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Thread: Hamas hits Israel in unprecedented attack.

  1. #881
    Bronze Orko's Avatar
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    If Jews in America and Israel were like these guys, I'd be a staunch supporter of Israel.

    But nooo we have Mayorkis bringing in a quater million Haitians in just the last year and probably more this year.
    Then because of chain migration they can bring their entire family. That's insane, your grandchildren will pay a hell of price in overall quality
    of life.

  2. #882
    Platinum splitthis's Avatar
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    Lol at Netanyahu telling Schumer that Israel isnt a banana republic in response to Schumer calling for elections to replace him.

    Getting good.
    Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same.

    Ronald Reagan

  3. #883
    Platinum mickeycrimm's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by splitthis View Post
    Lol at Netanyahu telling Schumer that Israel isnt a banana republic in response to Schumer calling for elections to replace him.

    Getting good.
    By interfering in Israeli politics Schumer just forfeited all rights to condemn foreign interference in American elections.

  4. #884
    Platinum splitthis's Avatar
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    Lol how much is that nigga getting paid to betray his own people.

    Then you have Harris visiting an abortion clinic.

    They love to celebrate you killing your children and your faith.

    Part of the plan.
    Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same.

    Ronald Reagan

  5. #885
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    Cat's out of the bag

    Israel's such shit, the nut low.

    There's much more in the bill, it's insane censorship power in the hands of Biden.
    The UK has new laws to prevent telling the truth about Gaza.

  6. #886
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    Tell the truth, get fired.

  7. #887
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    So AIPAC's document leaked. The leadership of both parties are ordered to say Israel is not blocking aid and nobody is starving.
    27 people died of starvation 24 children on that day 580,000 facing starvation

    45 min ago
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  8. #888
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    RichardBrodiesCombover has aids

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    RichardBrodiesCombover has aids

  10. #890
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    A couple of days ago, I promised to respond to several questions and comments about the "Jewish" component of censorship and cancel culture. I'll keep it as fair and objective as possible under the circumstances.

    Question: "Why do you think the Jewish media outlets decided not to interview you?"

    Answer: It's true that the media are disproportionately owned and run by people who identify as Jewish; this is readily admitted in places like New York and Israel. But it would be unfair to say that the media in general are responsible for the cancellation occurring in my case. Only specific elements thereof may be directly involved.

    That being understood, I've always tried to be polite and sympathetic to Jews. I wouldn't have had it any other way. I approach people as individuals wherever possible, and racial background has nothing to do with it except where a particular group insists on being treated statistically or as a whole.

    The problem seems to be that certain influential elements of the Jewish community dislike some of my political views, and some of these people apparently go bedbug-crazy at the slightest hint of disagreement. This causes them to indiscriminately hurl epithets like "racist" and "antisemite" at anyone who offends them.

    In some cases, it's obviously a blame-the-victim ruse intended to deflect and divert criticism.

    Question: "And in the case of the antisemitic slander, why did they slander you?"

    Answer: The libel and slander were traced to one Justin Ward, a part-time busker/street musician and "journalist specializing in far-right extremism". Ward made the accusation in a hit piece he wrote for what was then an insignificant Chicago-area opinion rag, "The Baffler".

    Neither Ward nor the editors of "The Baffler" would explain or retract the accusation. As best we could tell, it was because I'd mentioned that on various shady pretexts, my wife and I were targeted by unscrupulous NY mortgage bankers who tried to saddle us with a usurious payment schedule totaling nearly a million dollars for a property listed at $200K.

    Wikipedia, allegedly controlled at that time by a troublesome group called "the Wikipedia Jews", immediately embraced the accusation despite the fact that I hadn't written or even whispered the word "Jew". Apparently, Ward, the Baffler, and Wikipedia all agreed that "banker" is necessarily synonymous with "Jew". When this absurd semantic brain fart was questioned, Wikipedia's response was to threaten and/or ban anyone attempting a correction (me included, to this very day).

    In other words, criticize bankers, and there's your "antisemitism" for you. And watch out, because the way it looks from here, all that any member of a particular untouchable protected community need do is accuse someone of "antisemitism", and the damage is irreversible. The libel is unconditionally protected from the moment it occurs. The life of whomever was accused is ruined without explanation or appeal. Truth and justice have nothing to do with it.

    FYI, here's the offending passage on which basis I was declared an "antisemite":

    "When my wife and I were denied a home mortgage in NY shortly after the turn of the millennium, the banking establishment was literally throwing money at minorities to 'stop redlining' and let people of color participate in the American dream. A Black loan applicant didn’t even need a job. Meanwhile, Gina and I were finally forced to find an owner-financed property far away from NY (where no such thing is available), which we paid off completely in 4 years (so much for the 'fiscal responsibility and financial prudence' of the banksters). Bear in mind that I was already being called 'the smartest man in the world' when this occurred, so the banks really had no excuse for this kind of injustice."

    Also quoted by Ward was this unrelated passage, a brief and objective account of The Protocols of Zion:

    "The provenance of 'The Protocols of Zion' is widely questioned, and not without reason. However, there is no doubt that it contains a brilliant recipe for the subjugation, destruction, and replacement of Western Civilization, and that this recipe has been scrupulously followed *by someone* (whether by Zionists alone, which has been frequently and strenuously denied, or by a larger group of factions)."

    I've looked at these passages closely, and I can't find a racial slur or anything else for which an apology is due. I certainly can't find anything "antisemitic". Granted, I didn't scream, squirt tears of rage, rip up a copy of The Protocols, light it afire, behead a chicken, spin in a circle, and spit three times. Mea culpa. But a perpetual accusation of "antisemitism" was clearly over the top.

    As for what else Justin Ward himself has written, try this representative sample on for size:

    Justin Ward: "How much free speech is too much? Why the First Amendment shouldn’t be the guideline for policing hate speech online ... [Relying on the First Amendment] is an easy, intellectually lazy way to avoid grappling with the real issues while giving the appearance of principled fidelity to American ideals. This is a clever trick that conflates the First Amendment, which protects speech against threat from the state, with the idea of free speech in general."

    In other words, as long as techie billionaires are not "the State", they can use the network effect to monopolize public communication, stuff their dirty sweatsocks in the mouths of their clients, wrap them with duct tape, and throw presidential elections for good measure.

    With that kind of reasoning, it almost looks like little Justin may be angling to become "Hate Speech Czar" for the next SPECTRE-class America-hating crypto-communist crook fraudulently "elected" to high office.
    Comment: "Very well put. Unfortunately it really does boil down to talking about jews. Thats the line many refuse to cross due to the consequences of it. Its understandable, but disheartening. The jews and their allies have made it financial and social suicide to ask any questions."

    Response: As you can see, it's not even necessary to ask questions or talk about Jews in general. No racist stereotyping is required. Merely using the prefix "Zio-" or mentioning "bankers" and/or "usury" is enough. (Remember, Zionism is not Judaism, but a relatively recent ideology credited to people like Moses Hess and Theodore Herzl, and bankers need not be Jews OR Zionists or engage in usury.)

    Yet here we are.


    Comment: "Although you write objectively, precisely, and correctly and are not an 'antisemite' in any sense, a single critical reference to jews, no matter how objective and precise, is enough to be blacklisted. The Wikipedia defamation likely contributes. We don't really have free speech."

    Response: You're right. However, if I have to choose between the US Constitution and "They whose Name must never be spoken and whose Will must always be obeyed!", I'll take what's behind door number one every time.

    To be honest, I'm surprised at how this has turned out. I grew up respecting certain Jewish intellectuals whose ideas I associated with truth and rationality. This led me to expect a fair shake from the Jewish community across the board.

    Unfortunately, I seem to have underestimated the mindless overuse and underthinking of the ubiquitous "antisemitism" ploy. Obviously, my positive expectations were unrealistic given the perspectives and behavior patterns of certain parties in whom the Jewish community has unwisely reposed its trust.

    This leaves me with nothing to lose by cutting to the chase. So here it is: Some of our problems are killing us. The worst of them is the systematic displacement and depopulation of the White majorities of Western nations. Basically, we're being demographically swamped and gradually exterminated, and census data prove it.

    Of course, I'm talking about a ~90% White America becoming ~50% White in around 60 years, a cataclysmic demographic upheaval which violates every conceivable standard of national sovereignty along with the will and interests of the US majority, and thus cannot have happened by accident. White non-Jews have been systematically reduced to an increasingly hated and persecuted numerical minority in our own nation.

    Both Jews and Zionists, who overwhelmingly (but not universally) support mass Third World migration to all and only Western nations, have been disproportionately involved. This is very strange indeed, as too many Jews and Zionists look too much like White non-Jews to benefit from this policy - it can't possibly work out for them in the long run.

    Whereas corporate-financial "Big Jews" are rich enough to flee when the wheels fall off their bankster limos - after all, they can repair to their own private islands in their superyachts and carbon-belching personal jet airliners - "little Jews" are in a much weaker position. They'll end up holding the bag as scapegoats for their ever-bloating fat cats, and everyone knows what could happen then.

    Problems cannot be solved without talking openly about them, and every group involved is fair game. Nobody gets to hide - that would be neither fair nor efficient for problem-solving purposes. I therefore respectfully urge all well-meaning Jewish people to "break the trance", such as it may be, and repudiate the concerted White Genocide agenda promoted and perpetrated by less savory elements of the Jewish community.

    Christopher Michael Langan is an American horse rancher and autodidact who has been reported to score very highly on IQ tests. Langan's IQ was estimated on ABC's 20/20 to be between 195 and 210, and in 1999 he was described by some journalists as "the smartest man in America" or "in the world"

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    RichardBrodiesCombover has aids

  11. #891
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    Massive Convoy of supplies are right there but blocked.

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    RichardBrodiesCombover has aids

  13. #893

  14. #894
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      Tellafriend: he's a feckless shit-talker, nothing more

  15. #895
    Platinum herbertstemple's Avatar
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    Israel took out the Iranian embassy in Syria today. Diplomats killed.

    Solid move.

    This should calm things down.

    Waiting for sonatine to blame Republicans.
    Nothing tastes as good as healthy feels.

  16. #896
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    There is a solution to all this madness.
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  17. #897
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  18. #898
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    Split this get your Burka out.

  19. #899
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    The first nine minutes gives a run down of Israerl's recent war crimes.
    I doubt you even heard about most of this, this is the first time I've been truly offended by Israel's behavior.

    New rule: You can't be pro USA and pro Israel at the same time, it's not possible.

  20. #900
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    Bump for Iran and subsequent Bitcoin collapse
    PokerfraudAlert acknowledges that our message board is on the unceded, unsurrendered Territory of who's presence stretches back to that of Neverwinpoker and the Lithuanians. As such we acknowledge the great role that Tony G, Jewdonk, any many other Lithuanians have contributed to our community.

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