Druff will NOT be playing in this event.
Drexel will be playing in this event.
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Druff will NOT be playing in this event.
Drexel will be playing in this event.
You can automatically post in this thread through Twitter by adding hashtag #pfa05 to your tweets.
Tweet from: CursedDiamonds (Brendan)
@BrandonDrexel Good luck, Godspeed, and give 'em hell!! #pfa05
Tweet from: BrandonDrexel (Brandon Drexel)
Make that #pfa05
Tweet from: BrandonDrexel (Brandon Drexel)
8k from 7500 playing 7card stud no qualifier dealers choice #pfa05
Tweet from: BrandonDrexel (Brandon Drexel)
First break in this 30 game + celebration of poker. Down t25 from starting stack of 7500. Coming back to 100-200 for flop/draw games #pfa05
Tweet from: BrandonDrexel (Brandon Drexel)
10kish on break. Level 5 when we come back. #pfa05 playing mostly draw games and stud with no qualifier
Tweet from: BrandonDrexel (Brandon Drexel)
Busto dealers choice. Didn't drag a pot the last hour +. Feeling good though. Be back at HORSE sometime Tuesday morning. #pfa05
Tweet from: BaconPankakes55 (
RT @BrandonDrexel: Busto dealers choice. Didn't drag a pot the last hour +. Feeling good though. Be back at HORSE sometime Tuesday morning.…
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