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Thread: Melissa Schubert has a new stalker

  1. #21
    Platinum garrett's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sloppy Joe View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Dan Druff View Post

    Around 2005, I was with her in bed, and the dude called at like 3am and woke us both up. She finally told me to answer the phone, and say I was her husband, hoping he'd go away. He hung up on me when I answered, but I did get a chance to get out that I was her husband and he was to stop calling.

    Well, he didn't give a shit. A few months later, he called, again at like 2:30am. I answered and said, "You just made a huge mistake, I told you to stop calling, she told you to stop calling, and now I'm going to make it happen."

    He hung up on me. I called him right back. He answered, I started telling him again to quit calling, and he hung up on me again. I repeatedly called him over and over, until he finally stopped answering and let it go to voicemail. Then I filled up his voicemail, initially saying that he needed to leave Miri alone like she's been asking, and then just filling it up with quick junk messages so it would be completely full.

    He called the voicemail and cleared it about 20 minutes later (remember, this was all in the middle of the night), and I called back over and over and filled it again.

    Finally he answered the phone, and I said, "You're not going to be getting much sleep... tonight, or ever. And if you change your phone number, I'll get the new one. I am going to call you every single night for the rest of your life until you promise to stop stalking my wife."

    He hung up on me again. I called several more times. Finally, he answered and said, "I'm calling the police."

    I responded, "Great! Do it! I can't wait to tell them why I'm making these calls, and Miri will have a lot to say to them, as well. That's why I know I can call you as much as I want. You can't go to the police, because you know you're the one doing the stalking."

    He hung up on me.

    I called back once more. He answered again. I said, "I'm going to give you one more chance. I'm going to stop calling now. If you ever call Miri again, I will be calling you for the rest of your life, every single night. Do you need me to put her on once more, to confirm once again that she never wants you to call her, and that you've been harassing her for years?"

    "No, you don't have to do that," he responded.

    "Good," I replied. "I'll expect that you won't be calling again. Goodbye."

    Miri was nervous that perhaps I made the situation worse, but I told her that I had a good feeling. "He sounded like a broken man after my hours of phone calls and the repeated filling of his voicemail. I have a feeling that you won't be hearing from him again."

    I was correct. He never called her again.
    Lot of insight into Druff's mind here.

  2. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by psaras View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by dmndkutr View Post
    So post it. Or are you lying?
    I have not lied about or hidden anything. Conversely she has been caught lying multiple times. That alone should be enough to flip this around. She falsified a report to the police while I was in WSOP playing a tournament last year. I have an alibi for every minute of the day plus an eye witness testimony all of which contradict the story she made up. What planet are you on where I should have to surrender my career, community, health, and reputation before standing up for myself and talking about what happened. No I am not lying I am simply saying this is a delicate situation that should be handled in private before being made public because ppl like you jump to conclusions based on what one party presents.
    I am looking forward to this guy showing everyone that he is in the right by dropping truth bombs.

  3. #23
    Platinum garrett's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dmndkutr View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by psaras View Post
    I have not lied about or hidden anything. Conversely she has been caught lying multiple times. That alone should be enough to flip this around. She falsified a report to the police while I was in WSOP playing a tournament last year. I have an alibi for every minute of the day plus an eye witness testimony all of which contradict the story she made up. What planet are you on where I should have to surrender my career, community, health, and reputation before standing up for myself and talking about what happened. No I am not lying I am simply saying this is a delicate situation that should be handled in private before being made public because ppl like you jump to conclusions based on what one party presents.
    I am looking forward to this guy showing everyone that he is in the right by dropping truth bombs.


  4. #24
    Owner Dan Druff's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by psaras View Post
    Hi my name is Niko. The accusation and story made by Melissa is false. I spent three months trying to get Todd to speak to me in private about this thread so that it can either be corrected or removed.He’s either stonewalled or stalled every time I have receipts for everything I am writing in this post.

    Melissa was a willing participant in the DM’s you are reading. I have never stalked her and I can show you receipts that prove she is lying throughout this ordeal which stretched far beyond this post and escalated past what I thought was possible.

    The reason I have tried to speak to Todd in private is because she falsified more information to get a protective order. She made up a story while I was playing a tournament last year. Again I think it is ridiculous that I have to say this given that she has lied throughout this but I have receipts for everything which I have tried to get somebody to look at for the better part of the past year.

    She is a pathological liar who has stolen money from Rob Kuhn and IMO that should be known as well. I am not mentally ill and that is a common tactic people like her use to discredit me. Preceding the hearing in which she also lied to the judge, who granted her an erroneous protective order for two years that doesn’t allow me to do my job (I have been a professional poker player since 2017)I started getting a whole lot of messages and attention on Twitter from anonymous accounts claiming to be a psychopath who likes to harm others. I kept an immaculate record of everything. There were a total of 22 accounts all which have been reported to the FBI and subpoenad. They did everything from encourage me to end my own life,to post swastikas in my page, to threaten to kill me if I kept talking about what really happened.

    Somewhere along the line, these anonymous accounts slipped up and left a few clues as to who they are. I traced one of them back to her and I can easily prove that it could have been nobody but her on that specific account, although there were 22 in total and based on timestamps and some other factors it’s likely 2 or more people.

    I’ve spent the better part of the past year either hiding because I believed the threat was credible, or trying to get my story heard. To this day not one person has been willing to take a look at the evidence I have that clears me of wrongdoing and the damage being done to me is mounting. I am in a group of men who have gone through similar and I can tell you first hand what women like her do is a nightmare.

    Again I have never stalked her. I went straight to the FBI with my story to have this investigated. They are just a string of unnecessary and disappointing DM’s as she led me on for months and then decided one day she didn’t want anything to do with me anymore. Her story makes no sense. She acknowledges me early on and gives no warning or request for me to stop.she never even blocked the accoun. She even gave a witty response to a comment from an account she claims is me.

    It’s very disappointing to see that nobody has been willing to even hear my side of the story. This person has destroyed every aspect of my life and I firmly believe that if the truth was known that it would not look anything like what I have been painted as.

    I’ve messaged Doug Polk, Joey Ingram, Eden Rocks, Todd Witteless, Kyna England, Daniel Negreanu, pokernews, pokerorg, in an attempt to get this rectified so that I can continue with my life. They’ve all either ignored or blocked me. I’m a professional poker player and poker was my whole life. I’ve been driven off of Twitter and not been able to play live poker in almost a year because of what this person posted about me which I am claiming is false and that I have proof to support that her thread and this thread have also contributed to what I believe is PTSD and have severely impacted my social life.ive essentially been in complete social isolation for almost a whole year because of this and nobody believes me nor is there any end in sight.

    All in all I have also been cost tens of thousands in EV. She got me banned from the Wynn as well. I don’t mind negative opinions about me and some of the stuff I have said but this is a whole different level that I am sure is close to if not outright defamatory. I’ve never stalked this woman and I have much better things to do with my time.

    Again I have receipts to back up all my claims. She has sob stories and lies.This situation took a turn for the worse when she made up the story to get the protective order and got even worse when I got the death threat I can’t afford legal counsel and have no social network within poker that can help me. Conversely this women can say whatever she wants about me and has a network she can leverage to harm me further. I am in no position to do anything about this and I believe I was wronged in a bad way. The damage being done to me is ongoing and it’s looking like I’m going to miss the WSOP because of this.


    I don't remember you contacting me with the above info. Maybe you did and I forgot. I get a lot of people contacting me about stuff I write/say on here, Twitter, or my radio show, so it all kinda blends together in my memory.

    Regardless, I am willing to hear you out now, either publicly or privately.

    First off, I want to say that I am neutral here. I am not friends with Melissa, nor have I ever been. I don't talk or interact with her, except occasionally on public Twitter (and even that hasn't happened for awhile). Believe me when I say I am not looking to do her bidding or white knight for her.

    I'm also aware that restraining order cases are often poorly adjudicated. I have two male friends who have been totally screwed by bogus restraining orders (and these were petitioned by other MEN, not women), and I have other friends who should have been granted restraining orders but were denied them.

    With that said, there does seem to be a long trail of messages from you to her which would likely be unsettling for a woman to read, especially given that she either wasn't seeing them or wasn't responding. If I felt she was being unfair for you, I would have spoken up on your behalf, even though I don't know you. I am not afraid to go against the grain on things like this.

    I would be interested to hear the Rob Kuhn story. If she really stole from him, and you have evidence of this (or if Rob is willing to come forward and explain), that would be a fairly big story. However, I'll need to see some kind of evidence before I believe it.

    Regarding the Twitter accounts harassing you, I can't speak to that, but my gut feeling is that she wasn't the one sending you threats under 22 accounts. It wouldn't make sense for her to ask for a restraining order, win it, and then continue harassing you with anonymous accounts. If burner Twitter accounts are harassing you, perhaps it's a friend of hers, or more likely some weird admirer of hers on Twitter? I've seen it before where weirdos will "help" girls they don't know from social media, believing it will impress them in some way. Perhaps that's what is going on here. In any case, if you have evidence pointing to her, I'd like to see that as well.

    Poker is a very male-dominated space. As you might imagine, attractive women under 40 in poker get inundated with lots of creepy dudes trying to talk to them, and they're left in a bad spot. If they ignore the guys, they are perceived as rude or stuck up. If they politely respond and show lack of interest, it often breeds resentment. If they respond in a friendly manner, it is often mistaken for interest. As dudes, we take it for granted how annoying (and sometimes scary/unsettling) it can be to be propositioned constantly by randoms. I can sit all day on social media and nobody hits on me because I'm an old dude. Girls like Melissa are constantly having to fend people off, and often the dudes who are just being "friendly" have ulterior motives.

    Anyway, the floor is yours. Go ahead and share what you'd like to share with us. I do want to advise you that I'm a logical and fair guy, and I'll need to see convincing evidence before I believe these allegations you've levied against her in this thread. But I'm listening.

  5. #25
    Diamond Sloppy Joe's Avatar
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    Cancel your BBQ's today, grab a seat cover and get some popcorn, gonna be a big event in PFA history.

    PokerFraudAlert...will never censor your claims, even if they're against one of our sponsors. In addition to providing you an open forum report fraud within the poker community, we will also analyze your claims with a clear head an unbiased point of view. And, of course, the accused will always have the floor to defend themselves.-Dan Druff

  6. #26
    Platinum Jayjami's Avatar
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    lol @ at giving two fucks about what a bunch of poker degenerates think about you.

  7. #27
    Gold 1dollarboxcar's Avatar
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    ok, i very quickly skimmed through this thread... but one thing i did notice is.... that this chick will NOT block him.... so she must like it??? unless i missed where if she did block him and he made burner accounts to keep messaging her...?? ... but it looks to be the other way around??

      dmndkutr: Read better. He’s a crazy stalking bastard.

  8. #28
    Owner Dan Druff's Avatar
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    Sometimes it's better not to block a stalker. For example, you might want to get something criminally actionable against them. Or you might want not to anger them further, and hope they just lose interest and go away.

    I'm not saying that blocking is a mistake, but sometimes it's better not to do so.

    I am not seeing evidence of any kind of interest shown on her part, whether romantically or friendship-wise. If messaging a girl and she either doesn't respond or gives you occasional terse answers, the correct play is to STOP messaging her.

    Anyway I'm interested in the dude's answers, especially the thing about Rob Kuhn.

  9. #29
    Gold 1dollarboxcar's Avatar
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    dmndkutr: Read better. He’s a crazy stalking bastard.
    you mean like Amber heard was telling the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth...??

  10. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by dmndkutr View Post
    You said you have proof. But you will not post it.
    Quote Originally Posted by 1dollarboxcar View Post
    dmndkutr: Read better. He’s a crazy stalking bastard.
    you mean like Amber heard was telling the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth...??

    He sent her somewhere around 100 messages that she never responded to because they were not friends. His lack of proof is telling. It’s common for mentally ill people to say they saw “signals”. You haven’t done the research by your own admission. Happy to say I am wrong, if he posts the proof he claims. It has been over a year.

  11. #31
    Bronze Orko's Avatar
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    Come on guys can't you see he's Schitzophrenic, Niko you should go get some help.

    You don't owe these internet trolls any explanantions.
    Schedule an appointment see what they say, seriously.

  12. #32
    Diamond Sloppy Joe's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dan Druff View Post

    I'm also aware that restraining order cases are often poorly adjudicated.

    I have two male friends who have been totally screwed by bogus restraining orders (and these were petitioned by other MEN, not women), and I have other friends who should have been granted restraining orders but were denied them.
    Desertrunner is this true?

    Also what the fuck is wrong with you and your friends restraining all these men?

    Pretty woke tbh
    PokerFraudAlert...will never censor your claims, even if they're against one of our sponsors. In addition to providing you an open forum report fraud within the poker community, we will also analyze your claims with a clear head an unbiased point of view. And, of course, the accused will always have the floor to defend themselves.-Dan Druff

  13. #33
    Owner Dan Druff's Avatar
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    Wasn't desertrunner.

    One of the two people who was served with a bogus restraining order is on this forum. I'm talking about AHoosierA, when scammer Christopher Mitchell hit him with a restraining order. Christopher the idiot erroneously believed AHoosierA was some YouTuber who had been making critical videos about him.

    The other is someone who is not involved with poker or gambling, and has never been on PFA.

    To my knowledge, desertrunner has not been in any restraining order cases, either as the petitioner or respondent.

  14. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by 1dollarboxcar View Post
    dmndkutr: Read better. He’s a crazy stalking bastard.
    you mean like Amber heard was telling the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth...??
    The evidence usually speaks for itself.

    In Amber Heard's situation, the evidence spoke very much in favor of Johnny Depp.

    It is actually common for the stalker to blame the victim and claim that the victim was actually stalking/harassing them.

    Indeed, sometimes the first one to publicly accuse "stalking" is the actual stalker of the person they're accusing.

    That's why it's important to ask both sides to present what they have, and then make a common sense determination. Melissa presented her side at the time. I'm waiting for Niko to present his, and then I will give my opinion.

    Obviously my opinion does not have much of an impact. I cannot influence the restraining order granted against him. However, I will be happy to modify my statements in this thread if I come to the conclusion that he was framed here, or unfairly accused.

  15. #35
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    Brother Niko,

    I have documented history of helping poker players navigate the uncertain waters of social norms and perception, but after careful consideration I will not be assisting you.

    It's quite clear from everything you've presented that you are an unstable clown with zero self-awareness who has brought this entirely upon yourself. Stop stalking women and get into therapy and/or chug bleach immediately.

      ShawnFanningsLimpDick: Tough but fair
      nunbeater: chug bleach rep
      some user: bleach 3:16
    PokerFraudAlert...will never censor your claims, even if they're against one of our sponsors. In addition to providing you an open forum report fraud within the poker community, we will also analyze your claims with a clear head an unbiased point of view. And, of course, the accused will always have the floor to defend themselves.-Dan Druff

  16. #36
    Cubic Zirconia psaras's Avatar
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    First thing's first I thought people knew she stole from Rob Kuhn and it's very disappointing that enough people don't know about this in a gambling industry. I've been playing professionally since 2017, and for some time before that, I've never scammed, cheated, stolen, or otherwise wronged anybody in the space for as long as I've been in it and this is the first point I'll be making as it looks like everybody has been happy to allow my entire life to be upended from me based on the testimony of one person's side of a story who does not have the same credibility as me. This is what is so damaging about these situations, the person who got to speak first is often believed, even if it's proven they are unreliable, untrustworthy, dishonest, there is little I can do to back myself up even if I show you evidence of foul play, and a pattern of pathological lying, and I have been honest my whole life, still many people will refuse to believe me.

    Here is a screenshot of Rob confirming it after she immediately lies about this. Of course, when somebody calls her out on something that should be known in a community where money often exchanges hands "somebody is trying to trash" her. You can probably just ask Rob himself. Afaik he has deleted his tweet but they remain in twitter archives
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    2nd point to make that she lied about ever reading the messages. I'll revisit the content of each of these screenshots at a later point, but the first hurdle for me to clear is that this person has a persistent pattern of lying about things. Try and keep up with that and not speculate on anything yet, as this is a difficult enough situation as it is. Let's first come to agreement that this person is lying and about what.

    pic 1. December 5th 2022, is a direct quote of a message from many months back
    pic 2. The quoted message
    pic 3. she lies about ever seeing these messages
    pic 4. she lies about not having my phone number

    again please try and not speculate as to why (for now) just that she is lying
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    3rd point this one is a bit more difficult to follow and im going to have to have it analyzed in private before making an outright accusation even though I am 100% sure who this troll account is.
    borko is a brand new account with 0 posts. there is no way for anybody to know it exists. borko replys to melissa's reply to a thread at 1:22PM. Suelue then responds at 1:24PM. i have an immaculate record of everything these trolls have posted and they did not ever go to melissa's page except for this one instance.

    there is no feasible way for this troll account to even be aware of borko's post (a brand new account with 0 posts) let alone respond within 2 minutes. keep in mind that it is a reply post, to a reply post. you cant even see it unless you are digging in the replies already.
    the only way this can have happened is that somebody got notified of borko's post and instantly switched over to an alt account.

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    4th point here is the false report she made to try and get a protective order. this is the 2nd time she filed for it as it was deemed uneccessary the first time. i have an alibi for every minute of this day although i shouldnt have to. from my uber there to uber back to time registered to being in my seat 5 mins later to a receipt from dave's hot chicken and even a picture i snapped while i was outside. i was just playing the 6max, one of my favorite events, and doing the same thing ive been doing for almost a decade, playing poker. she claims i am hanging around on breaks?? i dont understand what exactly i would be doing on breaks anyway? i have never approached this woman nor ever spoken a word to her. Now this gets more interesting because she happened to be seated one table over from me and was glaring at me when i turned and noticed her. i tried desperately to get this out at the time it was happening so that i can maybe get surveillance footage of this happening. i messaged doug, ingram, and edenrocks about this specific incident. the footage is likely gone by now but i assure you she saw me twice that day and claims she did not.

    another interesting thing is that I got a death threat just 36 hours before my court hearing warning me not to talk even though I only told one person the date and he has nothing to do with any of this. so only me and melissa and whoever she told has that information.

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    Credibility is important in this game. I've been playing on the live scene since 2015 and to my memory have never scummed scammed or cheated anybody. Just ask yourself how likely it is that I randomly turned into a rogue maniac stalker overnight and why this story coming from a person who is a liar should precede anything I say. In almost every other situation, this plays an important role in determining what happened. She lied about the same things to you guys, as she did in a courtroom. She also verbally assaulted my lawyer, and gave a sob story that doesn't line up with reality. It's very important regardless of what opinion you may have. Your opinions should not get to determine whether or not my life is destroyed. I believe I followed all the rules, and this person did not. I have lived my life honest, and this women did not.

    I'm going to follow up in a few with some of the more interesting screenshots I have.

  17. #37
    Diamond Sloppy Joe's Avatar
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    Brother Niko,

    You're legitimately insane and deranged and cannot even find support on the poker forum known for incel misogyny.

    There's a reason you're poking around all over for support anywhere and coming up short.

    Shut it the fuck down whacko.
    PokerFraudAlert...will never censor your claims, even if they're against one of our sponsors. In addition to providing you an open forum report fraud within the poker community, we will also analyze your claims with a clear head an unbiased point of view. And, of course, the accused will always have the floor to defend themselves.-Dan Druff

  18. #38
    Platinum Jayjami's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sloppy Joe View Post
    Brother Niko,

    You're legitimately insane and deranged and cannot even find support on the poker forum known for incel misogyny.

    There's a reason you're poking around all over for support anywhere and coming up short.

    Shut it the fuck down whacko.
    lol @ looking for redemption on a 7th tier poker forum.

      ShawnFanningsLimpDick: We're up to 7th tier now?

  19. #39
    Cubic Zirconia psaras's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jayjami View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Sloppy Joe View Post
    Brother Niko,

    You're legitimately insane and deranged and cannot even find support on the poker forum known for incel misogyny.

    There's a reason you're poking around all over for support anywhere and coming up short.

    Shut it the fuck down whacko.
    lol @ looking for redemption on a 7th tier poker forum.
    This is simply the thread that comes up when you google my name that is why it’s a big deal to me. It’s the 2nd result and it’s impinging on my social life and my health. I don’t care too much what you all think of me but it seems like the first step. Stuff like this destroys like this destroys lives. True or not at what point am I allowed to move on? Either way this person lied about me, cost me a lot of money and I have a big problem with it. Especially in an industry where the big names parade themselves as upholders of justice and goodness. It’s multiple levels of ridiculous.

      garrett: Welcome to PFA

  20. #40
    Quote Originally Posted by psaras View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Jayjami View Post
    lol @ looking for redemption on a 7th tier poker forum.
    This is simply the thread that comes up when you google my name that is why it’s a big deal to me. It’s the 2nd result and it’s impinging on my social life and my health. I don’t care too much what you all think of me but it seems like the first step. Stuff like this destroys like this destroys lives. True or not at what point am I allowed to move on? Either way this person lied about me, cost me a lot of money and I have a big problem with it. Especially in an industry where the big names parade themselves as upholders of justice and goodness. It’s multiple levels of ridiculous.
    Did you send a large number of unsolicited and unacknowledged messages to Melissa including setting up date reservations in her name? If so (and I think you did) do you understand how creepy and disturbing this behaviour would be for someone?

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