*** NOTE ***
Please do NOT send me money without PMing me first. Still have pieces available, though. Thanks.
*** NOTE ***
Please do NOT send me money without PMing me first. Still have pieces available, though. Thanks.
Any chance of buying more given I will most likely not be able to attend this year given my plan to buy a house, but still would like action?
Hi everyone.
Update on pieces bought. Here is the list. Again, I will be keeping track of this all on TastyStakes, but here is a "backup" list of pieces bought so far:
(Note that I am listing percentage of me, NOT shares, which are half a percent each)
442x 0.5
khalwat 2
belly buster 1
Benford 4
CarlB 4
P4Pres 0.5
DaGreek23 2
David Fenigsohn 0.5
DutchDodo 1
handicapme 4
Matt the Rat 0.5
Pooh 2
Robert Cullen 1 (check in mail, not received yet)
system.out.println 2
Tellafriend 4
The Shrink 0.5
Themuckster 0.5
tradershky 1
Vintage_One 1
Total pieces bought = 34
Total pieces left = 6
I am still not selling to anyone who already has 4 pieces.
However, I will open this up to anyone at a point in the near future, if the final 6% does not sell.
As I stated earlier, I am playing these events no matter what. It does not matter if the final 6% sells.
If you do not have 4 pieces yet and want to buy some, please PM me.
If you see an error above, or if you bought pieces and are not listed, please contact me ASAP.
Here is the tastystakes page, where this will all be actively maintained: https://tastystakes.com/packages/tod...uff-1457986330
does .5% also buy a piece of the Druff soul? Can I own 100% of your soul for .5% of your action.
"Winning is the most important thing in my life, after breathing. Breathing first, winning next."
George Steinbrenner
I sent PM requesting one piece. Will ship PayPal once confirmed.
Will buy 1% more if avail.
Running late but looking great for 2%.
Package sold out.
If you haven't sent money yet, please don't.
Thanks for everyone's interest.
Final list of pieces (listed as % owned of my action):
442x 0.5
khalwat 2
belly buster 1
Benford 4
CarlB 4
chilidog0425 1
P4Pres (Chris) 0.5
DaGreek23 2
David Fenigsohn 0.5
DutchDodo 1
FR1GHT 0.5
handicapme 4
hishga 0.5
Matt the Rat 0.5
mulhs82 0.5
Pooh 2
Robert Cullen 1
Ron Dough 0.5
system.out.println 2
Tellafriend 4
The Shrink 0.5
Themuckster 0.5
tradershky 1
Vintage_One 1
Starbucks Spunk Bucket 2
Willing2Die 1
Just saw,,,
Damn shut out again.
Oh well GL
Finished 40th in $1500 LHE for $3705. That means each 1% is worth $37.05, and each 0.5% is worth $18.53.
Did not play the $2k NL. You will all get a refund. If you paid 20% markup, each 0.5% is worth $12. If you paid 15% markup, each 0.5% is worth $11.50.
There are 7 events remaining on the schedule for this stake.
When I complete the NL Bounty event, this stake will be complete. I have already cashed in that event, and will continue it tomorrow.
I ended up playing 7 events.
You will receive payment for four events -- two cashed events, and two refunded events.
Event #22 paid me $3705, so each share is worth $18.53
You will get a refund (including markup you paid) for event #23, which had a $2000 entry.
You will get a refund (including markup you paid) for event #29, which had a $1500 entry.
You will get money for whatever I end up cashing in event #46.
The other five events you will get zero, as I busted all of them without cashing.
I will update this when event 46 is complete.
So I literally couldn't win a hand in Day 2 of the Bounty, and went out 182nd. That got me a cash of $3248 after the $1500 worth of bounties were included.
So that makes total amount cashed between my two events $6953. This means each 1% you have is worth $69.53.
As mentioned, you will also be getting refunded for the two events I didn't play.
Unless I have a setting wrong, Tastystakes isn't working right as far as calculating the amount owed. It is not giving you your markup back for the refunded events, which is incorrect. I have promised everyone their markup back on non-played events, as that's only fair.
I will talk to khalwat (creator / admin of Tastystakes) and see if he can fix this. Just know that the amount displayed is incorrect, but you will be paid the correct amount.
Of course, you will only be refunded the markup you actually paid. If you got a markup discount for buying last year, you will get refunded at the same discounted rate.
Stand by and I will post the amount I owe you shortly.
I feel bad that I did not cash enough to break even with buyins. The $10k Limit Holdem affects this disproportionately, and sadly I had a good shot at cashing that one (or maybe even going really deep) but got slammed with a horrible run of cards.
It also saddened me that my mid-Day-2 chip lead at the $1500 Limit Holdem didn't translate into better than 40th place, but again I got a horrible run of cards.
The Bounty event was disappointing, but not as much, because I came to Day 2 only a little above average stacked, and just ran bad. That happens. I knew that I would have to continue to get good cards to get a big cash on that one, as the payouts were VERY flat due to the bounties.
I cashed 2-for-7, just like last year. Starting 2016, 15% of the field cashes instead of 10%. That didn't help me, and in fact it hurt me, as both of my cashes were beyond the 10% mark, so I would have cashed even under last year's rules.
Thanks to everyone who invested in me. I truly feel bad when I fail to at least break even on these stakes, but you guys know how tournament variance is, especially when you only play 7 of them. This is also part of the reason that I limit everyone to 4%, so I know that nobody is losing very much money if I don't do well.
I will post the totals in the next few days, and then will get in contact with everyone to discuss payment methods.
Sorry for the delay.
Now that my WSOP is totally over, I will get this done very soon.
calm down a bit man, he just finished up with the wsop. If you needed the money back so fast, maybe you shouldn't have invested. It's not like he's going to run off with it, just give him a week or 2 and chill out.
Honestly, in the future if you are going to sweat over ~$200 like this, maybe don't invest into someones package that is known to take some time in paying out. He's 100% trust worthy, but if you really need the money back so quick/fast than you came to the wrong place. Harassing him like this does nothing but make you look like a douche brah
Edit: BTW it took you the longest to get him the funds for your 2%, kinda hypocritical when you harass him over taking a reasonable amount of time paying people out... don't ya think?
#FreeFluffler #FreeThisGuyIsCreepy #lockupGarrett
You know what's hypocritical? The one ballbag who I have seen critise Todd possibly more than anyone on this forum calling me out for critising him, when I haven't even- I'm simply asking for some sort of reasonable timeframe. I think it's a bit of a joke to mention wsop and being busy considering he's had plenty of time to write up tens of posts a day talking shite about social justice warriors and other such important matters.
Keep your big long nose in your own business son, I am perfectly in my right to ask for what's mine weeks after I was expecting it, whether I need the money or not.
If you don't like it, swivel.
Pretty sure he will confirm this is fucking false. Yea I gave him bullshit over letting the little fucks run wild, but he knows for a fact that I have both stated publicly and privately that I like him and appreciate what he has done (and I hope he knows I mean it). I may not agree with how he's running the forum, right now, but I have not been even in the top 5 of people who say shit to him criticizing or "critise". So fuck you.
weeks??!!?! He busted from the main no less than 4 days ago... I know/work with many people who live in the UK and I know for a fact that they teach math there, how the fuck does 4 days translate to weeks you inbred fuck?
Before you say "well his last event of the steak was 6/27 and that is weeks ago" he has stated multiple times both on the forum and radio that he would pay investors AFTER he finished the WSOP not when he played his last staking event. You're being a little bitch over an insignificant amount of time here.
Give the guy some slack and IF after weeks (say end up july which would be 2.5 weeks since he busted from the main) he hasn't reached out to you for payment then I'll be the first one to back you up, until then go "critise" Boris Johnson or something.
#FreeFluffler #FreeThisGuyIsCreepy #lockupGarrett
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