View Poll Results: Why didn't I get anywhere with the girl in the story?

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  • She had a boyfriend back home, was annoyed I asked her out

    0 0%
  • She was liberal politically, and I said something to offend her

    1 11.11%
  • She was put off when I criticized my recent ex-girlfriend, and told me off

    0 0%
  • I made a bad sexual joke which didn't land, and her opinion of me changed

    1 11.11%
  • She realized I had dated her friend back home, who had said bad things about me

    1 11.11%
  • She was a lesbian

    0 0%
  • She only liked me as a friend, which led to an argument once I realized it

    1 11.11%
  • When I stood up, she remarked I was too tall, and she was only into guys under 6'

    1 11.11%
  • I reminded her too much of her ex-boyfriend, which she soon realized

    3 33.33%
  • By coincidence, I knew her ex from 1990, and had accidentally destroyed their relationship back then

    1 11.11%
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Thread: JEW Make the Call -- 1991 Hottest Girl in the Dorm Edition

  1. #1
    Owner Dan Druff's Avatar
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    JEW Make the Call -- 1991 Hottest Girl in the Dorm Edition

    The first half of 1991 was a bizarre and surreal time for me. Among other strange things going on during that 6-month stretch, I had it occur over and over where I seemingly had a chance to date or hook up with a very attractive girl, but something always seemed to ruin it before it could happen. In that period, I had something like 8 opportunities with pretty girls whom I could tell had a very high likelihood of being interested in me, but all of it collectively translated into a success rate of zero point zero.

    I'm going to tell a story from January of that year, which was one of those failures. I'll let you vote as to what ruined everything.


    Something I didn't realize at first was that admission to my college, UCSB, wasn't just granted starting from the fall quarter. There were also waiting list admissions, where new students would take the place of ones who flunked out in the middle of the year.

    I lived in a high-rise dorm which was half male (all the rooms to the left of the elevators) and half female (the rooms to the right). I had been at the school since September 1990, as had everyone else on our floor, but one of the girls flunked out and was not going to return from the December winter break.

    It was now January 1991, at the beginning of the second term of my first year.

    One of the guys from the floor saw me walking down the hallway and asked, "Hey Todd, have you seen the new chick in our hall?"

    I told him that I hadn't.

    "Oh man... you gotta see her! At first I thought she was just visiting, but after I kept seeing her around, I realized she just moved in here this quarter."

    "She's pretty?", I asked.

    "Dude, the best in the entire dorm. I can't believe we got her. Very quiet though. I never see her talking to anyone. Took me weeks to realize she was even here. But I just saw her studying in the lounge right now", he replied.

    Of course, I was very curious at that point, and walked with him to go see her in the lounge, which was a study/socialization area open to everyone on the floor.

    He and I walked in, and the girl was indeed really hot. I agreed with the guy's assessment. But I wasn't really interested in trying to make any kind of move. The girl had been in the dorm for weeks, completely avoided interaction with everyone, and this seemed to even be the first time she ventured into the lounge. I figured she probably had a boyfriend back home, or just wasn't someone interested in socializing/dating.

    Besides, while I didn't think I was a bad looking guy, and some girls over the past two years had liked me, I didn't think I could get a girl like that. I felt she was out of my league, especially given that there were a lot of good looking and personable guys on the floor, whom I figured she'd probably choose over me anyway.

    I feigned some banal conversation with the dude who brought me into the lounge, pretending we weren't there to gawk at her. However, I felt weird about the whole thing, and was about to walk out, when suddenly the door opened and a few more guys from the hall entered.

    They had also seen through the window that she was there, and presumably also came in for the same reason. After about 8 of us were there, finally one of the guys broke the ice and started talking to her. This was one of the good looking dudes I mentioned above.

    She was giving semi-polite, short responses, but when he started to flirt with her, she shut it down fast. She made some snide remark back to him to the point where everyone laughed, and he got embarrassed and went quiet.

    However, this somehow spurred on more conversation, and slowly other guys in the room made attempts to get to know her. Again, these resulted in failure. It was clear she had no interest in any of these dudes, and wasn't even willing to carry on the facade of finding any of them remotely interesting, even as friends or acquaintances.

    I was quiet throughout all of this, but when yet another guy hit the rejection wall, I made some joke about the situation, and she audibly laughed. This was the first semblance of a smile any of us saw from her, but I wasn't too flattered because I figured it was because I made a joke at the expense of a dude bothering her.

    However, this made me feel more comfortable to chime in during subsequent conversation topics, and it seemed everything I said was hitting right. All of my comments and remarks were getting verbose, interested, friendly-sounding responses from her, including laughter, while she took a mocking and derisive tone with every other dude in the room.

    I didn't know what I had that all these other guys didn't, but I wasn't going to question it. I stayed the course and kept talking to her.

    Eventually the conversation became just me and her talking back and forth, while the rest of the guys continued to sit there quietly and stare, not understanding what the fuck was going on. Why was she so cold, unfriendly, and insulting to all of them, but so nice to me?

    A few of the guys walked out when they got tired of this, but a few stayed, clearly curious if this was going to translate into something for me.

    The conversation grew warmer, and she started to give me unsolicited compliments, and at one point even remarking, "You're the only interesting person I've met so far in this whole school." This was with 3 of the dudes sitting there still in the room. Ouch.

    Shortly after that, she excused herself to go to the bathroom, but told me to stick around and that she wanted to continue our conversation when she got back.

    After she was out of the room, the guys broke their silence.

    "Dude, she really likes you! I don't know what the fuck you did, but she's really into you!", said the guy who brought me in there.

    "Are you gonna ask her out?", inquired another.

    "You can't fuck this one up, man, this is a huge opportunity here", said the third guy.

    I asked them not to make comments like this when she came back in the room, and to please remain quiet once she and I started to talk again. They agreed.

    She strolled back in with a big smile on her face, moved to a much closer spot in the room to me, and asked, "Okay, so what were we just talking about again?"

    This sounds like a dream situation for an 18-year-old male college freshman, but as I mentioned at the beginning, this entire thing did NOT translate into any kind of success. I never took her on a date, never hooked up with her in any way, and she ended up with a negative opinion of me.

    What happened here to fuck it all up?


  2. #2
    Platinum Jayjami's Avatar
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    Did she put in her glasses?

  3. #3
    Owner Dan Druff's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jayjami View Post
    Did she put in her glasses?
    Not one of the 10 options

  4. #4
    Gold The Boz's Avatar
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    You missed the option where she heard the jewcumber was too big to handle.

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    Owner Dan Druff's Avatar
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    I put 10 possible choices because I wanted to make it a bit more challenging to guess the truth.

    One of those 10 listed is true, the other 9 are completely fabricated.

    There is no mystery to this one. I knew back then the exact reason it didn't turn into any kind of dating or hookup situation.

    I'll give it a little time for you guys to venture some guesses via the poll, and then I'll reveal the rest of the story.

  6. #6
    Platinum GrenadaRoger's Avatar
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    11. She thought your were gay and you'd make a good girlfriend.
    (long before there was a PFA i had my Grenade & Crossbones avatar at DD)

  7. #7
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    As Howard Stern might ask, what famous person did she look like?
    (to give us all a good image of her in our heads)

  8. #8
    Owner Dan Druff's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dive_Bar_Dave View Post
    As Howard Stern might ask, what famous person did she look like?
    (to give us all a good image of her in our heads)
    I don't remember her exact looks very well.

    It doesn't help that it's been 33 years, and I saw her for all of one night.

    Basically looked like a pretty white, blond college chick with a pretty face and nice body.

    Was definitely someone you'd notice walking around the dorm. Somehow she stayed under the radar for a few weeks because she kept to herself. It's not clear to me why she was so put off by most people at the school. It's also not clear what she liked so much about me initially, compared to everyone else. I never learned that part of it.

  9. #9
    Diamond BCR's Avatar
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    I voted on second from bottom, but really hope it’s the last option because it’s a way better story.

  10. #10
    Owner Dan Druff's Avatar
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    And now for the exciting conclusion...

    As I said, this did not work out, despite what appeared to be a very promising beginning where I was seemingly the only guy in the dorm who could do no wrong with her.

    I left the story off at the point where she had just returned from the bathroom, asking me to stay in the lounge and continue talking to her when she got back. Despite already striking out with her, three other guys from the dorm were still observing the entire thing, curious to see how my promising situation would fare.

    The guy who told me about this girl and brought me into the room was named Jerry, and he was one of the three present. Jerry will figure prominently into the rest of the story.

    The girl and I continued to talk, and everything was still going well. Recall that Jerry and the other two guys had promised me to stay quiet and let this play out, and not to insert awkward remarks or commentary into the situation. For maybe 15 minutes, they all kept that promise, and it was just me and the girl talking about various subjects back and forth. Everything was flowing well, we had good chemistry, and I was becoming impressed with her intelligence. It also felt really good that I was the only guy she found interesting in the entire school, after nearly a month on campus. I still wasn't sure what I did to earn this honor, but I wasn't going to question it.

    I was being really careful not to say anything stupid, desperate sounding, or weird. I didn't want to ruin this lofty initial opinion she had of me. But this actually wasn't difficult. Our conversation was going so well that I was just naturally saying all the right things.

    About 15 minutes into the post-bathroom-break conversation, she brought up the fact that it was annoying how expensive it was to call her friends back home, despite the fact that she was from Orange County, only about 125 miles away from Santa Barbara. In 1991, this was true, as so-called "local long distance" was extremely expensive back then, and sometimes even more pricey than calling across the country.

    At this point, Jerry couldn't stay silent any longer.

    "Todd, tell her about the phone stuff you can do. You can help her!", he interjected.

    Being part of the '80s and early '90s phone hacker community, I had the ability to make free phone calls to anywhere in the world. I didn't want to bring any of this up because it might sound weird or off-putting to her, so I didn't initially offer to "help" when she complained about the long distance rates. However, Jerry probably thought he was assisting me by giving me an opportunity to be helpful to her, so he brought it up when I didn't.

    "Oh I don't really feel like talking about phone stuff right now," I replied to Jerry, hoping the subject would die.

    "No, really!", he argued back. "You should show her! I think this would be really helpful."

    "Yeah, I'd like to hear about this," she replied, basically forcing me to expand upon the subject.

    "Oh it's no big deal," I said. "I just have some ways to make free long distance calls. It's not legal, though, so you might not want to get involved with all that. I mean, if you're really interested, I could show you."

    Jerry wasn't done, though.

    "You should show her all the other stuff, too! It's really interesting. Like the way you can fuck with the operator and get them all worked up, it's hilarious!", Jerry added.

    This was exactly what I didn't want. Good Dorm Conversationalist Todd was doing well enough here. I didn't need to introduce all this weird phone shit and risk being looked at as immature or strange.

    "Ah, it's kinda stupid," I replied, trying to downplay it. "It was just me screwing around here one time, I doubt she wants to hear about this."

    She seemed legitimately curious, though.

    "No, actually I do," she replied. "Tell me about the operator thing. It sounds really funny."

    "Well.. okay," I reluctantly answered. "You see, there's this long distance company called ITI, they only complete calls for pay phones. You can't get them in your house. Anyway, I figured out all about how their system works, and basically I can dial in and make it appear as if I'm at a pay phone anywhere in the world, even crazy locations like out in the wilderness in Alaska. Their operators are under strict rules never to talk back and to treat everything you say seriously, no matter how ridiculous. They also have no idea you can reach them from a home phone and fake your location like I do. So sometimes when I'm with a group of people, I call them up, pretend to be at a pay phone totally out in the middle of nowhere, and say increasingly ridiculous things to see how much they'll take before hanging up."

    Right when I finished that explanation, I realized I probably said too much, and was looking like a complete weirdo. She sat there stone faced, not immediately replying to me. I figured I had ruined it, all thanks to Jerry pressuring me to talk about this stupid shit.

    "As I said, it's kinda stupid," I said to fill the silence and perhaps save face. "Just something fun to do occasionally when with a group of people."

    "Actually, it's not stupid at all," she surprisingly replied. "It's actually really smart. Because ITI is the only COCOT long distance company without ANI, so that's what allows you to falsify your location with them, and why there's never any consequence when you fuck around with them like that."


    Was she also part of the 1991 phone hacker community? And if she was, and lived in southern California, how had I not heard of her? As you might guess, these communities were very male-heavy (similar to poker), and I was very aware of the few girls who were actively part of the whole thing, especially the ones in California.

    Regardless of how she knew, she was looking like my dream girl. Super hot. Intelligent. Mutual interest in phone hacking. And most importantly, she somehow found me to be the most interesting man on campus -- even BEFORE learning about my phone shenanigans.

    I looked at Jerry and the other two guys. They were speechless with their mouths agape. They couldn't believe what they were witnessing. Was a beautiful girl dropped from phone heaven into my lap?

    Part of me was still in shock, but I had a great feeling about where all of this was going.

    I had to know where she learned about this stuff.

    "Wow.. that's right," I responded. "But how did you know about all of this?"

    "My ex-boyfriend was a phone hacker, and he taught me some things," she replied. "His name was Nick. He went by 'Nick the Brick' on the bridges (similar to party lines). Have you heard of him?"

    "Yeah, I talked to Nick the Brick a few times," I answered, starting to understand a bit more. "Seemed like a cool enough guy, but I didn't really get to know him well. So you were his girlfriend? Small world."

    "And the reason I know about ITI is because Nick was calling the bridge when I was over at his house, and he put it on speaker and told me I had to listen to one of the prank calls to them," she explained. "He said it was the funniest shit he had ever heard. And when I listened, yeah, it was really fucking funny. The guy making the calls was named Todd. It was last summer. That had to be you, right?"

    "Yes!! It was definitely me!", I excitedly confirmed. "I was doing that a lot last summer on the bridge. Everyone seemed to really like it, so I kept doing it."

    Could this be any better? It turned out this girl had heard me making prank calls about 6 months prior, and apparently really enjoyed them. What a happy coincidence!

    "Nick was probably your biggest fan with this stuff. I'm surprised you don't remember that more. He was one of the guys who kept begging you to call over and over", she added.

    "I don't remember who was asking me, I just know that some of the guys here kept asking me to do it every time I got on there. Maybe Nick was one of them. I guess I didn't really pay attention."

    "Well, I guess you got tired of them asking, because you showed some of them how to do it, including Nick. And then Nick was calling ITI all the time. Like he couldn't get enough of making these calls. Whenever I'd be with him, he'd just call ITI over and over again," she said, with the animation in her voice starting to decline.

    "Yeah it gets to be too much, I agree. Like it's really funny, but after 1 or 2 calls I get bored and want to do something else", I replied, trying to separate myself from what seemed to be an issue she had with Nick.

    "Exactly!", she answered. "Nick was OBSESSED with pranking ITI. Like, absolutely obsessed. I found it funny too, but not something to do all day, every day. But every time we were together, he just kept calling.... over, and over, and over again. It started becoming really tough on our relationship."

    "Wow, I can't believe he did that," I answered while trying to take on an empathetic tone. "I'm sorry those calls turned into this. I was just having fun with it. I don't know why Nick got obsessed. It definitely gets boring and repetitive quickly if you keep doing it. He should have listened to you when you said you weren't enjoying it anymore."

    "But he didn't listen," she continued. "And he just kept calling. He wouldn't do anything else with me. It was really hurting our relationship. I kept telling him I wasn't going to stay with him if this continued, but he didn't take me seriously. So I finally had to leave him. That's why we broke up."

    Was this Nick guy retarded? Why would he throw away a relationship with a hot, intelligent girl like this because he couldn't stop making repetitive prank calls? What a fucking idiot.

    But I felt I was doing a good job agreeing with her and separating myself from Nick. And it seemed like she acknowledged that. So while this was no longer a happy topic, I was about to shift it to something more pleasant, and hopefully everything would still be intact.

    "Well I don't know what he was thinking," I said back to her. "If I was doing something around a girlfriend that she clearly didn't enjoy, I would stop doing it around her and just do it when I was alone."

    "Yeah I kept telling him that, but he just didn't get it," she said. "And you know what? It was so hard to walk away from him, because he and I had been together for 2 years, and I was really in love. I really thought he was going to be the one. But this ITI stuff, it ruined it. It ruined the whole relationship."

    She then paused, with her voice cracking into emotion and tears starting to well up in her eyes. There was an uncomfortable silence in the room, before she continued...

    "And it was all your fault."

    And with that, she got up, and walked out of the room.

  11. #11
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    I couldn't believe what had just happened.

    How did this go wrong so quickly?

    What were the chances that this girl would happen to be the ex-girlfriend of some dude I knew from the phone community in 1990, and that his learning from me how to prank call a long distance company caused the demise of her relationship?

    And why was she blaming me for this???

    I really felt like I was going to wake up at any moment in my bed, and tell my roommate about the bizarre dream I just had.

    But it wasn't a dream. This insanely coincidental event really had just occurred before my eyes.

    I looked over at Jerry and the other two guys. Their shock was even greater than before, and their mouths were even more wide open.

    "Did...did that just really happen?", stammered Jerry.

    "I don't believe it either, but I'm afraid so," I replied.

    "Was she telling the truth about all this? Was the technical stuff she said about the phone company accurate? Did you really show that guy Nick how to do this stuff?", asked Jerry, still somewhat confused and rattled.

    "Yeah, it was all accurate, and yeah, I probably did show Nick that stuff last summer. I remember him being on the line with me when I made a lot of the calls. I had no idea he had a girlfriend, or that he was obsessively calling this much. I do remember that I quit calling the bridge myself because some of the guys were doing it way too much, and I was getting bored of it."

    "Do you think she's actually pissed at you?", asked one of the other guys.

    "Seems like she is. Seems like she blames me for what happened with Nick, because I was the one who taught him how to do it," I replied.

    "But that doesn't make sense! You had no control of how much he called!", protested Jerry. "I think you should go out and find her, and try to get her to understand you're not to blame."

    "No, I don't think she wants to talk to me anymore. Fair or not, she hates me now. I think it's better I just stay away," I solemnly answered.

    "Dude, I still can't fucking believe all of this. What are the chances?", said Jerry, shaking his head.

    "I have to say, this is NOT what I expected when you brought me in here to see the new girl in the dorm!", I remarked.

    Jerry and the other guys laughed, and we walked out of the room.

    So what's the postscript? Was it awkward seeing her around? Did she ever say anything further to me?

    No. In fact, I didn't see her again. She either dropped out of school, or transferred out of the dorm. Even though she kept to herself (causing me not to see her for the first few weeks), there's no way she could have completely hidden herself from me, Jerry, and everyone else for the remaining 4.5 months of the school year. Clearly she moved out, though we weren't sure when.

    Did she move out because of me? Possibly, but I have no way to know. She really did seem to blame me for the demise of the relationship with her beloved Nick, even though obviously I had no actual fault in the situation.

    Some story, huh?

    Obviously choice #10 "By coincidence, I knew her ex from 1990, and had accidentally destroyed their relationship back then" was the winner, chosen by only one person.

    Choice #9, "I reminded her too much of her ex-boyfriend, which she soon realized", chosen by three people, gets partial credit.

      Mission146: Wild story, man! I don't have any dating stories even close to as weird.

  12. #12
    I read like 70% and as someone who bats way above his avg , you fumbled it .

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by hesterandeldridge View Post
    I read like 70% and as someone who bats way above his avg , you fumbled it .
    Read the remaining 30% and you'll see I had no choice in this fumbling.

    The sad thing is that something likely would have happened between us -- at least in the short term -- had this phone bullshit not come up.

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    Just a few days before this story took place, a seemingly minor event occurred which had a lot more impact on the future than this story.

    I caught a ride back to LA from the campus "ride board". When the car arrived, a guy jumped out of the passenger seat and asked, "Who's taller?", and demanded we stand back to back to figure it out.

    I asked him, "Why do we need to know who is taller?", and he responded, "So we can figure out who gets the front seat."

    He introduced himself as Ken Scalir.

      country978: Meeting master scalir for 1st time - cool story

  15. #15
    Quote Originally Posted by Dan Druff View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by hesterandeldridge View Post
    I read like 70% and as someone who bats way above his avg , you fumbled it .
    Read the remaining 30% and you'll see I had no choice in this fumbling.

    The sad thing is that something likely would have happened between us -- at least in the short term -- had this phone bullshit not come up.
    exactly , you fumbled it.

    she went way past the point of showing interest, it was probably subtly done and you snatched defeat from the jaws of victory .

    but we have all been there, I have fumbled not 1 but 3 threesomes.

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    Quote Originally Posted by hesterandeldridge View Post
    I read like 70% and as someone who bats way above his avg , you fumbled it .
    How can you bat way above your average? Because your average, is like... Oh! you mean in your fantasies?

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    Owner Dan Druff's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by hesterandeldridge View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Dan Druff View Post

    Read the remaining 30% and you'll see I had no choice in this fumbling.

    The sad thing is that something likely would have happened between us -- at least in the short term -- had this phone bullshit not come up.
    exactly , you fumbled it.

    she went way past the point of showing interest, it was probably subtly done and you snatched defeat from the jaws of victory .

    but we have all been there, I have fumbled not 1 but 3 threesomes.
    The problem is that it was not my choice to bring up the shit which ruined it. That was brought up by that Jerry guy, even after I asked him to keep his mouth shut.

    Funny enough, all the phone phreaking stuff probably would have been a plus, had it not been for the coincidence that I showed her boyfriend something which then ruined their relationship.

    There was no way to foresee what was going to happen on this one.

    There were several other girls that year I did fuck up with, and snatched defeat from victory, but not this one.

  18. #18
    Silver Mission146's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dan Druff View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by hesterandeldridge View Post
    exactly , you fumbled it.

    she went way past the point of showing interest, it was probably subtly done and you snatched defeat from the jaws of victory .

    but we have all been there, I have fumbled not 1 but 3 threesomes.
    The problem is that it was not my choice to bring up the shit which ruined it. That was brought up by that Jerry guy, even after I asked him to keep his mouth shut.

    Funny enough, all the phone phreaking stuff probably would have been a plus, had it not been for the coincidence that I showed her boyfriend something which then ruined their relationship.

    There was no way to foresee what was going to happen on this one.

    There were several other girls that year I did fuck up with, and snatched defeat from victory, but not this one.
    Often other guys fucking shit up in high school and college---sometimes, to the point that you have to wonder if there was intent.

    In this case, I'm not even inclined to blame Jerry as he saw an opportunity for you to help her with a potential issue. Of course, it sounds like you were handling things alright and he might have had the wherewithal to realize that if you wanted to bring up your free long-distance abilities, then you would.

    What was your biggest fumble? I can only think of one I had that was an absolute layup.

    Basically, there was this half-Japanese and half-Caucasian chick that I was pretty into, in college, who lived in the other dorm building--she was like 5'11", to boot; both dorm buildings (at this school) were co-ed. Anyway, I'd see her in the commons a good deal of the time, in the cafeteria and she was also friends with a blonde chick that lived in my building.

    On one occasion, I was over in her building and she happened to see me in the hall:

    HER: Are you working? (I was campus security on weekends, usually, in addition to working at a furniture store full-time...or I might have been at the hotel (but not managing it, at this point.)

    ME: No; it's Sunday. I was at the store earlier, but I opened.

    HER: Why are you over here? (Meaning, in her building)

    ME: I was giving someone a book for a class they have this semester. He's going to give it to me when he's done so I can sell it back to the store, but he can have it for now.

    HER: Hey, do you want to come hang out with us for a bit?

    ME: Who are, 'us?'

    HER: Oh, it's just me and (the blonde) we're kind of bored, though, so company wouldn't be bad.

    Naturally, I'm thinking, "Here we fucking go!" Of course, I wasn't anticipating a threesome, or even anything sexual to happen that night...I wouldn't have had any great interest in a threesome at all, anyway, as I've never understood the point. I only have one dick, so what do I need a sexual encounter with two women simultaneously for?

    The odd thing was this half-Japanese and half-Caucasian chick was always pretty cold to me. Honestly, I'd never gotten the impression that she was into me at all; on the contrary, I'd always perceived that she found me annoying. Like I said, I'd see her around---sometimes even at one of the nearby bars, and she was civil, but she never really went out of the way to talk to me and we'd only engage if a mutual friend (of hers or mine) was involved. She was also WAY out of my fucking league.

    Anyway, I go into her dorm room and the blonde is seated on the floor; the girl in question sits on the floor, so I sit on the floor opposite them. I'm having a really tough time getting a vibe for what the situation is or the context of any conversation should be, so I'm mostly silent; I didn't have anything to say anyway. Her and the blonde talk for a bit, basically about nothing (I assume; I was probably paying zero attention to their conversation as it didn't concern me) and then eventually the blonde pulls out a laptop and starts doing something on it. I'm waiting for the other girl to say anything, but she's not really making any conversation with me. After being in there for about a half hour total, I said, "Well, thanks for having me over for a bit, but I'm going to hop back over to (my dorm building) and see if there's a Halo or Madden tournament going."

    They both said their goodbyes, but a few days later, the half-Japanese half-Caucasian chick sees me and grabs my arm; she's clearly guiding me to a more private spot, so I go along:

    HER: What THE FUCK is wrong with you?

    ME: How much time do you have? Seriously, though, what do you mean?

    HER: I bring you over into the room because (the blonde) is clearly into you to the point that she can barely say two words around you and you COMPLETELY FUCKING BLOW IT!!!

    ME: SHE'S into me!? How the fuck was I supposed to know that? I'd say the silence was pretty mutual.

    HER: Why the fuck else would I want you in my room?

    ME: I didn't know; I kind of got the impression you can't stand me.

    HER: Nah. You didn't do anything wrong or anything; we just have conflicting personalities. I'm a little bit pissed that you straight up embarrassed (the blonde).

    ME: How the fuck was I supposed to know---you could have said something in the hall.

    HER: I'd consider that she's into you pretty painfully fucking obvious, idiot. Also, I thought about it, but I didn't know if she'd be able to hear me.

    ME: Oh well. Should I try talking to her?

    HER: THAT is the LAST thing you should do!!! She doesn't want to talk to you anyway; she could have died from humiliation.

    ME: Well, I don't know. Sorry about that. Nothing I can do now.

    ---The wild thing is that I absolutely, at a minimum, would have hooked up with the blonde if I had any idea; I don't know if I'd have dated her as she barely ever said two words, in general, so it's hard to say. She was definitely well within the range of girls that I'd consider attractive and would definitely engage in sexual congress. I also had no way of knowing that she was into me, despite that the first girl seems to think it should have been painfully obvious. I asked a few of my guy friends and they said they never got that vibe---not that anyone got very much of a vibe (in general) off the blonde anyway.

    In any event, it wasn't that long after this that I managed a hotel and no longer lived on campus. Also, it was within a few short months that I would engage in sexual congress with the only woman who has ever been truly out of my league (in terms of people I've been intimate with), so I guess it all balances out.
    Don't Tread on Anyone, mothafucka!

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    While many of you have privately requested/demanded my input here I am sitting this one out.
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