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  1. Knocking off the RUST

    A little bit more than 2 weeks have passed since my last post and truthful I haven’t been looking forward to writing because I haven’t found much time to actually sit down and play! I’ve played 9 online tournaments and cashed in zero for – 560 mbtc but two of them were bubble finishes, so it’s not as bad as it seems. I blame most of my failure on rust and the lack of volume needed to fade the variance that comes along with playing tournament poker. But I’m not going to sit here and lie to you, mental ...
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  2. Back into the RING

    Way too much time has passed without putting out a quality blog post, but honestly I've been dealing with a huge break up, so I decided to take a little bit of time for myself to relax and get my mind right. Prior to this time away, I was consistently beating the biggest Bitcoin NLHE tournaments on SWC. Just a year ago, I was playing mostly freerolls and grinding the 5 mbtc level but once the original Seals with Clubs went down, I took my game to Nitrogen Sports and ran my measly 200 chip BTC bankroll ...

    Updated 10-07-2015 at 08:12 PM by jacosta24

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  3. Some Random Poker Updates, BNP Twitch Streaming for fun for a little while now, and More.

    Hey everyone! It's been a while since my last blog so I figured why not do one?

    This year as far as poker goes has had it's share of good moments and bad ones but a ton of taking two steps forward and two steps back. It's annoying but what can you do?

    I play over a few sites and haven't played on Bovada that much since early last year when I cashed out everything but I decide to make a small deposit again when they offered me a free $55 tournament ticket if I put $100+ ...
  4. Are you prepared for the WSOP?

    The beast that is the World Series Of Poker is among us. It’s massive player fields with equally massive prize pools are only a few short weeks away. Are you ready? Have you prepared? Do you have what it takes to survive these 1000+ player fields filled with a bevy of established poker professionals and gaggles of amateurs taking their one shot? Can you navigate through these enormous minefields, and take home the coveted WSOP gold bracelet? Do you have it in you?

    Name:  wpid-wsop_bracelet_2014-cf_.jpg
Views: 19160
Size:  37.2 KB ...

    Updated 04-23-2015 at 03:29 PM by jacosta24

  5. I Uploaded a Youtube Music Video

    I was using itunes before and had it on shuffle when I stumbled on an underground uk hip hop track that I remember listening to years ago. It's called 'Call The Doctor' by some complete unknowns by the name of 'The Extremists'. I typed the song into Youtube only to find that it wasn't on there, which is surprising because Youtube has literally everything. So I decided to make a video by using a hospital scene from the anime movie 'Akira' and think that it fits quite well.

    It's the ...

    Updated 04-06-2015 at 01:17 AM by RegGaymer

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