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  1. Jermain the donkey

    I suck. Well not really, I’m kind of running bad and this new super aggressive style that I’m playing is causing me to swing more wildly. I’m not going to make excuses for myself, losing has made me play like an idiot and I’ve resorted to making desperate plays at times.

    Thank god for freerolls because I’m currently in 9 tournament losing streak, luckily I’ve stuck to a strict bankroll management plan and I’ve entered plenty of freerolls. I’ve lost 4 mbtc this week bringing my bankroll ...

    Updated 06-19-2017 at 10:52 PM by jacosta24

  2. Bitter SWEET

    Last weeks blog was all about running hot, this weeks is blog is similar but has a different tune. Overconfidence was my number one problem this week. Without a doubt I had some wicked bad beats (nothing new) but I seen myself constantly putting money in the pot in situations where airing to the side of caution was the optimal play. Lack of patience was my second problem, this week I found myself a couple times with a favorable chip stack only to give it up by getting myself in trouble by playing ...

    Whereas I have previously said I wouldn't post this is a blog.

    Open music, read and listen

    4000 miles from the U.S. coast a terrible plauge rampages the jungle. And now infests the streets of America with a certain death not seen since the middle ages.

    And yes Todd, Obama is to blame for his short sighted thinking in containment at first. Now it has gone to far and cannot be stopped.
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  4. Grinding my face OFF

    Call a doctor my face has literally fallen off!! Ok that’s a bit of an exaggeration but in all sincerity, I’ve played 30+ online tournaments in three weeks and have been extremely successful. First things first I placed 16th in the prestigious DREXEL 1ST ANNUAL 1,000 INVITATIONAL FREEROLL! I was 2nd in chips with 30 players left until Druff was moved to my table. He proceeded to bust a "Greycat" on me and sent me on a downward spiral I couldn't recover from. Other than that I’ve made 10 ...

    Updated 12-21-2014 at 08:31 AM by jacosta24

  5. Are you prepared for the WSOP?

    The beast that is the World Series Of Poker is among us. It’s massive player fields with equally massive prize pools are only a few short weeks away. Are you ready? Have you prepared? Do you have what it takes to survive these 1000+ player fields filled with a bevy of established poker professionals and gaggles of amateurs taking their one shot? Can you navigate through these enormous minefields, and take home the coveted WSOP gold bracelet? Do you have it in you?

    Name:  wpid-wsop_bracelet_2014-cf_.jpg
Views: 18830
Size:  37.2 KB ...

    Updated 04-23-2015 at 03:29 PM by jacosta24

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