Yup. Silly me to leave while i was ahead.

First, it's an amazing session, where I crushed a guy to my immediate right TWICE on his tilt rage after he first moves in pre for 300 without looking at his cards, and I call with A/Q and he turns over AK! I hit the q and double through. a little bit later, same guy gets it in against me on the turn with 3 spades on the board and i've got middle set. I call, and miss the boat, and he turns over.....TOP PAIR TOP KICKER NUT FLUSH DRAW mISS!!!!

then a few hours later, another drunk guy to my right, who's got about 1500 in front of him (we're about 750 effective) makes it 20 to go (he'd been doing this all night) and I call with 7-8 of diamonds. It's 4 ways to the flop of 6 9 10 RAINBOW! Drunk guy? Fires into the 80 pot for 200. now im sitting there, with the stones, and I just shove. gets back to him, and he calls with QUEEN JACK! for 1300 pot!! turn is a queen rivers an ace giving me a runner runner flush and I'm now up a g for the night. a few more dealers later, and I leave, up $1200.

Now milwaukee just got hit with a snow storm, and my audi is in the shop getting new a new exhaust and wheels. So i'm driving my dad's ford explorer pick up, which has 4WD, but he told me not to use it, because there's something wrong with it.

So i get out of Poto, and the roads are fucking snowy. Seems like a plow hasn't come by in forever. I've driven this truck plenty of times, and even in the snow, but never with just 2WD. First stop light, I fish tail. I know this is gonna be a slow drive home, and i'm kicking myself for leaving Poto. FFS, i had over 1400 in front of me, but the game was weak, and I'd already put in a long enough work day. I just wanted to go home, and besides, the highways couldn't be that bad, it's midnight, the snows been going for hours.

HOLY FUCK WERE THE HIGHWAYS BAD. 94E was a nightmare. I never went more than 30 the entire way. Near the airport, there's a big curve in the highway, and even though i was going slow, I DID A 360 WITH CARS COMING BEHIND ME AND SOMEHOW DIDNT HIT THE JERSEY BARRIER AND WAS ABLE TO COME TO A STOP, AND THEN PROCEED.

I thought I was gonna die.

About 20 minutes later, i'm white knuckling going about 20mph with my hazards on, semis are passing, other cars are going slow, when out of nowhere THE CAR DOES A FUCKING 360 AGAIN!!!! and this time, AGAIN, i make it out of it, and keep going. I went from the right to the left and just some how avoided hitting anything. This time the road was dark behind me.

The entire ride home I didn't go the speed limit and what is usually an hour and a half ride took over 3 hours.

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