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Thread: Online poker click tells

  1. #1
    Owner Dan Druff's Avatar
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    Online poker click tells

    These click tells are better for limit games, as they don't involve bet sizing, which can artificially slow things down. But I suppose they can be used for NL and PL also.

    - Super quick check (almost instant) when last to act: This is probably because your opponent has on the check/fold button. If further streets are coming, fire out when almost any card hits, if it's heads up (or if the remaining opponents also seem to be very weak).

    - Rapid-fire betting on every street: Usually means player is either bluffing, or has a decent-but-not-great hand. The rapid betting is being done to encourage you to fold, so your opponent can win the pot right there. This isn't a bad time to either bluff or to check-raise light.

    - Long pause before betting or raising, when player wasn't previously slow in other hands: Often means the player has a monster, and doesn't want to scare you away. If you see this on the river, and are considering folding to a bet, a long pause before a bet might be a sign to fold.

    - Quick check/call: Usually some kind of drawing hand, either drawing to overcards or a straight/flush. If a card making possible draws hits the next street, proceed with caution!

    - Slight pause, then donkbets out (a bet out of position when not the raiser/bettor on previous street): A decent, but not great hand. The slight pause is the key. Typically a set bets a little bit faster than a hand like top or middle pair on a low board.

    - Slow check-raise on turn or river: Very likely a strong hand.

    - Quick (but not instant) check-back in position on low flop, after raising pre: Opponent has overcards.

    - Opponent seems to be thinking awhile when you've bet or check-raised river: If your hand is very good but not the nuts, you're highly likely winning. People don't like taking too long to re-raise river with the nuts, fearing timing out or disconnecting. You can count the money as yours before he even decides further what to do, and if you get re-raised, call him.

      Mission146: I don't play online...because I think anyone who is NOT cheating would be insane to do so these days, but good tips.

  2. #2
    Gold Ryback_feed_me_more's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dan Druff View Post
    These click tells are better for limit games, as they don't involve bet sizing, which can artificially slow things down. But I suppose they can be used for NL and PL also.

    - Super quick check (almost instant) when last to act: This is probably because your opponent has on the check/fold button. If further streets are coming, fire out when almost any card hits, if it's heads up (or if the remaining opponents also seem to be very weal).

    - Rapid-fire betting on every street: Usually means player is either bluffing, or has a decent-but-not-great hand. The rapid betting is being done to encourage you to fold, so your opponent can win the pot right there. This isn't a bad time to either bluff or to check-raise light.

    - Long pause before betting or raising, when player wasn't previously slow in other hands: Often means the player has a monster, and doesn't want to scare you away. If you see this on the river, and are considering folding to a bet, a long pause before a bet might be a sign to fold.

    - Quick check/call: Usually some kind of drawing hand, either drawing to overcards or a straight/flush. If a card making possible draws hits the next street, proceed with caution!

    - Slight pause, then donkbets out (a bet out of position when not the raiser/bettor on previous street): A decent, but not great hand. The slight pause is the key. Typically a set bets a little bit faster than a hand like top or middle pair on a low board.

    - Slow check-raise on turn or river: Very likely a strong hand.

    - Quick (but not instant) check-back in position on low flop, after raising pre: Opponent has overcards.

    - Opponent seems to be thinking awhile when you've bet or check-raised river: If your hand is very good but not the nuts, you're highly likely winning. People don't like taking too long to re-raise river with the nuts, fearing timing out or disconnecting. You can count the money as yours before he even decides further what to do, and if you get re-raised, call him.
    Even though speaking online poker this can indeed apply to live sometimes. Better known as timing tells with players. Ive always tried to avoid them by conciously trying to flat time everthing I do online from checking betting raising to disguise timing tells online. Now truth if the above could also be useful in a toolbox such as reverse tells to look strong when your weak and vis versa

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