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Thread: Debacle Ordering From All American Dave's During The Wsop

  1. #1
    PFA Radio Host Drexel's Avatar
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    Debacle Ordering From All American Dave's During The Wsop


    A number of years ago, a vendor named All American Dave (real name Dave Swanson) set up a makeshift restaurant at the Rio. It's located outside near the amazon room exits. He is the only vendor that is there. His business offers meals and healthy drinks, shakes etc. There are breakfast options which I never have ordered from earlier in the day and at night there are usually five dinner options to choose from. Usually a chicken dish, a burger, two types of fish and a vegan dish (almost always a salad).

    The prices for the entree's besides the salad are $25. The portions aren't huge. I would equate them to what one might receive ordering a lunch portion at a restaurant. The food is very good. I would honestly say their fish is better than anywhere else on property. All the meals are also very healthy. It is also insanely marked up.

    Make no mistake, that is not why I am posting this. I of course realize as the consumer I am making a clear cut choice to pay their price rather than eating unhealthy Rio food or eating snacks.

    The 3pm. tourneys do not have a dinner break. There is only a 15 minute break every two hours. Not enough time to walk to the wsop cafeteria, stand in line, order, wait for my food and walk back to my table. I eat before I play but by 9-10pm I always become hungry. I have snacks and such but it still leaves a tremendous void.

    For the past 3-4 years I have ordered from All American Dave when I play an afternoon tourney with no dinner break. I don't remember when it changed but roughly 3 or 4 years ago they eliminated dinner breaks for the days later tourney.

    Again, I realize I am making a choice to spend my money on his food. I compare it to over priced food one might pay at an amusement park or a ball game. I accept it and feel at least better that I am eating healthy. I usually order a fish, which comes with brown rice and a veggie. I add a few slices of avocado because its a super food

    This year I have ordered 4 times from All American Dave. The first time was without incident. The second and 3rd time oddly enough no silverware was included with my meal and I had to tweet/track down an employee to receive silverware.

    Dave employs a number of young girls, I'd guess 21- 28, to drop off meals to players at their tables when there order is ready. I usually tip $3 for each order. These girls are often carrying 4-6 bags/deliveries at a time. Myself as a consumer feel that $3 is more than appropriate for the services being rendered.

    The second order I placed this summer, I only had two $20 bills. I gave the young lady $40 and asked for change. She told me it would take a bit to get me change, as she stated they do not carry change on them. I didn't think much of it. She came back with my change but handed me (3) $5 bills! Cmon. I didn't want to get into it with the girl and luckily there was a rio cocktail employee near by and I broke a $5 bill down and gave her $3 without incident.

    Order number 3 (this past Tuesday) I remembered when I arrived to make sure to have change on me to pay for my order in the event I got hungry, as well as a $3 tip. Uneventful except the missing silverware for the second time. Mistakes happen. I tweeted at Dave and a young lady came within 5 minutes and brought me silverware. I didn't tip a second time.

    This evening around 10:45pm I was famished. The blinds were high and I was short but nonetheless decided to order. I tweeted my order (as I have done at least 20-25 times over the last few years) and within 10-15 minutes, my food arrived.

    It also should be mentioned that Dave offers meal plans. However I have never used one and I don't know anything regarding the pricing/plans etc.

    My salmon arrives and I realized all I had on me was a $20 and a $10. I handed the young lady my money. She asked if I needed change. I replied I did. She then responded in a rude condescending tone that it was going to "take a while. I have a lot of orders to drop off and then I have to go back to Dave's and get change" I asked politely if they ever carried change and she responded again with the same rude demeanor that the girls "do not carry change on them".

    It took close to 30 minutes for her to arrive with my change and it was a $5 bill! She for some reason handed it to me wrapped in a receipt from my order. No clue as to why.

    The funny thing is I had a $1 bill on me but wanted to tip her $3! I didn't have the energy to go on with this so I just reached into my pocket and pulled out the dollar bill and handed it to her. She responded by telling me, while I WAS IN A HAND, that in the future when I order I can not do so by tweeting and that I must walk outside to place my order. She stated that only those with meal plans can order via twitter.

    I politely stated that I had ordered over twitter 4 times this year and every time during the past summers. She raised her voice and said "well you shouldn't been allowed to do it that way. Only meal subscribers can order using twitter"

    Again I was in a hand. A big pot no less. She saw this as it was awkward turning back and forth to the game and to face her throughout our conversation. I didn't go any further with our dialogue. She took the $1 bill out of my hand and off into a sea of tables she went.

    It's obvious to me, as I am sure it is to those reading that they don't carry change in hopes people (READ: male poker players who are in awe of pretty young girls) leave a high tip. Why bring me change when I request it in the form of a $5 bill? Furthermore, really? I mean really? You're going to cop an attitude and tell me a different ordering procedure than I have used for years because I asked for change? You're going to hustle me for $5 and when you don't get it you're going to embarrass me in front of my peers as well as create a spectacle while I am playing a pot in a $1500 buy in tournament? Wow. Just wow.

    It is everyone's own personal decision how to tip. Those who know me personally or from the fraud show know I am not frugal nor am I cheap. To me though $3 is the appropriate amount of compensation for the services rendered. Walking about 2 minutes to my table and handing me a bag to me is worth $3. I think that is MORE THAN FAIR. Realize again they are carrying often 6 bags of food during their short walk from the make shift restaurant. I suspect they easily make $20+ at least for 5 minutes of their time.

    I of course realize I live in a city that is based massively on the service industry. I was a craps dealer in 2000 at the El Cortez making sometimes as little as $5 a day in tips plus minimum wages. I then worked as a craps dealer at the Suncoast. I NEVER gave a customer an attitude or was disrespectful if they chose not to tip or tipped very little after a winning session.

    Lately I have decided enough is enough with the excessive tipping and the donating. My boiling point was a few weeks ago when I was at a Walgreens. My purchases were $13 and I handed the cashier a $20. She asked me if I wanted to donate a dollar. I asked what for, since I found it odd she didn't state the charity or organization when asking me.

    Guess what she replied?

    "I don't know". Unreal.

    I am a principled person believe it or not. I don't patronize places that I feel have disrespected me. I will end this by making it clear that I don't want compensation. I don't want a free orange glazed mahi mahi or some bbq salmon. I will not ever patronize All American Dave's business again. As I tweeted to him, I will of course also share my experience both on radio and in words. I will share my experience with others.

    Lastly Dave if you are reading this, anyone with mild intelligence realizes you make a killing. Yes I am sure the rio charges you an arm and a leg for the exclusive rights to be the only restaurant setting up shop outside. I also though see countless bags minute after minute, hour after hour, day after day, at $25 a pop being delivered. I have yet to be at a table in my 5 events played without seeing MULTIPLE people feasting on your food.

    So why not consider paying your girls more and instituting a "no hustling policy' or at the very least instruct them to be polite and non combative regardless of how much a customer tips.

    Edit: I have never met Dave Swanson. I cant affirm that he is aware of these practices that go on.

  2. #2
    Diamond chinamaniac's Avatar
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    Clearly this girl was out of line.

    Also lol at the other girl scamming u out of $5

    I don't understand how they do not carry a ton of change when carrying this many orders per day

  3. #3
    Owner Dan Druff's Avatar
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    I fully agree with Brandon's take on this matter.

    For those of you unaware, it is emphasized at ALL casinos and ALL poker rooms never to disrupt a hand in progress. This is especially true when it comes to tips. If the player is in a hand, the runner (whether food, chips, or whatever) is supposed to simply leave what they brought, and not mill around for tips. They are especially not supposed to harass the player about anything while he is in the hand.

    That was the most egregious violation in this story. She interrupted Brandon's hand to hassle him about tweeting to them to order. THIS SHOULD NEVER BE ALLOWED, and any food server doing this should be fired.

    Other bad things:

    - Servers should either carry change, or it should be made VERY CLEAR WHEN ORDERING that exact change is required

    - If bringing change when requested, the server should ALWAYS bring $1 bills if they expect tips. Bringing back all $5s is very slimy, as it virtually forces the player to tip $5.

    - You were clearly punished for what she felt was undertipping, by her claiming that you can no longer tweet-order without a prepaid account, even though this has been allowed for everyone I know for years (including this one)

    This looks like a clear case of All American Dave's food runners feeling ENTITLED because they are the only service of its kind at the WSOP, and they feel they can abuse players with no consequence.

  4. #4
    Diamond TheXFactor's Avatar
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    All American Dave (Dave Swanson) is a pretty good trainer and a fairly decent cook.
    The food he makes is very good and cooked without oil (usually any meal you get has tons of oils which is fattening and not good for you).
    Is it over-priced? You betcha. What isn't at the Rio?

    It's better than the Poker Kitchen or running over the Burger King "Burger Bar".

    I think Dave pays a lot of money to the Rio in order to operate his food truck there.

    You can save a little bit of cash by using a "meal plan".
    Yes, the girls he uses to run out the meals are trying to hustle you out of $5.

    Instead of trying to place an order on Twitter and over-tipping a girl who isn't giving you a table dance, you could just walk over to his food truck, place an order, pick up the food yourself and not tip anybody.

    If you think Dave is over-charging, Cyndy Violette and Annie Lepage are charging far more for their vegan meals.

  5. #5
    Cubic Zirconia
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    $5 tip is minimum. You really expect a hot woman to take this job if the tips are not amazing? $3? That is what I tip while playing 1, 2 at Commerce and order a free
    Meal. Her behavior however was way out of line. (Commerce is giving food comp tickets in April, May and June).

  6. #6
    Master of Props Daly's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gutito21 View Post
    $5 tip is minimum. You really expect a hot woman to take this job if the tips are not amazing? $3? That is what I tip while playing 1, 2 at Commerce and order a free
    Meal. Her behavior however was way out of line. (Commerce is giving food comp tickets in April, May and June).
    Druff but fair.

    That said even if Drex decided to not tip her one red cent that's his choice and all his points are still valid. Major fail on her part.

  7. #7
    Bronze pavoe's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gutito21 View Post
    $5 tip is minimum. You really expect a hot woman to take this job if the tips are not amazing? $3? That is what I tip while playing 1, 2 at Commerce and order a free
    Meal. Her behavior however was way out of line. (Commerce is giving food comp tickets in April, May and June).
    She is a waitress! Why should she earn 50$/hour?

    And I do not care if she is hot or not, I need the person who brings my food to be clean, that is all. It is food, not a blowjob.

    It is a marketing expense for dave that the waitress is hot.

    Quote Originally Posted by KevinWright View Post
    Not that I believe your story but who the fuck ever gave you permission to use charitable funds for the good of your cock.

  8. #8
    Gold Shizzmoney's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by chinamaniac View Post
    Clearly this girl was out of line.

    Also lol at the other girl scamming u out of $5

    I don't understand how they do not carry a ton of change when carrying this many orders per day
    I was a delivery pizza guy in high school. The owner always made it a point for me to carry proper change when I made deliveries, and usually would give me $100 in "petty cash" - 2 $20s, 1 $10, 5 $5s, and 25 $1s - each day before I would start making my deliveries. He would also ask me if I needed a change reload after a few orders so that I'd have this covered when seeing customers.

    I mean, you learn this shit playing "Monopoly".

    I am also surprised Dave doesn't have them walk around with a credit card swiper they they can attach to their cellphone via the headphone jack (i.e. LevelUp) but I can see him as a small business not offering this as it does cost money.....but can be super convenient for the customer and the employee alike.

    The only thing I suggest to Drexel, and granted this responsibility SHOULDN'T fall on you but sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do, is to break a $20 with a server or something before you order and have change on your person before hand. Granted, I am a labor guy and always try to be proactive and make things as easy as possible on the server b/c as a guy who has worked in food service (which sucks), I know that awkward situations like this happen more than it should.

    Dave REALLY needs to have his runners have cash change on's unprofessional IMO they don't....but in the end these are young girls, and young girls are pretty stupid when it comes to money.

      Hockey Guy: Pretty much all of this.

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  9. #9
    Gold Starbucks Spunk Bucket's Avatar
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    They don't carry change because as Druff says they are clearly trying to coerce patrons into tipping more $.

    I'm sure this won't go down well, but I firmly believe the whole US tipping system is flawed, minimum wages should be higher and it should be the company's responsibility.

    I am fully aware of the advantages, such as in theory securing better service for the consumer, but there are far more disadvantages to the system. For example, research shows that blonde women with big breasts get tipped more money: this is clearly grounds for discrimination, and should therefore be illegal.

    I also am very principled in these things and a generous tipper, but by fuck am I quick to tell someone what's on my mind when I get a bad experience, whether it be a problem with a product or service.

      Shizzmoney: tipped wages should be higher rep
      sah_24: Dumb min wage comment, 0 wage is min wage . . .

  10. #10
    Gold sah_24's Avatar
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    They def should carry change since they are essentially waitresses, fuck tipping $5 for a $25 meal . . .

      Starbucks Spunk Bucket: Wtf r u on about you bellend

  11. #11
    Gold handicapme's Avatar
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    I think the biggest issue here is the scene she made and not the tip amount. I get why they expect the $5, but anyone who doesn't give it to them should no be harrassed. This "hot" girl should not be allowed to work anymore if she's going to act disruptive.

    Yes, she should feel mad if she feels she has been stiffed on a tip, but not in a public place nor in a situation like this. Instead she should have brought this up to her managers attention and let him decide the best course of action.

    Fire the bitch and move on. Unfortunately, Drex not ordering from them won't hurt the companies bottom line, but I approve of the stance. I also approve of his stance to just not be a patron anymore rather than try and get something "free" from the business.

  12. #12
    Serial Blogger BeerAndPoker's Avatar
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    This is a popular pricing scheme where they set the cost for something at a certain rate that the change will land the server extra money for the tip from people who just don't want to deal with getting it the change. This works really well at a restaurant/bar so I'm sure it works even better for poker players who just want their food immediately and for the girl to go away.

    The girl should not hustle you like that but why not try to keep some change on you on days you are playing? I know this isn't always possible but it would make the transaction smoother.

    If they want to run this pricing structure setting the girl up for a bigger tip from people who don't want to deal with the hassle of change then fine but at least keep some extra silverware on them to save the hassle of you having to call/tweet at them to send the server back in.

    $3 seems fine to bring you food when they are carrying in a ton of orders at once. All the girl is doing is dropping food off. Many pizza delivery guys don't get $3 on an order and they can't bang out that many of them at once. They also have to pay for gas and the toll it takes on their car.

    I assume Dave gives these girls the standard waitress hourly rate plus tips and their job is easier then a waitress who makes sure your entire 30 minute plus experience there is good where this girl just hands you food, takes your money, and leaves.

    The pro play is next time you order be sure you have a few extra singles on you and ask for change in all singles. If the girl don't bring back all singles to you then just take your $5 from her and reach into your pocket saying "alright I forgot I had a few singles" and tip her that way.

  13. #13
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    Jew is stingy with tips. How is this a news story?

  14. #14
    Plutonium sonatine's Avatar
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    Given the circumstances, the environment, the service at bar, I would be tipping the full $5 here by default.

    I concede, easily, that perhaps youre simply more responsible with money than me, but a $5 head shot for getting food delivered into the Rio just feels market value to me. If I had $3 in singles, I could roll with a $3 tip if the universe wasnt sucking my dick that day and I was feeling vulnerable but erring on the side of generosity would have made the girls feel good and you feel good for making the girls feel good in this spot. People have shitty lives these days. I dont. So the extra $2 is pretty easy to cough up is how I feel.

    Also $25 for a dece healthy meal under these circumstances is super bargain time. Consider sneaking a good pair of chopsticks in with you if youre making a ritual of this (I would (chopsticks and ritual)).

      gut: voice of reason in this thread
      Starbucks Spunk Bucket: Fair point
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  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by sonatine View Post
    Given the circumstances, the environment, the service at bar, I would be tipping the full $5 here by default.

    I concede, easily, that perhaps youre simply more responsible with money than me, but a $5 head shot for getting food delivered into the Rio just feels market value to me. If I had $3 in singles, I could roll with a $3 tip if the universe wasnt sucking my dick that day and I was feeling vulnerable but erring on the side of generosity would have made the girls feel good and you feel good for making the girls feel good in this spot. People have shitty lives these days. I dont. So the extra $2 is pretty easy to cough up is how I feel.

    Also $25 for a dece healthy meal under these circumstances is super bargain time. Consider sneaking a good pair of chopsticks in with you if youre making a ritual of this (I would (chopsticks and ritual)).
    I don't think he's complaining so much about the tip amount, but more so about the girls reaction. He could tip her $0 and her reaction should not be like this in public.

    Think of it this way, if Drex was from Europe and didn't tip her because it's not the norm and this girl flipped on him like she did, would it be okay? The tip shouldn't be the focus here IMO, her reaction should.

  16. #16
    Plutonium sonatine's Avatar
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    right, i totally get that, but he has the power to nip that response in the bud.

    expecting someone whose life decisions have brought them to hand delivering food to poker players at the rio to somehow rise above the moment when every losing player they deal with probably stiffs them outright is unrealistic, and being less than unreasonably gracious with someone in that reality, someone with rent to pay, bills, food, probably student loan debt and/or kids to feed... why stir their pot when an extra $2 puts a smile on their face?

      lewfather: expecting someone whose life decisions have brought them to hand delivering food to poker players at the rio to somehow rise above the moment rep
    "Birds born in a cage think flying is an illness." - Alejandro Jodorowsky

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  17. #17
    All Sorts of Sports gut's Avatar
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    Not trying to shit on Drexels overall point here, but IMO if I was in the scenario I would make sure to have some small bills on me, and if I didnt then just "overtip". But I like to avoid these awkward situations. As easy as it is for those Daves food runners to have change on them, its just as easy to have tip money on your own person as well.

    The chick bringing back the single $5 bill in change though clearly doesn't understand the service industry....or she just assumes she's hot enough that everyone will just give the 5. Bringing up the twitter thing (mid-hand or not) is just bitchy and wrong. Obviously if you said "keep the change" that wouldnt have come up. But meh, thats the service industry....Dave obviously wants your money, so its cool you ordered on twitter without a meal plan (assuming that rule is real), but the moment you don't tip well they'll break out the technicalities on you.
    Last edited by gut; 06-17-2016 at 12:04 PM.

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by sonatine View Post
    right, i totally get that, but he has the power to nip that response in the bud.

    expecting someone whose life decisions have brought them to hand delivering food to poker players at the rio to somehow rise above the moment when every losing player they deal with probably stiffs them outright is unrealistic, and being less than unreasonably gracious with someone in that reality, someone with rent to pay, bills, food, probably student loan debt and/or kids to feed... why stir their pot when an extra $2 puts a smile on their face?
    I get your point and agree partly except for the fact that it shouldnt be his responsibility to make the individual happy because they are in a less fortunate situation compared to yours. That's a completely unfair situation to put someone in.

    I would be okay with them making every meal $30 which is delivered and $25 for those picked up... that way you know what your allin cost is expected to be.

    Again the money isn't the issue here, it's how she reacted and if you go down the path of saying "well had you tipped $5 then it wouldn't have happened" it could start the argument of saying "$5 isn't enough.... should have been $7". Sorry, but no.

  19. #19
    Plutonium sonatine's Avatar
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    I agree, its fucked up. But its also kinda 'take it or leave it' in these situations. The middle ground is a real bummer.
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  20. #20
    Diamond chinamaniac's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shizzmoney View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by chinamaniac View Post
    Clearly this girl was out of line.

    Also lol at the other girl scamming u out of $5

    I don't understand how they do not carry a ton of change when carrying this many orders per day
    I was a delivery pizza guy in high school. The owner always made it a point for me to carry proper change when I made deliveries, and usually would give me $100 in "petty cash" - 2 $20s, 1 $10, 5 $5s, and 25 $1s - each day before I would start making my deliveries. He would also ask me if I needed a change reload after a few orders so that I'd have this covered when seeing customers.

    I mean, you learn this shit playing "Monopoly".

    I am also surprised Dave doesn't have them walk around with a credit card swiper they they can attach to their cellphone via the headphone jack (i.e. LevelUp) but I can see him as a small business not offering this as it does cost money.....but can be super convenient for the customer and the employee alike.

    The only thing I suggest to Drexel, and granted this responsibility SHOULDN'T fall on you but sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do, is to break a $20 with a server or something before you order and have change on your person before hand. Granted, I am a labor guy and always try to be proactive and make things as easy as possible on the server b/c as a guy who has worked in food service (which sucks), I know that awkward situations like this happen more than it should.

    Dave REALLY needs to have his runners have cash change on's unprofessional IMO they don't....but in the end these are young girls, and young girls are pretty stupid when it comes to money.

    I was a pizza delivery guy as well and if you don't have change then you don't get tipped sometimes.

      sah_24: +1

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