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  1. I survived the LAPC

    With the LAPC main event currently under way and the series coming to an end I decided to write about my experience at this year’s 2015 LAPC. I only played 2 events due to insufficient bankroll and time constraints. I managed to play Event #1 a $175 buy-in $100,000 guarantee No-Limit Hold’em tournament and Event #20 a $240 $500,000 guarantee also nlhe. I totally held my own and never felt outmatched in these massive +700 player fields. I played one hand at a time and just focused on my table and ...
  2. Waiting for the next BOOM

    All I hear about these days is how hard poker is to beat and how in the early days a mediocre poker player could make a healthy living off the game, because the opposition was so weak. This frustrates me because I feel like I missed my chance to capitalize on the online poker boom, I feel like my game and bankroll is at a level where if I had the opportunity, I could succeed at online poker if the games were really that juicy.

    I reside in beautiful California, and currently it is ...
  3. Just WIN (With a quote from Scott Davies 2014 WSOP APAC Main Event champion)

    Big or small, tournament victories are hard to come by. Winning makes all the difference. Long hours at the computer screen or at the felt can seem pointless without the victory. Being the last player left in a tournament is the best feeling ever, it means no ones skill or luck could overcome you that day.

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    These two weeks back at the grind have pretty tough but I have shown some profit. I played 15 tournaments, made 6 final tables, I got a 5th, ...

    Updated 11-05-2014 at 05:24 PM by jacosta24
