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Thread: Popular YouTuber "Rekieta Law" aka Nick Rekieta arrested, along with his wife and another YouTuber's wife, for drug offenses and child endangerment

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    Owner Dan Druff's Avatar
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    Popular YouTuber "Rekieta Law" aka Nick Rekieta arrested, along with his wife and another YouTuber's wife, for drug offenses and child endangerment

    Nick Rekieta, a Minnesota lawyer, rose to prominence in 2020 and 2021 due to his shows covering the Kyle Rittenhouse trial and Johnny Depp lawsuit.

    Rekieta is married and has 4 children, with his wife Kayla.

    Rekieta was at first very well regarded, and saw his YouTube channel and Twitter account quickly gain popularity. His YouTube channel "Rekieta Law" has 448,000 followers, and his Twitter has around 150,000. Nick is 42, and his wife is 40.

    However, as time passed, he started to run into some controversy. In 2022, he represented accused sexual harasser Vic Mignogna in two defamation suits which Mignogna filed against his accusers, and then talked about the case extensively on his show. This allegedly caused a lot of Rekieta's fans to harass the accusers, which became a bad look for Rekieta.

    More troublesome was the suspicion that Rekieta was getting involved with drugs. His appearance started to change, he was increasingly agitated and jumpy in his videos, and he lost a ton of weight.

    At the same time, Rekieta was involved in drama (and possibly an affair) with another YouTuber, April Imholte.

    April is a fairly hot chick who married a guy named Aaron Imholte three years ago. Aaron is also a YouTuber, who runs sometihng called the "Steel Toe Morning Show". Many people resented Aaron at the time he married April, because a bunch of simps wanted her, and Aaron was seen as kind of a dork (plus 8 years older than her).

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    Someone actually even started a hate site regarding their marriage:

    Well, predictably, the marriage was a huge fail, there were fights during the Steel Toe Morning Show for everyone to see, and the two of them separated.

    And where did April run? You guess it... to Nick Rekieta.

    Rekieta and Aaron Imholte were friends for awhile, but had some kind of falling out. April kept going over there, and Aaron was suspecting it was to use drugs, as he had long suspected April was an addict herself. He was also suspicious that April was fucking Nick, even though Nick's wife Kayla was typically home.

    On May 23, the cops served a warrant, forced their way in when Nick Rekieta wouldn't let them, and searched the home. Lots of cocaine and other drugs were found, and much of it was easily accessible to the kids in the house (though there's no evidence the kids ever touched it). Nick, Kayla (his wife), and April were all arrested. They are all currently out on bail.

    There are now rumors online that Aaron Imholte actually was the one who reported the whole thing. One of Aaron's longtime YouTube rivals, a Las Vegas comic named Patrick Melton, believes Aaron called the Rekietas' pastor, reported the drug use in the home, and then the pastor was required to report this to law enforcement. It is well documented that Aaron kept warning April to "get out of the house" this past weekend, and come back home to him, as if he knew the hammer was falling.

    Here's Aaron's two recent shows about the matter:

    What a fucking mess.

      JeffDime: Great post.

  2. #2
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    Nick is incredibly talented and I actually found him during the Johnny Depp defamation case. He was terrific and I enjoyed his trial livestreams a lot. He is credited for basically creating this whole genre called “Lawtube” on YouTube and of course Rumble. Many “lawtubers” credit Nick for getting them noticed and giving them their start.

    As for reasons stated by Druff there are many who dislike him and are enjoying his downfall. I only watch this stuff when there is some kind of trial I am interested in, so I had no idea about what was going on with him. This guy Andrew Branca is smart as a whip and I think watching his 13 minutes on this will be will worth it. Branca joined Nick during many trial livestreams. This is a livestream and not edited so you can tell Branca is incredibly well spoke and by all accounts one hell of a lawyer. If you ever kill someone in self defense, you should probably try and hire him.

    BTW here is a 15 minute live stream by another lawyer named Andrew that can certainly thank Nick for much of his success. Despite the fact they have apparently fallen out, this video does go through the Probable Cause documents from the Police and seems fair.

    Two things I would not about the PC document. If the wife was in the house and the child was not letting the cops in how wasn’t this cocaine not flushed down the toilet? That seems weird to me. If Nick was pulled over I guess he didn’t either have his phone or the time to contact his wife. But during the delay seems like if the Wife was in the house & coherent she should have flushed that shit.

    The other thing is this “Over 25 grams” of cocaine. Apparently that’s the line of possession where you go from fucked to really fucked. Even in the PC document the Cop admits to counting the “holding” material when coming uo with this 26 grams. So I would think that will get knocked down to under 25 grams. Yes, it’s a lot of Coke but still seems like more to the story for a warrant to be issued for suspected personal cocaine use. From what I’ve seen he wasn’t charged with intent to distribute and not a drug dealer. Just seems odd to me. I think there were certianly people out to get him and that’s probably why this went down.

    The irony in all this is Nick has once again give a huge help to all his fellow “lawtubers” who are making videos on him. Not the way he wants to help for sure. Another over saturated market that struggles when there aren’t the high profile cases they can livestream.

      Ryback_feed_me_more: My favorite lawtube dude is Steve Lehto
    Last edited by JeffDime; 05-25-2024 at 08:53 AM.

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    predicted she would leave him over a year ago
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    a Las Vegas comic named Patrick Melton


    he's not a 'comic'

    fat retard who streams to nobody for a decade and gets dunked on
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    Nothing wrong with doing a little blow
    I don’t see the big deal

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    There are now rumors online that Aaron Imholte actually was the one who reported the whole thing. One of Aaron's longtime YouTube rivals, a Las Vegas comic named Patrick Melton, believes Aaron called the Rekietas' pastor

    Did you listen at all to any of this fuckhead talking about it?

    He didn't report it. Take it to the bank, jew.
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    I admit I saw stuff about this but had no idea who this guy was and didn;t want to invest the time to figure it out. I already waste enough of my brain knowing pointless shit about streamers. That's not to say its not interesting but that there really is just way too much drama going on to follow all of this.
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    Never heard of any of these people.

      OK2: #winning
      BCR: Neither have I. The law guy has a big show with large YouTube numbers. Druff has more followers on Twitter than the nerd.

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    Quote Originally Posted by BetCheckBet View Post
    I admit I saw stuff about this but had no idea who this guy was and didn;t want to invest the time to figure it out. I already waste enough of my brain knowing pointless shit about streamers. That's not to say its not interesting but that there really is just way too much drama going on to follow all of this.
    thanks for your contribution shithead
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  10. #10
    Gold Ryback_feed_me_more's Avatar
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    The whole April banging the lawyer might be easily explainable. Could be a MFF thruple thing going on especially if both the wife and April were bisexual. A lot of that shit goes on nobody knows about and it’s not obvious. It’s easily explainable oh so and so is our roommate blah blah.

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    In this case it was very obvious sir and they were swinging it up (who is brilliant) has covered this dumbass and his five head blonde whore of a wife for a couple of years now
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  12. #12
    Owner Dan Druff's Avatar
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    Despite supposedly facing "up to 26 years" in prison, Rekieta will not get anywhere near that.

    The main issues are the amount of cocaine found and the presence of children around the drugs.

    As there is probably no evidence of severe neglect of the kids (or that they touched any of the drugs), this whole matter will probably be reduced down to a possession charge in a plea deal. It wouldn't surprise me if Rekieta only gets probation. Maybe he will serve 60 days in county jail or something, but I don't see a severe sentence here.

    April is facing the lightest of all the charges (as she was only a visitor in the home), and will almost definitely plea out to probation.

    There was definitely some kind of tipster involved.

    OK2 says it wasn't Aaron Imholte. Perhaps it wasn't, but nobody can say that for sure. He definitely had motive. His wife left him, was staying with his former friend (and fellow Youtuber), and it was publicly being speculated that April was fucking Nick, which humiliated Aaron. Aaron may have taken the approach that he would report it, then warn April to get out, and if she didn't, it was her own doing.

    At the same time, I will say that Nick did a video (now deleted) where he looked REALLY fucked up, and it shocked a lot of his fans. Some theorize that a concerned fan called the cops and reported that they were concerned for the kids.

    In any case, someone tipped off the cops here, and they did so in a convincing enough fashion to where they got a warrant and rammed their way in.

      OK2: hear a rumor from a fat idiot you know nothing about and think is a comedian LOL...perhaps it isn't true! fucking retard

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    14,970 views Mar 22, 2024
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    swinging confirmed

    he didn't report it confirmed

    lmk next time u want the scoop

    lock news
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  15. #15
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    Not surprising. The drugs were in Nick's house. As long as everyone backed the story that April wasn't living there (even though she probably was temporarily), she wasn't responsible for the drugs in the house, unless they were hers.

    I think they basically arrested every adult there and sorted it out, and now April is in the clear.

    However, this chick seems like a trainwreck. The bikini show OK2 posted above was downright embarrassing. Is that what Aaron had to do to get anyone to donate? Pretty sad.

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    I watched the last video you posted, OK2, of Aaron throwing Nick and April under the bus.

    This Aaron guy irritates me. Everything he says is sanctimonious and drips of faux-outrage.

    Dude brought his 3 kids over to live in a house of drug addicts and swingers, and didn't bother to leave until his kids said they weren't enjoying it there? And he's bragging about that "responsible" decision? LOL!!

    Also I loved how he claimed he was going to beat Nick within an inch of his life because Nick brought cocaine over to his house, and one of his kids almost got into it. There were repeated stories of Aaron telling Nick to keep the cocaine out of his house, nobody listening to him, and Aaron freaking out. Sure. I don't believe that Aaron was refusing to partake in all this stuff. The actual story was probably somewhere in the middle, where Aaron (then going through a custody battle with his ex-wife) told Nick to be careful with the cocaine and not let the kids see, and then Nick was careless and the kids saw it. Or something like that.

    If you notice from watching Aaron's 33-minute diatribe about it, he seems to be in love with Kayla. This was far more than swinging. It was some kind of long-term wife swap. He even bought Valentine's Day gifts for Kayla. She's the only one he won't bash, and in fact he defends her at times. I think Nick and Kayla, who had been married something like 20 years and had 5 kids, were basically sick of each other and both looking for greener pastures. Nick found it in April (who was younger and prettier), and Kayla found it in Aaron (who probably was tired of his wife's immaturity, and found Kayla's 40-year-old age to be a plus).

    Interesting how Aaron claims that, when he left the house and went back to his own place, Nick's last words to him were, "You led my wife on." Perhaps Aaron is making this up or taking it out of context, but perhaps not. Maybe Nick was happy with the swap, and felt Kayla was too, and this was going to ruin everything with Aaron gone.

    We aren't getting any answers as to whether this was just a straight wife swap, or if there was gay stuff between Nick and Aaron (or lesbian stuff between Kayla and April). But I'm getting that it looks more like a swap.

    Very weird.

    A Youtube commenter said that Aaron is acting like a guy who is reveling in the fact that people are finally interested in him, and wants to bask in the moment. I agree. "The Steel Toe Morning Show" was basically a fail. It never had much of a following. Right now it has the biggest audience it ever had, by orders of magnitude.

    Some were saying that April and Aaron were basically clout chasing by hooking up with a big YouTuber like Nick, and that might be true. Maybe Aaron tolerated all the weirdness in the hopes that he could ride Nick's coattails to a bigger audience.

      OK2: yeah pretty much, nice summary.

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    It was also telling when Aaron was asked if he would consider asking Kayla to leave Nick and be with him long term.

    He said that it wouldn't work because together they'd have 8 kids (3 of his, 5 of Kayla's), and it would be too much.

    Notice he didn't say that it wasn't a romantic relationship, and only sexual. He cited the number of kids to where it would be overly burdensome to do.

    Pretty sure Aaron was (and still might be) in love with Kayla, and the insane number of kids probably was the only thing keeping him from asking her to ditch Nick and move in with him. At the same time, it's interesting how he was still asking April to "come home" about a week before the bust. So he was either trying to protect her, or he still has some lingering feelings for her as well. Maybe he thought having April back would save face for his show.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Dan Druff View Post
    It was also telling when Aaron was asked if he would consider asking Kayla to leave Nick and be with him long term.

    He said that it wouldn't work because together they'd have 8 kids (3 of his, 5 of Kayla's), and it would be too much.

    Notice he didn't say that it wasn't a romantic relationship, and only sexual. He cited the number of kids to where it would be overly burdensome to do.

    Pretty sure Aaron was (and still might be) in love with Kayla, and the insane number of kids probably was the only thing keeping him from asking her to ditch Nick and move in with him. At the same time, it's interesting how he was still asking April to "come home" about a week before the bust. So he was either trying to protect her, or he still has some lingering feelings for her as well. Maybe he thought having April back would save face for his show.
    Every single person involved in this is garbage, I've observed the crash scene and I'll be driving off now.

    should rename it the the stolen hoe morning show but he's too much of an unfunny faggot to truly accept how badly he got cucked by a dorky voice youtube lawyer with a serious drug problem, that shit has to sting. Couldn't happen to a dumber asshole. God won this week.

      Cerveza Fria: It takes Basura to know Basura
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