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Thread: Maurice Hawkins alleged to mistreat recreational player at WSOP

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    Owner Dan Druff's Avatar
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    Maurice Hawkins alleged to mistreat recreational player at WSOP

    This post is from "D_Matthews" on 2+2, which I assume to be David Matthews, who once won the Ultimate Blackjack Tour. He is a recreational poker player, and claims to be a Seven Stars member at Caesars.

    So I sign up for the $5k NLHE at Rio today and I draw a table with Maurice Hawkins, who I don't know.. Maria Ho.. who I don't know.. and Melanie Weisner who I don't know.

    Well I know them all now. I guess they're really big deals. Like I should care how important and awesome they are or something.

    But anyway, Maria likes to raise preflop and bet every street. Or at least she did today.

    I had pocket 33. the board came Q7752 (or something like that). I can't remember how the action went but she bet 850 on the river. The pot had 1400 in it, and we each had about 14k behind. (very early in event.)

    I want to think about it. I don't like my hand, but I'm not certain she has anything. In fact, she might be betting because it's the only way she can win. Sure it doesn't seem like a lot of chips being only 850 but every decision matters in a tourney, IMO.

    About 8 seconds after she makes her bet, Maurice Hawkins rolls his eyes at me (indicating that it's such a small bet I should have auto-called or auto-folded) and then starts loudly singing the Final Jeopardy theme song. This makes it more difficult to think. On top of that, he says, "Call the clock. It's only 850. This is ridiculous. He's had one whole minute to think about it and it's only 850!"

    I decide to muck before the floor comes over but I ask for the floor to clarify the situation. I say, "Is it OK for him to sing the Jeopardy theme song while I'm trying to make my decision and is it OK for him to call the clock after only one minute (which he even said HIMSELF it was only a minute! not lying here).

    The floor says that it should be at least 2 minutes before a floor is called, and no in no uncertain ways is singing the Jeopardy theme song acceptable while I'm making a river decision.

    Maurice tells me before the floor gets there, "You know what? I don't give a damn."

    But when the floor gets there he says "My fault. I shouldn't have said that."

    He did get a warning for the Jeopardy singing.

    Prior to this event, he had dropped the F-Bomb twice. I am not worried about the F-Bomb. Wouldn't have cared, but after this whole thing he said it again so I called the floor. The floor came over. Gave him another warning for dropping F-bomb (which the whole table had heard).


    So we play for a while and he gets in a 3-way pot that I'm not involved in and the early position player checks, he bets 3100, player behind him calls, then early position goes all in for 11,000. He had about 28000 then.

    I wait for 2 whole minutes (remember he only gave me one Jeopardy-music-filled one minute earlier) and then I call clock. He says "You know you're a little bitch don't you? Yeah that's right you're a little bitch!" He's still in the hand and deciding what to do, but that's what he says to me.

    A person with a Boston cap, then leads into me saying I didn't give him enough time, etc. This player had not been there for the earlier stuff. I told him that. Turns out he was close friends with Maurice so it was all a sham.

    The floor gives both me and Maurice warnings. I'm thinking that's crazy. He got a warning for Jeopardy music, he got a warning for F-bomb, and he got a warning for calling me a little bitch.

    What did I do? I called clock after 2 whole minutes on someone who called clock on me after 1 minute where he was singing Jeopardy the whole time.

    So I'm the bad guy or something.

    Anyway, there's a clique in poker. Maria Ho and Maurice obviously thought they were both superior to everyone else. They laughed and chided me and thought it was fine to break rules and etiquette because they're just that far superior to the peasants that troll these games like me.

    There were a few other people at the table that refused to say a word in the tournament, but on the break they told me I was right on everything I said.

    The floor seemed in the tank for Maurice too. They came up smiling to the table and Maurice greased them with hellos and smiles too. Clearly there's clique in tournament poker, and if you're not in it, you're not going to be treated well by the floor.

    I think he is a bit out of line criticizing Maria, even if she did get some inappropriate lols out of Maurice's actions. It's not Maria's job to get in the middle of this, and from the rest of his posts on the thread, he seems to believe that she was "supporting" him while not really providing real evidence of that.

    But this Maurice guy sounds like a big asshole, and this is exactly what we DON'T want in poker. In addition to creating an unpleasant environment in general, it scares away the recreational players. Here the guy was playing a tough $5k buyin event against presumably much better players, and Maurice chased him out.

    Another player named JCHAK posted this:

    1st and only experience with Maurice Hawkins

    3 tables left in a WSOP 1500 event when the following happened:

    Eric Lindgren raises, I flat HJ with 44, Maurice Hawkins flats button.

    Flop KQ2ddd, Lindgren checks, I check, Maurice bets 1/2 pot.

    Lindgren check raises all in.

    I fold.

    Maurice goes on an expletive filled rant about his luck, bends his cards together high in the air and then folds.

    15 seconds of silence pass.

    "***** idiot, god dmn ***** idiot, idiot play cost me the pot" - maurice in bellowing voice

    I thought to myself wow, can't believe he's cursing at Eric Lindgren like that, they must have some history.

    15 more seconds of silence.

    "just haaaaad to get in preflop with that sht, gave him odds, just had to get in the way"

    at this point Lindgren has raised preflop again and just as it was my action Maurice says

    "You gonna flat his open again, fk us up again? Stay out of my pots!"

    Apparently the whole time he had been cursing me out for getting in his pot with lindgren in the prior hand, before he was even in the pot.

    I remained silent and just thought to myself "this guy is special". FWIW, there was some sense of sarcasm to his voice, perhaps he was joking around, but he was genuinely pissed and I didn't know him at all. The actual words and statements were beyond unacceptable but they were slightly mitigated by his persona, if that makes any sense. It wasn't overly malicious, just pestering and narcissistic. It's been a year so his statements were somewhat paraphrased but that was the gist of it.

    Table broke after the second hand.

    He also likes to call people with 3 times his MTT earnings "fish" as reported here and here.

    He may be a character, I don't mind characters at all, think people should be able to act out a little more than they currently are allowed, but in OP's case, I 100% have to give him the benefit of the doubt and would say Maurice most likely instigated everything. OP may have over reacted and gone too far himself, but when people feel attacked and/or marginalized, they simply don't respond well, which is understandable imo.

    While I don't know Maurice, these stories all seem similar, and it seems like the guy is bad for poker. I wish the tournament floor people would put a stop to shit like this, while worrying less about petty rule violations.

  2. #2
    Gold 4BET's Avatar
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    I have played poker with Maurice for about 8-10 years he is the worst, Biggest cunt in south Florida, I cant stand this fucker and we have had words many many times, He is such a big asshole one day he was playing at the shit hole kennel club they barred him for arguing with a nice lady who was playing in our game, I have 30 stories about playing with this asshole over the years.
    -Allergic to the struggle

  3. #3
    Diamond Hockey Guy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 4BET View Post
    I have played poker with Maurice for about 8-10 years he is the worst, Biggest cunt in south Florida, I cant stand this fucker and we have had words many many times, He is such a big asshole one day he was playing at the shit hole kennel club they barred him for arguing with a nice lady who was playing in our game, I have 30 stories about playing with this asshole over the years.
    Go on........
    (•_•) ..
    ∫\ \___( •_•)
    _∫∫ _∫∫ɯ \ \

    Quote Originally Posted by Hockey Guy
    I'd say good luck in the freeroll but I'm pretty sure you'll go on a bender to self-sabotage yourself & miss it completely or use it as the excuse of why you didn't cash.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Hockey Guy View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by 4BET View Post
    I have played poker with Maurice for about 8-10 years he is the worst, Biggest cunt in south Florida, I cant stand this fucker and we have had words many many times, He is such a big asshole one day he was playing at the shit hole kennel club they barred him for arguing with a nice lady who was playing in our game, I have 30 stories about playing with this asshole over the years.
    Go on........
    I do have a lot of stories about this moron but as you all know I hate typing/posting, One day I will share some of these,Here is a bit of one story, I was at the kennel club when they once arrested Maurice, Funny as shit as the police made him stand up right at the table and put the cuffs on. True Story

      Hockey Guy: You really need to elaborate. Pleeeeeease.
    -Allergic to the struggle

  5. #5
    Platinum Jayjami's Avatar
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    The absolute best way to deal with assholes at the table is to simply ignore them. Deep down, they are spoiled children looking for attention. Just like children, once they realize their bad behavior will not produce the desired result, it will cease. If the entire table collectively does so, even the asshole will begin to realize how foolish he looks.

    When I used to play at my local casino in Bakersfield, occasionally we'd get someone passing through from LA. How would we know? After they started losing, they would eventually brag that they "usually play at Commerce" and aren't "used to playing in these low limit games". Translation: nobody in this Podunk town could possibly be better than me. Little did these guys know that nobody gave a rat's ass and most of the players were competent. Eventually they would just shut up or leave (without having to go to the cage on the way out and muttering that they will "never play here again").

    If you are in a cash game, usually one well timed quip after an hour of ignoring them will put them in their place and shut them up for good. I have about 20 of these, but here are some of my favorites:

    Kid, I usually don't give advice at the table, but if you are going to keep playing pots against me out of position, you need to buy a couple more racks (for the coup de grace, then call for a chip runner).

    Are you a geometry teacher? (No). Then quit shooting angles at me.

    (If they whine after you win a pot from them) Can you speak up? I can't hear you over the sound the chips being pushed toward me.

    (If they are losing badly) What time will you be coming in to play tomorrow?

    Remember: the timing and the delivery are everything, because you want to project the image that you are the one in control and can make them appear foolish with just few well timed words. So wait for the right opportunity and speak in a total deadpan voice, which will demonstrate your emotional dominance over them. Even if their poor behavior continues you will have put them into full on tilt mode.

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    The other way to handle it:

    About 15 years ago a was playing 20/40 limit hold'em at the Mirage. Over at the 20/40 stud table there was a young punk who was harassing a guy who was about 75. It went on for about an hour and was loud, consistent, and demeaning. Finally, the old guy had had enough. He picked up his cane and a started bashing the kid over the head! Petty much everybody was cheering him on. Security rushed to the scene. They immediately escorted the kid out without letting him pick up his chips. The old man was escorted to the cage, allowed to cash out, and was back the next day. Never saw the kid again. Kudos to the Mirage and the old man for handling the situation in an appropriate manner.

  7. #7
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    Hockey Guy: You really need to elaborate. Pleeeeeease. The arrest is nothing real big but if you know Maurice IRL you would be very happy to see him get arrested as 99.9 of players in south Florida cant stand this prick. On the day he got arrested I was playing 3 or 4 tables away when I heard Maurice's big mouth which is common anyway but the sheriff was standing behind him, So I stand up and start watching what's going on, Right about then Maurice is facing the table standing up and turns around quickly that's when the sheriff grab's his hands and cuffs him Then leads him out to a waiting police car. The story I heard from someone who was at his table is he started berating a player at the table again common for this prick when the floor asked him to leave and he started shouting at him that's when the sheriff came over behind him. I believe they charged him with resisting arrest, I know they did book him at the police station (Not just lead him out)because his mugshot was on the palm beach post, The palm beach post put's anyone who is arrested mug shot on their website, He was ban from PBKC for a long time over this, I don't know what ever happened with the court case.
    Last edited by 4BET; 06-18-2014 at 05:09 AM.
    -Allergic to the struggle

  8. #8
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    BTW I should add for those of you who don't know the kennel club, The sheriff has a booth right in the poker room so their is always 1 or 2 sheriff's in the poker room
    Last edited by 4BET; 06-18-2014 at 06:02 AM.
    -Allergic to the struggle

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    Platinum nunbeater's Avatar
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    For some reason as soon as I read his story I go to Google him and think to myself, "I bet it's a black guy." And sure enough, it was a black guy.

    Sorry Walter Sobchak/black people, it just popped in my head randomly. I dunno why.

  11. #11
    Plutonium Brittney Griner's Clit's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by nunbeater View Post
    For some reason as soon as I read his story I go to Google him and think to myself, "I bet it's a black guy." And sure enough, it was a black guy.

    Sorry Walter Sobchak/black people, it just popped in my head randomly. I dunno why.

    Umm I can think of why. I bet it's when you read his name. Maurice has to be one of the blackest names out there.

  12. #12
    Platinum nunbeater's Avatar
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    Maybe Jamier or Julius but Maurice, shit man I know more white guys named Maurice.

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    Only 3 types of people would have the name Maurice, blacks, gay hairdressers and those named after one of the BeeGees.
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    Quote Originally Posted by nunbeater View Post
    Maybe Jamier or Julius but Maurice, shit man I know more white guys named Maurice.

    I asked yahoo if Maurice was a black name. This came back first.

  15. #15
    Cubic Zirconia
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dan Druff View Post
    This post is from "D_Matthews" on 2+2, which I assume to be David Matthews, who once won the Ultimate Blackjack Tour. He is a recreational poker player, and claims to be a Seven Stars member at Caesar's.

    I think he is a bit out of line criticizing Maria, even if she did get some inappropriate lols out of Maurice's actions. It's not Maria's job to get in the middle of this, and from the rest of his posts on the thread, he seems to believe that she was "supporting" him while not really providing real evidence of that.

    But this Maurice guy sounds like a big asshole, and this is exactly what we DON'T want in poker. In addition to creating an unpleasant environment in general, it scares away the recreational players. Here the guy was playing a tough $5k buyin event against presumably much better players, and Maurice chased him out.

    Another player named JCHAK posted this:

    1st and only experience with Maurice Hawkins

    3 tables left in a WSOP 1500 event when the following happened:

    Eric Lindgren raises, I flat HJ with 44, Maurice Hawkins flats button.

    Flop KQ2ddd, Lindgren checks, I check, Maurice bets 1/2 pot.

    Lindgren check raises all in.

    I fold.

    Maurice goes on an expletive filled rant about his luck, bends his cards together high in the air and then folds.

    15 seconds of silence pass.

    "***** idiot, god dmn ***** idiot, idiot play cost me the pot" - maurice in bellowing voice

    I thought to myself wow, can't believe he's cursing at Eric Lindgren like that, they must have some history.

    15 more seconds of silence.

    "just haaaaad to get in preflop with that sht, gave him odds, just had to get in the way"

    at this point Lindgren has raised preflop again and just as it was my action Maurice says

    "You gonna flat his open again, fk us up again? Stay out of my pots!"

    Apparently the whole time he had been cursing me out for getting in his pot with lindgren in the prior hand, before he was even in the pot.

    I remained silent and just thought to myself "this guy is special". FWIW, there was some sense of sarcasm to his voice, perhaps he was joking around, but he was genuinely pissed and I didn't know him at all. The actual words and statements were beyond unacceptable but they were slightly mitigated by his persona, if that makes any sense. It wasn't overly malicious, just pestering and narcissistic. It's been a year so his statements were somewhat paraphrased but that was the gist of it.

    Table broke after the second hand.

    He also likes to call people with 3 times his MTT earnings "fish" as reported here and here.

    He may be a character, I don't mind characters at all, think people should be able to act out a little more than they currently are allowed, but in OP's case, I 100% have to give him the benefit of the doubt and would say Maurice most likely instigated everything. OP may have over reacted and gone too far himself, but when people feel attacked and/or marginalized, they simply don't respond well, which is understandable imo.

    While I don't know Maurice, these stories all seem similar, and it seems like the guy is bad for poker. I wish the tournament floor people would put a stop to shit like this, while worrying less about petty rule violations.
    this might be of interest:

  16. #16
    Owner Dan Druff's Avatar
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    Interesting, but it was over 3 years ago.

  17. #17
    Cubic Zirconia
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dan Druff View Post
    Interesting, but it was over 3 years ago.
    Bad karma follows you everywhere . He had chip lead in main event day 2 yesterday in Dallas WSOP with 330k by 6pm he busted

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    He played at my $1500 Bounty WSOP table briefly.

    Was very talkative but friendly during the time he was there.

    Not a large sample size, but I didn't have a problem with him.

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