's Avatar
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    As I mentioned before I sat down to the $3k Limit Holdem event, I was dealing with a difficult family emergency which was likely to make me late for the event.

    I mitigated this by getting the floor staff to agree to "suspend" my registration, thus allowing me to start the event late with a full stack. I missed about the first 90 minutes of Day 1, started with a full stack, and then ran it up quickly to the chip lead. Experienced players will tell you that missing the first 90 minutes of a limit event is meaningless, if you start with a full stack (which I did). Therefore, I did not feel like I lost any equity by starting late, and thus felt okay about still playing the event. Indeed, some top players actually CHOOSE to register late, for this reason.

    However, while I thought the problem was solved, it wasn't. It got worse, and I was woken up by troubling news at about 11:00am on Day 2 of the tournament. The situation had gotten worse, not better, and I had to spend a lot of time resolving it. Unfortunately, I arrived 33 minutes late to Day 2, and some of my chips had blinded off. I felt terrible about this -- both for myself and for the backers. I really wanted to win this event, and showing up 33 minutes late to Day 2 decreased my chances of doing so. I then lost just about every hand, and was out of the event quickly.

    At this point, I had to decide what to do about the backers. I never had this situation before, as I have always shown up on time for Day 2 and beyond in all events I've played. Clearly they lost some equity by my late appearance on Day 2, but how much? How much of a refund for backers was fair?

    I decided I would take a day or so to think about this, and then notify all backers privately about my decision.

    Unfortunately, a cowardly Twitter troll -- one who apparently witnessed me come in late -- decided to anonymously harass me about the situation about 4 hours after I busted. This hastened my decision as to how to handle this, and also forced me to make a statement about this in public, rather than just informing the backers about this quietly, as I had originally planned.

    As there is no actual way to determine the equity lost, I decided the classiest thing to do in this situation was simply to refund everyone's stake for that event in full (including markup). This essentially gave everyone a freeroll -- where they would have gotten paid in full had I cashed, and they get a full refund since I did not cash. Showing up on time was my responsibility, and even though my late appearance was due to an emergency, that was my own problem to bear, and my backers should not have to suffer for it.

    It appears that the situation is finally solved, and there should be no issue with the two upcoming events I will be playing.

  3. #63
    Cubic Zirconia
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    GL in the $1500 NL today!

      Dan Druff: thanks

  4. #64
    Platinum Lord of the Fraud's Avatar
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    Sorry to hear if it's some sorta family health issue. But who the fuck is eyeballing you then reporting it back to this thread via the way of troll twitter acc?

    Sounds like this person has been waiting a while to call you out over something/anything. What a creepy cunt.

    fwiw I think it's a known pro who you've pissed off in the past.

    amirite Sean?

  5. #65
    Gold sah_24's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dan Druff View Post
    As I mentioned before I sat down to the $3k Limit Holdem event, I was dealing with a difficult family emergency which was likely to make me late for the event.

    I mitigated this by getting the floor staff to agree to "suspend" my registration, thus allowing me to start the event late with a full stack. I missed about the first 90 minutes of Day 1, started with a full stack, and then ran it up quickly to the chip lead. Experienced players will tell you that missing the first 90 minutes of a limit event is meaningless, if you start with a full stack (which I did). Therefore, I did not feel like I lost any equity by starting late, and thus felt okay about still playing the event. Indeed, some top players actually CHOOSE to register late, for this reason.

    However, while I thought the problem was solved, it wasn't. It got worse, and I was woken up by troubling news at about 11:00am on Day 2 of the tournament. The situation had gotten worse, not better, and I had to spend a lot of time resolving it. Unfortunately, I arrived 33 minutes late to Day 2, and some of my chips had blinded off. I felt terrible about this -- both for myself and for the backers. I really wanted to win this event, and showing up 33 minutes late to Day 2 decreased my chances of doing so. I then lost just about every hand, and was out of the event quickly.

    At this point, I had to decide what to do about the backers. I never had this situation before, as I have always shown up on time for Day 2 and beyond in all events I've played. Clearly they lost some equity by my late appearance on Day 2, but how much? How much of a refund for backers was fair?

    I decided I would take a day or so to think about this, and then notify all backers privately about my decision.

    Unfortunately, a cowardly Twitter troll -- one who apparently witnessed me come in late -- decided to anonymously harass me about the situation about 4 hours after I busted. This hastened my decision as to how to handle this, and also forced me to make a statement about this in public, rather than just informing the backers about this quietly, as I had originally planned.

    As there is no actual way to determine the equity lost, I decided the classiest thing to do in this situation was simply to refund everyone's stake for that event in full (including markup). This essentially gave everyone a freeroll -- where they would have gotten paid in full had I cashed, and they get a full refund since I did not cash. Showing up on time was my responsibility, and even though my late appearance was due to an emergency, that was my own problem to bear, and my backers should not have to suffer for it.

    It appears that the situation is finally solved, and there should be no issue with the two upcoming events I will be playing.
    Stand up guy

  6. #66
    Platinum Lord of the Fraud's Avatar
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    lol his twitter troll is now threatening to take this to 2p2 as he thinks Druff took too long in declaring that he was late joining the table.

    Good luck with that, you silly cunt.

    If he does try to stir up some baseless shit. No doubt he'll do it under an alias account, like he did with twitter.... What a coward...... At least Druff called you out and hurt your feelings without using an alias.

    The grossly obese and heart attack candidate, Shaun Deeb, has gotta be the warm favourite here.

  7. #67
    Diamond Hockey Guy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lord of the Fraud View Post
    lol his twitter troll is now threatening to take this to 2p2 as he thinks Druff took too long in declaring that he was late joining the table.

    Good luck with that, you silly cunt.

    If he does try to stir up some baseless shit. No doubt he'll do it under an alias account, like he did with twitter.... What a coward...... At least Druff called you out and hurt your feelings without using an alias.

    The grossly obese and heart attack candidate, Shaun Deeb, has gotta be the warm favourite here.
    Yup, he started the thread. Mason is defending Druff in the thread. I think hell may have frozen over.
    (•_•) ..
    ∫\ \___( •_•)
    _∫∫ _∫∫ɯ \ \

    Quote Originally Posted by Hockey Guy
    I'd say good luck in the freeroll but I'm pretty sure you'll go on a bender to self-sabotage yourself & miss it completely or use it as the excuse of why you didn't cash.

  8. #68
    Owner Dan Druff's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hockey Guy View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Lord of the Fraud View Post
    lol his twitter troll is now threatening to take this to 2p2 as he thinks Druff took too long in declaring that he was late joining the table.

    Good luck with that, you silly cunt.

    If he does try to stir up some baseless shit. No doubt he'll do it under an alias account, like he did with twitter.... What a coward...... At least Druff called you out and hurt your feelings without using an alias.

    The grossly obese and heart attack candidate, Shaun Deeb, has gotta be the warm favourite here.
    Yup, he started the thread. Mason is defending Druff in the thread. I think hell may have frozen over.
    That's exactly what I thought.

    The idiot got completely owned in the thread, and literally no one agreed with him, or thought I did anything wrong.

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