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Thread: Changes we will see once the coronavirus passes

  1. #1
    Owner Dan Druff's Avatar
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    Changes we will see once the coronavirus passes

    Let's discuss changes we will see in life (long term) once this whole thing is over.

    I'll start. No trolling or junk posts in thread please.

    These are predictions for years from now, NOT in the medium-term recovery period after the disease is gone but the economic fallout remains.

    Pandemic Readiness

    - Huge supply of N95 masks and plan to distribute them to both healthcare workers and the people

    - Social distancing protocol, taking place as soon as perceived threat exists

    - Plan to immediately build temporary hospital facilities and how to quickly manufacture needed medical equipment

    - Plan to immediately implement travel restrictions from affected countries

    - All schools required to have distance learning protocols, with virtual classrooms already set up and ready to go

    - Laws in place regarding hoarding of certain essential supplies, which take effect as soon as threat is discovered

    - Criminal penalties for violation of social distancing rules

    - Plan on how to quickly manufacture and distribute both tests and antibody tests


    - Identification of essential industries which will get a bailout (and which ones won't)

    - Emergency cash reserves on hand to distribute in the case of next pandemic

    - Laws regarding rent, mortgage, utility, and healthcare payment -- both during pandemic and the repayment schedule afterwards

    - Fewer business operating with little cash on hand than before

    - More people allowed to work from home in general, plus most major companies having a plan on how they will implement work-from-home if necessary for everyone

    - Less reliance upon China and other foreign countries for production


    - New rules regarding medical care available aboard cruise ships, as well as pre-planning which government agrees to take ship into port in the event of disease on board

    - Cruise industry shifting focus from mostly elderly passengers to those who are young and middle aged, given likely decline in interest from elderly people

    - Quarantine requirements for citizens returning from abroad during pandemic, with non-citizens turned away

    - Laws in place to refund consumers quickly when flights or cruises get cancelled


    - All major sports leagues will have a plan on how to handle a suspended season

    - All events of more than a relatively small number of people (25?) will be immediately shut down in the case of a pandemic threat

    - Inability to play due to pandemic written into sports and venue contracts

    - Plan put in place to routinely test players and play in front of empty stadiums, in order to get sports to return more quickly

    - Laws in place to protect consumers when events get cancelled


    - Advancement of "right to try" laws regarding experimental meds

    - More online classes at colleges (even when no pandemic threat)

    - Fewer social rituals such as handshaking or hugging

      Hockey Guy: Some of these will definitely happen. Some well thought out points.
      sah_24: Lol at cash reserves ... the budget has been negative for decades
      tony bagadonuts: Offset Sah nonsense lumberings

  2. #2
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dan Druff View Post


    - Identification of essential industries which will get a bailout (and which ones won't)

    - Emergency cash reserves on hand to distribute in the case of next pandemic

    - Laws regarding rent, mortgage, utility, and healthcare payment -- both during pandemic and the repayment schedule afterwards

    - Fewer business operating with little cash on hand than before

    - More people allowed to work from home in general, plus most major companies having a plan on how they will implement work-from-home if necessary for everyone

    - Less reliance upon China and other foreign countries for production
    0.0% chance...once things normalize and we get a decade out from under this, people running shit will view the coronavirus as one of those 'black swan' things that only happens once every 100 years like the Spanish flu (funny thing is these "black swan" events have been seeming to happen about once a decade this century) won't earn as much return, people who are running shit 10-15 years down the line will have a memory of this, but may not have been running shit so their perception of what's actually happened from a business standpoint won't be the same...the attitude will be 'i'm getting 0.0000000005% return on my cash and shareholders are up my ass to drive returns...have to invest it in something...hmmmmmmmm our equity seems like a humdinger of an investment'...CFOs are fucking idiots for the most part...they buy high and sell low...

  3. #3
    Bronze RS_'s Avatar
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    This is what I see going forward:

    - Less reliance on China when it comes to medical as well as other more essential stuff. More manufacturing stuff here in the US. Also having them fancy portable hospital tents that can be easily and quickly assembled.

    - More school and work from home. This is a big one. I don't think we're going to shift everything to being done at home. Schooling is still best done in person in my experience. Even jobs that can be done remotely are oftentimes done more effectively, at least in parts, in person. Having a meeting over Zoom might work, but there's nothing like being in a room with others. I could see scheduled short term offices being "a thing" in the future -- your company uses an office space on Mondays and Tuesdays then works from home on Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays. Other companies use the same area but on Wednesday - Sunday. That sorta thing. But I suppose that more depends on how much "work from home" takes off, long term.

    - I could see some on the anti-2'nd amendment side to lighten up on that stance. I've seen videos on YouTube of gun shops basically saying, "Yes there's a 10 day waiting period in California. No you can't buy a fully automatic weapon. You need to pass a background check. No exceptions. Stop asking." as well as people being annoyed at how difficult it is to buy a gun. The people having these issues and gripes are the people who've never owned or purchased a gun before in their lives. I suppose this 2A thing has less to do with the pandemic directly but it's more of an indirect result. Or else this is all wishful thinking on my behalf and everything will go back to normal.

    - An increase in restaurants, grocery stores, and even dispensaries doing delivery. The more people get used to this kinda stuff, the more it's going to stick around in the future. Similarly, I think people will tend to stick around their houses more. Our culture has already been moving in that direction, I think. I can see it sticking -- especially the longer this goes on.

    - I realized this near the end of January, when it was starting to become obvious that shit was gonna hit the fan and this was going to be a pretty bad pandemic....but I literally had like 0 of anything at home. No food or water, really. Only reason why I have "so much" toilet paper (11 rolls) is because I usually just shit at the casinos. I imagine in the future, people are going to start prepping a lot more as well as being more frugal. My great grandparents lived through the great depression, so my grandparents and a tad bit of my parents had this "save everything, don't waste, always be prepared" kind of mind-set. Depending on how long the 'rona pandemic lasts, I can see this being a very real thing for our generation. I don't know the last time I had really gone into a grocery store to buy actual food. But when I was stocking up for this, I realized how much food you could get for such a cheap price. I, personally, am going to well stocked going forward as well as probably cooking more at home. Then again, eating canned chicken and cooking quinoa every day for the last 15+ days, I'm sure this novelty is going to wear off sooner rather than later.

    - Wearing masks in public, at least in casinos, is going to be more common and acceptable. Not just in the initial aftermath, but years to come. I sure as hell ain't going into a casino without a mask for a while after they start opening back up.

    - Hand washing and general hygiene. At least personally, I've always been pretty studious when it comes to washing my hands. I've never really done that BS 3-second wash thing you see most people do. Especially since I'm in casinos often, I'd wash my hands rather thoroughly. It's amazing how dirty your hands get after playing a table game for a few hours.

    - I think cruise ships are pretty much fucked. I think they'll eventually make a come back, but not be anywhere near as strong as they once were, and definitely not anytime soon. I expect airlines to be back to where they were pretty shortly after this is after. However, the longer this goes on for, I think there's an ever-increasing chance that airlines don't make a complete recovery, but that's only a slight chance.

    - I think sports will be largely unchanged all around. The only time anything would change is when another (big) pandemic hits....which is pretty rare.

    - Lastly, I think it's also going to be fascinating to see all the different changes that are going to occur that we really can't even imagine or anticipate right now. Some neutral, some good, and others terrible.

      BCR: I agree with most of this.
      Dan Druff: very good

  4. #4
    Gold Shizzmoney's Avatar
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    I think casino buffets and corporate and hotel "hot bars" will go away, due to the potential legal liability down the road for the next virus like this one.

    "Donk down, that’s what you say to someone after they have lost 28K straight?" - Phil Hellmuth, online

  5. #5
    Platinum GrenadaRoger's Avatar
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    In baseball, players will / should be discouraged from spitting on the field--it will no longer be considered harmless

    sneezing/coughing into ones elbow or shoulder will become more common
    (long before there was a PFA i had my Grenade & Crossbones avatar at DD)

  6. #6
    Gold MrTickle's Avatar
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    US and EU economies will get battered by this. China will be just fine. I predict that China is basically overakes USA as world's number 1 economy very soon.

      OSA: cossack

  7. #7
    Hurricane Expert tgull's Avatar
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    Once a vaccine is produced and distributed in probably end of 2021, things will slowly get back to normal. But by all accounts this virus will likely re-appear in late fall 2020 so social distancing is here until 2022. These industries will be most impacted:

    - Restaurants / Bar: Most will go under, its a thin margin business and to think they can survive with half the tables is just not realistic
    - Cruise industry is going to get wiped out. I like cruises, but the thought of being potentially quarantined for a month on board, no way will I get back on a ship
    - Amusement parks are essentially finished. Disney will survive, barely, but that is about it. I mean the lines are bad enough, but who is going to want to sit in a ride where thousands before you have sat?
    - International Travel is done for a long time. Nobody is going to want to sit on a plane for 8 hours especially is someone is coughing an aisle in front of you
    - Sport venues will be basically non-existent. It will be at least until 2022 before you see anything more than sporadic crowds. Music concerts are also done
    - Movie Theaters are basically ruined. This will dramatically curtail Hollywood's influence

    There is some good though. People are actually washing their hands all the time now. You will likely see a dramatic decline in the flu as filthy hands and touching your face is a huge transmission method. Coupled with social distancing the next flue season will probably be the lightest on record.

      Muck Ficon: Lol

  8. #8
    Hurricane Expert tgull's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MrTickle View Post
    US and EU economies will get battered by this. China will be just fine. I predict that China is basically overakes USA as world's number 1 economy very soon.
    Wow, you and just about every economist in the world predicts that. They have 1.6B people, the US has 350M people. Way to go out on a limb with such a bold prediction.


  9. #9
    Diamond Sloppy Joe's Avatar
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    The GOP may be absolutely decimated as their constituents finally realize that they elected a narcissistic, sociopathic lunatic who has the blood of 100,000+ Americans on his hands as a result of ignoring scientists and fact, leading to a mass exodus from the party.

    Hence the recent pivot to blaming China and the CDC; they know they're fucked.

    'But SJW's, Hilary' just simply isn't going to be enough of a sell anymore.
    PokerFraudAlert...will never censor your claims, even if they're against one of our sponsors. In addition to providing you an open forum report fraud within the poker community, we will also analyze your claims with a clear head an unbiased point of view. And, of course, the accused will always have the floor to defend themselves.-Dan Druff

  10. #10
    Gold MrTickle's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tgull View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by MrTickle View Post
    US and EU economies will get battered by this. China will be just fine. I predict that China is basically overakes USA as world's number 1 economy very soon.
    Wow, you and just about every economist in the world predicts that. They have 1.6B people, the US has 350M people. Way to go out on a limb with such a bold prediction.
    I’m not an economist. Forgive my ignorance.

  11. #11
    Silver AhoosierA's Avatar
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    Because of Corona Virus....

    Druff will run out of things to talk about and go on a 2-3 months hiatus, maybe having 1 show/month.

    He will get bored with his own forum and start entertaining the offer extended to him from MM.

    Druff will start private communication with MM and they will come to realize their years long hatred towards each other was all a misunderstanding and they will become friends.

    Druff will then make an announcement that 4 & PFA have decided to join forces.

    "Poker Fraud Alert Radio, sponsored by Two Plus Two" will be born.

    ............and then I woke up.

  12. #12
    Diamond Hockey Guy's Avatar
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    This isn't a prediction but a guarantee & it's already happening:

    The conspiracy theorists worldwide will claim it is all a hoax & if/when a vaccine is produced will try to get everybody to boycott it claiming all sorts of ridiculous things & the government is trying to control you.

    Where id RegGaymer anyways?

    I'll also guarantee a rise in anti-semitism as the economic fallout continues.

      SPIT this: ok this is accurate
    (•_•) ..
    ∫\ \___( •_•)
    _∫∫ _∫∫ɯ \ \

    Quote Originally Posted by Hockey Guy
    I'd say good luck in the freeroll but I'm pretty sure you'll go on a bender to self-sabotage yourself & miss it completely or use it as the excuse of why you didn't cash.

  13. #13
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  14. #14
    Gold SPIT this's Avatar
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    Lol at thinking we'll start preparing for the next one when this is over instead of just forgetting immediately

      big dick: .
      Baron Von Strucker: forgetting what??

  15. #15
    Platinum FRANKRIZZO's Avatar
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    Millions of jobs will be lost, this is already happening with people en mass applying for unemployment. This is a shame so many jobs lost overnight.

  16. #16
    Plutonium Sanlmar's Avatar
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    Thread title has me confused.

    You can draw a straight line from 2008 to populism. What similar changes can you anticipate politically, socially, economically after this crisis?

    Businesses saving for a rainy day wasn’t the sort of ideas I expected to find.

    Less reliance upon China and other foreign countries for production

    Shifting relationships between world powers is more on point. However, less dependence on China as a manufacturer is precisely NOT the trend. The virus economic shock painfully instructs us about the balance.

    Boston made quite the fuss today about Robert Kraft flying his Patriots team jets to China for masks. He wasn’t flying to Pittsburgh.

    By every measure we are experiencing something economically similar to the depression/WWII in terms of the size of debt and fiscal/monetary actions. Huge shifts occurred in all facets of life after 1945

    Couple of thoughts are rattling in my head while I take my morning dump each day.

    1.) the trading expression “fractals of psychology”. Spoken when analyzing time frames 5 mins / a day / a week / a decade of a (stock) market. Our poet Sonatine will appreciate the beauty of the term.

    I could riff a dozen different ways but I love the term fractals of psychology. Bill Ackman where are you?

    What thoughts occupy a millennials mind when he has RH up on his phone. His fractal is small. He is informed only by good times. 2008 is boomer talk.

    2.) I find this fucking amazing

    think the decline of the USA here:

    Hard times create strong men.
    Strong men create good times.
    Good times create weak men.
    And, weak men create hard times.
    Last edited by Sanlmar; 04-02-2020 at 07:41 PM.

  17. #17
    Owner Dan Druff's Avatar
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    RS posted that guns will be viewed differently and more people will be in support of the second amendment.

    I believe this will happen.

    For 20 years, ever since the Columbine shooting, society was trending towards the "guns are evil and killing or children" point of view, and positive stories regarding gun ownership were rapidly decreasing. Mind you, much of this was a media invention -- spree killings are only a tiny percentage of gun murders in the US each year, and there are plenty of inspirational "good guy with a gun" stories which can be used to justify gun ownership.

    Still, people kept looking to the strict gun laws in places like Europe and Australia, and it was hard for many people to fathom why we weren't following their examples. Sure, there was the problem of, "How do you get the bad guys to turn in their guns along with the good guys?" (hint: it's impossible), but that was always dismissed with a simple, "It worked for Australia" type answer.

    People who cited the second amendment were derided with laughter. They were told that the "militia" language was antiquated, and was meant for times when it was important to stay armed in order to fight government tyranny -- something unrealistic given today's big and powerful US government.

    Most people just had a hard time picturing a scenario where society could break down, and they would need a gun to protect their home and family. We aren't at that point, nor are we all that close yet, but this unprecedented scenario got everyone thinking about it.

    "Boy, I really wish I had a gun now, just in case we get there", many people thought. However, few could get one -- due to the waiting period, disappearing inventory, and the stores being shut down by business closure orders.

    When this is all over, many people are going to believe that the breakdown of society is a lot closer than we think, and that we just had a good example of a crisis many hadn't pictured possible. I think this set back gun control efforts many years, if not decades.

      Sloppy Joe: Probably accurate

  18. #18
    Diamond Sloppy Joe's Avatar
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    Gotta wonder how hard things like entertainment-like events are going to suffer.

    Even when things level out, how enthusiastic will people be to attend things like sporting events or concerts around 20k+ others indoors?

    Especially if we get hit with multiple waves or if studies emerge about levels of susceptibility for various demographics.

    Am I going to comfortable going to Blazers games whenever the season resumes? Not sure, but guarantee it will be part of the calculus.
    PokerFraudAlert...will never censor your claims, even if they're against one of our sponsors. In addition to providing you an open forum report fraud within the poker community, we will also analyze your claims with a clear head an unbiased point of view. And, of course, the accused will always have the floor to defend themselves.-Dan Druff

  19. #19
    Diamond BCR's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sloppy Joe View Post
    Gotta wonder how hard things like entertainment-like events are going to suffer.

    Even when things level out, how enthusiastic will people be to attend things like sporting events or concerts around 20k+ others indoors?

    Especially if we get hit with multiple waves or if studies emerge about levels of susceptibility for various demographics.

    Am I going to comfortable going to Blazers games whenever the season resumes? Not sure, but guarantee it will be part of the calculus.
    I think these things are toast until we have a legit vaccine or wonder drug or have zero cases. Even things that cater to only young people, they’ll just pick it up and start a cluster again every time.

    Hockeyguy posted a video from an ER doctor the other day that said he felt it was only transmitted primarily through sustained contact. That makes zero sense to me. How the hell does one woman on a plane infect 12 passengers that weren’t even sitting around her? I think it’s clearly more airborne than that.

    A girl I’ve dated has a brother who is a event planner. He basically just traveled around setting up big concerts and music festivals. He has his own business based in Atlanta, but basically lives in Miami for a few weeks, Vegas, wherever the party is at next for a few weeks at a time. He’s back home now staying with his dad. I view his business as pretty much dead for the foreseeable future. That type of stuff doesn’t come back until it’s gone gone imo.

  20. #20
    Diamond Hockey Guy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BCR View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Sloppy Joe View Post
    Gotta wonder how hard things like entertainment-like events are going to suffer.

    Even when things level out, how enthusiastic will people be to attend things like sporting events or concerts around 20k+ others indoors?

    Especially if we get hit with multiple waves or if studies emerge about levels of susceptibility for various demographics.

    Am I going to comfortable going to Blazers games whenever the season resumes? Not sure, but guarantee it will be part of the calculus.
    I think these things are toast until we have a legit vaccine or wonder drug or have zero cases. Even things that cater to only young people, they’ll just pick it up and start a cluster again every time.

    Hockeyguy posted a video from an ER doctor the other day that said he felt it was only transmitted primarily through sustained contact. That makes zero sense to me. How the hell does one woman on a plane infect 12 passengers that weren’t even sitting around her? I think it’s clearly more airborne than that.

    A girl I’ve dated has a brother who is a event planner. He basically just traveled around setting up big concerts and music festivals. He has his own business based in Atlanta, but basically lives in Miami for a few weeks, Vegas, wherever the party is at next for a few weeks at a time. He’s back home now staying with his dad. I view his business as pretty much dead for the foreseeable future. That type of stuff doesn’t come back until it’s gone gone imo.
    I need to correct you on this. He said you could get it thru sustained contact but the most common way to was getting it on your hands then touching your face which is eventually gonna happen if you're in sustained contact with a sick person.

    Sporting events are gonna be fucked for awhile because how often do you see someone immediately sanitize their hands after hugging or high-fiving after the home team scores?
    (•_•) ..
    ∫\ \___( •_•)
    _∫∫ _∫∫ɯ \ \

    Quote Originally Posted by Hockey Guy
    I'd say good luck in the freeroll but I'm pretty sure you'll go on a bender to self-sabotage yourself & miss it completely or use it as the excuse of why you didn't cash.

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