This is our only forum section at the moment, but perhaps we'll have more one day. A man can dream...
Information and discussion about fraud, scams, lies, and scandals within the poker community. Feel free to call out individuals and companies that have cheated you.
Free form expression. Discuss sports, news, entertainment, or just bitch about random stuff. The rules in this forum are a lot more lax than elsewhere on the site.
PokerFraudAlert Radio is a gritty, uncensored show calling out the scumbags of poker and providing an unfiltered opinion on current events in poker.
This is for general discussion of the poker world. Please keep all poker scam-related stuff in the other forum.
Got a question or tip about a particular casino in Vegas or elsewhere? Want to discuss poker or casino game strategy? This is the place.
Follow the action of the current WSOP (including those of our members) in this forum. If you're playing, you can have your update tweets show up here!
Scribble on this wall anonymously, and nobody will see your user name.
Discussion of computer security, viruses/spyware, Wii/XBOX modding, iPhone jailbreaking, etc. Please keep all discussions here legal.
I know this place is far from perfect. Tell me how it can be better.
Da passwoid is "secretlocation". Don't tell anyone.
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