Poker Maximus / MTT grind !
, 03-08-2012 at 12:15 AM (59653 Views)
Whats up yall ,
Starting my first blog here to just have a place to throw ideas , track progress , etc , for my mtt progress in 2012 . I have played poker sorta of professionaly for a couple years now with some being successful and some not so much lol . I got lazy at one point and really fell off the curve in mtts and am now trying to catch back up.
I feel a whole new commitment to poker as a game as a whole and mtts especially. I have been successful throughout my career taking small deposits of $100 or $200 and running it into multiple thousand dollar rolls . I believe if I can commit to the work needed to be successful I can have even more success than I have had so far . I want to use this blog to keep track of my progress throughout 2012 and so I can track my own thoughts day to day .
So far in 2012 I had a good Jan and a mediocre Feb , I plan on making Mar my best month . I will be doing so by putting in the volume it requires to be successful in mtts . That means showing up day and night . I plan to play at least 250-300 mtts this month. Which will require at least 10 a day for 30 days or around that give or take . So far in Mar im holding pace .
Poker Maximus is a poker tournament series being run on the Merge Network at the moment (the main available option to us players) and has drawn and incredible crowd so far . Each mtt has almost doubled the projected gurantee . This has me excited and I have enjoyed the tourney series so far , even tho my deeper runs have came up a little short .
Well on to the meat of this post ; March 8th 2012 2:09am
MTT's - 18
Profit or Loss = -$82
Poker Bankroll - $2476
Stay tuned if you want to follow my progress , hear interesting stories , see interesting MTT hands , etc. and GL at the tables !!!!!!!!!