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Thread: Time to get on the TRUMP train

  1. #43481
    Flashlight Master desertrunner's Avatar
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    Now that winter is here, Wendy’s hot chili on a cold night is superior. I recommend adding the graded cheese on the top.

  2. #43482

  3. #43483
    It's a shame Trump abandoned him but I understand why

  4. #43484
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    A hedge fund manager thinks 7.25/hr is enough.

  5. #43485
    Gold VaughnP's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by hutmaster View Post
    Look at all these Trumpanzees that are so clueless that they don’t understand basic law. If you are born in the United States you are automatically considered a natural born citizen. There are some that would like to change that but as of now the law is the law. It’s all right there in the 14th amendment and lots of Supreme Court case law to affirm it.

    Under the 14th Amendment's Naturalization Clause and the Supreme Court case of United States v. Wong Kim Ark, 169 US. 649, anyone born on U.S. soil and subject to its jurisdiction is a natural born citizen, regardless of parental citizenship.

    The trumpanzee strategy is just like their leaders….respond with lies and deflections. Opposition to trump doesn’t make one a Biden supporter or a libtard…..and I didn’t vote for Gavin either.

    Quote Originally Posted by VaughnP View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by VaughnP View Post
    This take on the 14th amendment is parroted everywhere by people who have never looked into the facts.

    This is from over 5 years ago:

    Quote Originally Posted by VaughnP View Post
    I've had discussions with relatives who are German citizens about this issue. Germany is generally considered a more "progressive" country than the United States, and even their laws state that the only children born to a non-citizen parent or parents who can obtain citizenship are born to permanent German resident permit holders or parents who have been living in the country for a verifiable minimum of 8 years. And even then, to maintain citizenship they must complete a list of requirements by age 23.

    The reason why I bring this up is because legal precedent in the United States is similar.

    A child born in the United States, of parents of Chinese descent, who, at the time of his birth, are subjects of the Emperor of China but have a permanent domicile and residence in the United States and are there carrying on business and are not employed in any diplomatic or official capacity under the Emperor of China, becomes at the time of his birth a citizen of the United States, by virtue of the Citizenship Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment.
    So even the only case that can somewhat argue the side of "land a plane here, have a baby = citizen" or "cross a river illegally, have a baby = citizen", clearly states that this right is only granted to the children of citizens or permanent residents.


    Only posting the tweet screenshot because even a widely respected progressive historian/law professor went public with admitting it's a bullshit take that actually needs challenged.

  6. #43486
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    Quote Originally Posted by VaughnP View Post
    As we move on from Roe v Wade, which honestly probably should have been left as is, the next liberal salt fest will be when the bullshit interpretation of the 14th amendment is finally challenged, rightfully ending birthright citizenship. This will happen after Trump or DeSantis wins in 2024.

    Quote Originally Posted by VaughnP View Post
    Unchecked immigration is just another form of colonialism. The rest of the country is finally seeing what we've been dealing with in Texas. The southern part of the state is becoming more third world by the day. I used to love vacationing in South Padre Island, various coastal cities, and beach towns, but drastic sudden changes in demographics has made me never want to go back. The corruption in this part of Texas has gotten out of control as the Latinos take over (just Google it) - literally hundreds of cases brought to light. The funniest example was a school using the state's program that takes money from wealthy districts in North and East Texas to redistribute to disadvantaged districts and using it to build themselves an actual water park.

    People often say the constitution is what makes America great, and yes it helps, but it has always been by and large the collective will of the people here that has made this country what it is. Unfortunately Mexicans and Central Americans tend to just make the places they inhabit in our country in large concentrated numbers no different than the places they left. The Democrats have conveniently made it impossible to call this shit out without being labeled a racist and a bigot. Even in the state Abbott governs, he cannot mention anything related to this without the same. Eventually there will be no one left to question this and uphold the law, and when that happens Texas will just be North Mexico. This is why part of me hopes Trump wins - there is a very good chance he takes a shot at the bullshit interpretation of the 14th amendment and ends birthright citizenship.

    Any of you pussies who have opposing viewpoints on this issue have simply not yet experienced what we have, and I hope your city becomes the next sanctuary. In Texas there have been hordes of people for decades who are actively being encouraged not to assimilate just walking over and moving in.

  7. #43487
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    I've talked about this over the years with some very brilliant people. If not for politics, there would be a 100% chance that the court rules against birthright citizenship. Unfortunately a logical and just world isn't what we live in, but I'd still say it's probably 2 to 1 or better that the court makes the correct decision in the coming challenge.
    Last edited by VaughnP; 01-20-2025 at 05:49 PM.

  8. #43488
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    Here is your reminder that the 14th amendment was only originally passed to ensure citizenship for slaves and their descendants. Even to this day American Samoans are not "subject to the jurisdiction of" the United States in the sense of this amendment with automatic birthright citizenship. At the time it was passed, neither were Native Americans.

    Unfortunately there is a good chance that cuck-Roberts and Coney Barrett side with the libtards on this one. Let's hope not.

  9. #43489
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    Q. But what did the authors of the amendment mean by “subject to the jurisdiction thereof”? Who were they intending to exclude?

    A. There was extensive and sometimes heated debate over the amendment, with three categories of persons discussed: the U.S.-born children of foreign diplomats, Native Americans, and some immigrant groups. One of the primary sponsors of the amendment, whose proposed language became the final text of the first sentence of Section 1, was clear when asked what exclusions were envisioned by the term “subject to the jurisdiction.” Sen. Jacob Howard (R-Michigan) replied: “I do not propose to say anything on that subject except that the question of citizenship has been so fully discussed in this body as not to need any further elucidation, in my opinion. This amendment which I have offered is simply declaratory of what I regard as the law of the land already, that every person born within the limits of the United States, and subject to their jurisdiction, is by virtue of natural law and national law a citizen of the United States. This will not, of course, include persons born in the United States who are foreigners, aliens, who belong to the families of ambassadors or foreign ministers accredited to the Government of the United States, but will include every other class of persons. It settles the great question of citizenship and removes all doubt as to what persons are or are not citizens of the United States.”

    This is not fake:

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  10. #43490
    Platinum Jayjami's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by VaughnP View Post
    I've talked about this over the years with some very brilliant people. If not for politics, there would be a 100% chance that the court rules against birthright citizenship. Unfortunately a logical and just world isn't what we live in, but I'd still say it's probably 2 to 1 or better that the court makes the correct decision in the coming challenge.
    I guess those brilliant people you spoke with didn’t speak English. “All persons born” means exactly what it says. Conservative judges use the plain meaning doctrine to interpret the Constitution. And there is zero ambiguity in those three words.

    I don’t have any problem ending birthright citizenship, but lol @ Trump thinking he can change the Constitution by executive order.

  11. #43491
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    I don't have any opinion on birthright citizenship in a legal sense. I am not a lawyer. Just as a citizen, I hope Trump is successful because whatever they interpret the words to have meant 150 years ago, common sense dictates they didn't envision the current world at that time.

    This is a right-wing opinion on this issue, but it would be a left opinion on something like guns.

    I don't believe they envisioned the current society when talking about a well-armed militia of citizens as that is now a ridiculous defense against anything in an age of advanced weaponry. Like guns, so many immigrants from undesirable places are already here that a fix is almost too late, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't use some common-sense regarding words put down on paper hundreds of years ago. The notion of the constitution as some infallible religious text has always been silly to me. Amazing document with incredible foresight in general but not handed down from some God.

    I wouldn't ban selling guns or immigration. Tweaks are in order though. Modernizations that deal with the current reality. The whole concept of a living document versus the strict constructionist argument though is generally something where conservatives fall on the latter, so it wouldn't surprise me if they use the literal words, and it's struck down because to get into anything beyond the definition of the words lends itself to it being a breathing document.

      OK2: good post
      Sanlmar: Yeah, good post. Let’s see where our little experiment in democracy leads us. Nothing is cast in stone

  12. #43492
    Gold VaughnP's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jayjami View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by VaughnP View Post
    I've talked about this over the years with some very brilliant people. If not for politics, there would be a 100% chance that the court rules against birthright citizenship. Unfortunately a logical and just world isn't what we live in, but I'd still say it's probably 2 to 1 or better that the court makes the correct decision in the coming challenge.
    I guess those brilliant people you spoke with didn’t speak English. “All persons born” means exactly what it says. Conservative judges use the plain meaning doctrine to interpret the Constitution. And there is zero ambiguity in those three words.

    I don’t have any problem ending birthright citizenship, but lol @ Trump thinking he can change the Constitution by executive order.
    I don't pay any attention to your posts, but weren't you supposedly a lawyer? This take is embarrassing if so.

  13. #43493
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    Druff, do you support the blanket pardon of the Jan 6th terrorists?

  14. #43494
    Platinum Jayjami's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by VaughnP View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Jayjami View Post
    I guess those brilliant people you spoke with didn’t speak English. “All persons born” means exactly what it says. Conservative judges use the plain meaning doctrine to interpret the Constitution. And there is zero ambiguity in those three words.

    I don’t have any problem ending birthright citizenship, but lol @ Trump thinking he can change the Constitution by executive order.
    I don't pay any attention to your posts, but weren't you supposedly a lawyer? This take is embarrassing if so.
    Want to bet a grand SCOTUS strikes this down?

  15. #43495
    Platinum mickeycrimm's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jayjami View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by VaughnP View Post
    I've talked about this over the years with some very brilliant people. If not for politics, there would be a 100% chance that the court rules against birthright citizenship. Unfortunately a logical and just world isn't what we live in, but I'd still say it's probably 2 to 1 or better that the court makes the correct decision in the coming challenge.
    I guess those brilliant people you spoke with didn’t speak English. “All persons born” means exactly what it says. Conservative judges use the plain meaning doctrine to interpret the Constitution. And there is zero ambiguity in those three words.

    I don’t have any problem ending birthright citizenship, but lol @ Trump thinking he can change the Constitution by executive order.
    Trump signed the executive order because he wants the issue to go to the Supreme Court. VaughnP earlier gave the historical perspective/intent of the 14th Amendment.

    I googled: Does the Supreme Court rule on the intent of language?

    The response was:

    "Yes, when interpreting laws or the constitution, Supreme Courts do consider the intent of the language, often trying to understand what the drafters meant when writing the text, by looking at historical context, legislative records, and the plain meaning of the words used, to reach a decision on how to apply the law in a specific case."

    If you think that just the plain meaning of words are all they consider then take a look at these words "shall not abridge freedom of speech." Today that means STFU, asshole, or you'll go to jail.

  16. #43496
    Mickey shits himself when he can't get out of his wheelchair.

  17. #43497
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    Quote Originally Posted by RichardBrodiesCombover. View Post
    Mickey shits himself when he can't get out of his wheelchair.
    You, shitfaced, and simp are on my list of next to put on ignore. You will join sloopy joe, sonatine and bcr. To much time is wasted on trolls and trolling. So I put you guys on ignore to use my time for something else. You don't add anything to the forum anyway.

  18. #43498
    Quote Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by RichardBrodiesCombover. View Post
    Mickey shits himself when he can't get out of his wheelchair.
    You, shitfaced, and simp are on my list of next to put on ignore. You will join sloopy joe, sonatine and bcr. To much time is wasted on trolls and trolling. So I put you guys on ignore to use my time for something else. You don't add anything to the forum anyway.
    I was just adding context

  19. #43499
    Gold VaughnP's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jayjami View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by VaughnP View Post

    I don't pay any attention to your posts, but weren't you supposedly a lawyer? This take is embarrassing if so.
    Want to bet a grand SCOTUS strikes this down?
    If I wanted to bet this I'd wait until it is actually heading there and bet on Polymarket - there's already one market for if it gets struck down before the end of the month. Again, this case will be decided on politics, not on the merits, and Roberts is almost surely going to side with the team of DEI, libtardian justices, all they need is one more. Lastly, if I were going to bet with someone here it wouldn't be with the forum equivalent of a "job guy".

  20. #43500
    Platinum Jayjami's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Jayjami View Post
    I guess those brilliant people you spoke with didn’t speak English. “All persons born” means exactly what it says. Conservative judges use the plain meaning doctrine to interpret the Constitution. And there is zero ambiguity in those three words.

    I don’t have any problem ending birthright citizenship, but lol @ Trump thinking he can change the Constitution by executive order.
    Trump signed the executive order because he wants the issue to go to the Supreme Court. VaughnP earlier gave the historical perspective/intent of the 14th Amendment.

    I googled: Does the Supreme Court rule on the intent of language?

    The response was:

    "Yes, when interpreting laws or the constitution, Supreme Courts do consider the intent of the language, often trying to understand what the drafters meant when writing the text, by looking at historical context, legislative records, and the plain meaning of the words used, to reach a decision on how to apply the law in a specific case."

    If you think that just the plain meaning of words are all they consider then take a look at these words "shall not abridge freedom of speech." Today that means STFU, asshole, or you'll go to jail.
    Conservative judges only consider legislative intent when the language of a statute is ambiguous. Here that is not the case. Trump is just throwing some red meat to Team Retard.

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