Dan Druff the Magic Dragon
, 04-13-2022 at 10:10 PM (21926 Views)
When I first started this account in 2012, I knew I didn't have time to put in a lot of time considering I had just moved to Vegas.
I have ALWAYS enjoyed Druff's personality and wit. The NWP days were the true glory days of poker.
I do not want to be enemies with any of you.
I seen southpoint was hiring years ago and immeditely thought of Druff and sent him the link in the DM.
I did not remember sending this and only seen it because gordman sent me a dm laughing about my threads being shut down and my thread starting privileges lost.
Thanks for the message gordman and I take back my reply to you. Your message brought me to an act of kindness that I made years ago , with nothing but genuine intention.
I hope all can forgive me for being overactively posting.