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Thread: Time-to-get-on-the-DESANTIS-train

  1. #141
    Silver Mission146's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post
    "Trump can win the primary but he can't win the general." And "Trump can't win the polls." All bullshit.

    Trump got a record for a sitting president, 75 million votes in 2020. Yeah, sure, Biden got 81 million. But if you discount out the Peoples Republics of California and New York, Trump won the popular vote by 1 million.

    Trump doesn't have to win the popular vote. He has to win in the electoral college. If just 20,000 votes were changed in 2020 Trump would have won. That's how close the battle ground states like Arizona and Georgia were. There was a ton of ballot harvesting going on in the battleground states.

    Now, for ignorant ass libtards that think the republican party is the minority. Here's what the statistics look like:

    State Senates
    Dems 857
    Repubs 1,110

    States Houses
    Dems 2,426
    Repubs 2,947

    Repubs lead in governors 26-24

    Get this. There are more repubs in the Senate, 49, than Dems, 48. The 3 Independents make the difference. But anyway the repubs are just 2 away from a majority.

    Repubs hold the house by 222 to 212.

    In 20 states repubs have a supermajority, Dems just 9.

    So overall, if you think the republicans are the minority party, guess again. Ballot harvesting won for dems in 2020 and 2022. Republicans need to beat them at their own game.

    I've just given you libtards plenty of reason to keep sniveling.

    PS: No RINO can win the republican nomination. Don't give me any shit about "Well, then you can't win the general without a RINO." A RINO winning is the same as a DEM winning. Fuck that shit.
    What on Earth are you arguing---that Trump can win? How could Trump ever win? The Liberals would just steal the Election like they did last time, right?

    Really, the matchup doesn't matter, because any result that is not Trump winning will mean the Election is stolen. If Liberals COULD steal the Election, then they WOULD steal the Election, which means, in your view, it should not be possible for Trump to win. If Biden wins, then Trump loses; if Trump wins, then it gets stolen and Trump loses.

    That makes everything after your first sentence immaterial, but I'll respond anyway.

    Okay, and if I discount every state that is not named Wyoming, then Trump won the national popular vote by a margin of well over 40%. If my aunt had a dick, she'd be my uncle. If we throw away New York, California, Texas and Tennessee, then we're back to Biden winning the national popular vote. That's trading the #1 and #4 most populated states (Biden) for #2 and #15 (Trump).

    See, I can cherry-pick shit just as well as you can. It's not difficult.

    As has already been mentioned, you can have Arizona and Georgia. It's still endlessly hilarious that the Democrats won in Georgia. You know your social policies are out of touch with the American people when you're losing Georgia. How the fuck does that even happen? Yeah, yeah, ballot harvesting. Whatever. Trump can have those states. He can have Nevada, as well. He would still need Michigan, Wisconsin or Pennsylvania.

    Your inconvenient truth is that Trump did not simply lose; he got thoroughly the Electoral Vote. In a historical context, this election was NOT particularly close.

    And then you guys go off the fucking rails with the Election fraud bullshit. Yeah. I'm sure that brought some people to your side in the swing states. Trump has very little chance in 2024. You had better get down on your knees and pray to your God that we have a serious fucking recession between now and then because that's the only way it's happening for you.

    Paul Ryan is not a RINO; he just doesn't seem to give much of a shit about social know, the fucking policy stances that cause Republicans to LOSE national elections?

    No first-term Republican has won the popular vote since 1988. More than thirty fucking years, Mickey. They can do as they like in their states; people can just move if they don't like it. Right-wing social policies are simply a losing issue in national elections for Republicans, in every single instance...the faster you guys just admit that, the faster you'll be able to meaningfully compete in every POTUS election.

    Like it or not, while 2020 wasn't a blowout, it wasn't close.

  2. #142
    Platinum mickeycrimm's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BetCheckBet View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post
    "Trump can win the primary but he can't win the general." And "Trump can't win the polls." All bullshit.

    Trump got a record for a sitting president, 75 million votes in 2020. Yeah, sure, Biden got 81 million. But if you discount out the Peoples Republics of California and New York, Trump won the popular vote by 1 million.

    Trump doesn't have to win the popular vote. He has to win in the electoral college. If just 20,000 votes were changed in 2020 Trump would have won. That's how close the battle ground states like Arizona and Georgia were. There was a ton of ballot harvesting going on in the battleground states.

    Now, for ignorant ass libtards that think the republican party is the minority. Here's what the statistics look like:

    State Senates
    Dems 857
    Repubs 1,110

    States Houses
    Dems 2,426
    Repubs 2,947

    Repubs lead in governors 26-24

    Get this. There are more repubs in the Senate, 49, than Dems, 48. The 3 Independents make the difference. But anyway the repubs are just 2 away from a majority.

    Repubs hold the house by 222 to 212.

    In 20 states repubs have a supermajority, Dems just 9.

    So overall, if you think the republicans are the minority party, guess again. Ballot harvesting won for dems in 2020 and 2022. Republicans need to beat them at their own game.

    I've just given you libtards plenty of reason to keep sniveling.

    PS: No RINO can win the republican nomination. Don't give me any shit about "Well, then you can't win the general without a RINO." A RINO winning is the same as a DEM winning. Fuck that shit.
    Hey mickey you realize trump still lost if he won Arizona and Georgia right? I know math is not your forte.

    I understand your point but no one who is incapable of doing grade 3 math should be calling others ignorant
    Get a clue dude. My ability in math made my gambling career. I’m known for it. And I said “like Arizona and Georgia.” I didn’t say they were the only 2 states involved. Wisconsin and Pennsylvania were in the mix. Work on your reading comprehension.

  3. #143
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  4. #144
    Platinum BetCheckBet's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by BetCheckBet View Post

    Hey mickey you realize trump still lost if he won Arizona and Georgia right? I know math is not your forte.

    I understand your point but no one who is incapable of doing grade 3 math should be calling others ignorant
    Get a clue dude. My ability in math made my gambling career. I’m known for it. And I said “like Arizona and Georgia.” I didn’t say they were the only 2 states involved. Wisconsin and Pennsylvania were in the mix. Work on your reading comprehension.

    You literally said with 20000 votes trump would have won. Read what you wrote. Arizona and Georgia were 20k together. It’s false as any grade 3 can verify. He needed 40k and as mentioned before it’s really about the same as Hillary. Yet you don’t see liberals obsessing over her and wearing her merchandise everywhere they go.

    That’s great that your gambling has made you millions of dollars.
    PokerfraudAlert acknowledges that our message board is on the unceded, unsurrendered Territory of who's presence stretches back to that of Neverwinpoker and the Lithuanians. As such we acknowledge the great role that Tony G, Jewdonk, any many other Lithuanians have contributed to our community.

  5. #145
    Platinum BetCheckBet's Avatar
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    I still believe any Republican except trump can beat Biden. But I also believe he won’t run again. Next president will be Republican unless trump wins nomination. Trump is simply too hated. And it’s extremely rare in election history that someone wins without popular vote. Republicans can win popular vote trump can’t and it’s been proven twice.

      Mission146: It either has to be a socially centrist individual, or, if not, an individual intelligent enough not to emphasize social issues.
    PokerfraudAlert acknowledges that our message board is on the unceded, unsurrendered Territory of who's presence stretches back to that of Neverwinpoker and the Lithuanians. As such we acknowledge the great role that Tony G, Jewdonk, any many other Lithuanians have contributed to our community.

  6. #146
    Silver Mission146's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post
    "Trump can win the primary but he can't win the general." And "Trump can't win the polls." All bullshit.

    Trump got a record for a sitting president, 75 million votes in 2020. Yeah, sure, Biden got 81 million. But if you discount out the Peoples Republics of California and New York, Trump won the popular vote by 1 million.

    Trump doesn't have to win the popular vote. He has to win in the electoral college. If just 20,000 votes were changed in 2020 Trump would have won. That's how close the battle ground states like Arizona and Georgia were. There was a ton of ballot harvesting going on in the battleground states.

    Now, for ignorant ass libtards that think the republican party is the minority. Here's what the statistics look like:

    State Senates
    Dems 857
    Repubs 1,110

    States Houses
    Dems 2,426
    Repubs 2,947

    Repubs lead in governors 26-24

    Get this. There are more repubs in the Senate, 49, than Dems, 48. The 3 Independents make the difference. But anyway the repubs are just 2 away from a majority.

    Repubs hold the house by 222 to 212.

    In 20 states repubs have a supermajority, Dems just 9.

    So overall, if you think the republicans are the minority party, guess again. Ballot harvesting won for dems in 2020 and 2022. Republicans need to beat them at their own game.

    I've just given you libtards plenty of reason to keep sniveling.

    PS: No RINO can win the republican nomination. Don't give me any shit about "Well, then you can't win the general without a RINO." A RINO winning is the same as a DEM winning. Fuck that shit.

    I consider us friends, so I am going to attempt to address the other elements of your post. Because I think of us as friends, it isn't fair for me to duck the better points that you made.

    Trump getting a record number of votes for a sitting POTUS, and Biden getting a record number for anybody, is not even something I see as a positive. While most Americans certainly have the right to vote, that doesn't mean that I hope all of them do so. There are a few things that happened between 2016 and 2020 that I do not see as a positive.

    1.) I don't see the Trump zeitgeist as a positive. I don't think so many Americans so quickly swearing undying fealty to one man is a positive sign of where we are as a society. It's borderline fucking god worship. We do not have a king for a reason. Look at what happened last time this land (some parts, anyway) did have a king who ruled over it.

    2.) I don't think padding the numbers with snap-blue or snap-red votes says anything about the state of democracy in this country. We need fewer people who are going to automatically vote one way or another, not more of them. The deepening partisan divide is not a positive.

    3.) I didn't see social media as a negative until more recently, but giving the most outspoken people on the extremes of both sides the platform to amplify their already stupid voices cannot be a positive. Again, they have the right to do this, but that doesn't mean that I actually want them to.

    4.) 2020 wasn't even red v. blue, which is terrifying for the state of our country. It was Trump vs. Not-Trump. Not that most people would know it, but Trump isn't even really THAT FAR to the right; he just picked a few issues that would get certain components of the Far Right on his dick, which is pretty easy, considering their mouths are always open anyway. He also used the word, "Bible," in a sentence once or twice, so all of that adultery with a porn star who he paid to keep her mouth shut about it can be forgotten.

    5.) Ultimately, legitimate political discourse, from one ordinary citizen to another, mostly died the second Trump won the nomination. Of course, some might look at the fucking clown show that was the GOP debates and maintain that it had actually died before that.

    There was also Scaramucci, I guess, but I'd be lying if I said I cared. That guy was legitimately fucking hilarious.

    When you look at the Senate 49-48, let's not forget that the three remaining include the following:

    1.) Bernie Sanders---a Senator from Vermont who has run for the Democratic Presidential Nomination twice. Also, an Independent NOT because he is not aligned with blue values, but actually, because he is way to the left of those. If he ran as an actual Socialist, in Vermont, he would still dominate.

    2.) Kyrsten Sinema---a senator from Arizona who made the least impactful party affiliation change in history. She probably just doesn't want to get primary'd, which would probably have happened. She went from being a Democrat to being an independent who caucuses with Democrats. She won the position as a Democrat.

    3.) Angus King---Not going to lie; don't know much about Angus King and don't care to look.

    And then, you talk about State Senate seats.

    Now, you cherry-picked California and New York on popular vote and you're going to talk about State Senate seats? I guess my first question would be, "Why does Kentucky need almost as many State Senators as California has?"

    Okay, so the red states can run up the score in their strongholds better. Proving what? All but two of them are Republicans in Wyoming. Big fucking deal!

    Let's look at how these states went in the 2020 Presidential Election: (I'm not counting DC or districts)

    More than 40%---Trump: 1 Biden: 0

    More than 30%---Trump: 5 Biden: 3

    More than 20%---Trump: 11 Biden: 8

    More than 10%---Trump: 18 Biden: 17

    In other words, some red states are much better at being deeply red than blue states are at being deeply blue. Should we give them a trophy? That still doesn't mean that social issues are winning issues for Republicans in a national election. They aren't. They haven't been for literal decades.. Please try to accept it.

    Republicans do lead in Governors. Democrats had a net gain of two gubernatorial seats in 2022. That's because SCOTUS overturned Roe (Constitutionally correct, ftr). That's also because Republican voters, particularly Evangelical retards, decided to nominate Doug Mastriano for Governor of Pennsylvania. Your party loses on social issues in a state that's even remotely moderate. Please learn to accept this. If your party does, then it will be able to win more often.

    In Arizona, Republicans nominated Kari Lake whose entire campaign platform was, "The election was stolen from Trump." Katie Hobbs beat Lake by doing nothing. She just hung back and let Lake talk, which was enough to give Hobbs the majority. Kari Lake, for all practical purposes, lost to nobody.

  7. #147
    Diamond dwai's Avatar
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    alright guys who invited the enlightened centrist

      splitthis: It’s bigcrummyretard

  8. #148
    Diamond Sloppy Joe's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post

    Get a clue dude. My ability in math made my gambling career. I’m known for it. And I said “like Arizona and Georgia.” I didn’t say they were the only 2 states involved. Wisconsin and Pennsylvania were in the mix. Work on your reading comprehension.
    PokerFraudAlert...will never censor your claims, even if they're against one of our sponsors. In addition to providing you an open forum report fraud within the poker community, we will also analyze your claims with a clear head an unbiased point of view. And, of course, the accused will always have the floor to defend themselves.-Dan Druff

  9. #149
    Plutonium Sanlmar's Avatar
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    If Mike Pence runs - the debates are gonna be lit.

    Pence will kamikaze himself in his fatwa against Trump. Nothing will be off limits on that stage. I cannot really imagine what will come out. Mushroom cloud.

    DeSantis will step down off his box behind the podium and hide.

    The Republican civil war is still a go. Seems Druff has forgotten.

    The Elise Stefanik GOP talk really really disappoints me. Professional politician? Useless inexperienced millenial. That’s not Trump.

    Also, not so fast my friend with a heads up vs Biden. Are you sure it will be Biden? You could get sucker punched if you stay first level.

    You guys are running some binary exercise with Trump DeSantis that has little connection with reality.
    Last edited by Sanlmar; 04-20-2023 at 02:19 PM.

  10. #150
    Platinum mickeycrimm's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BetCheckBet View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post

    Get a clue dude. My ability in math made my gambling career. I’m known for it. And I said “like Arizona and Georgia.” I didn’t say they were the only 2 states involved. Wisconsin and Pennsylvania were in the mix. Work on your reading comprehension.

    You literally said with 20000 votes trump would have won. Read what you wrote. Arizona and Georgia were 20k together. It’s false as any grade 3 can verify. He needed 40k and as mentioned before it’s really about the same as Hillary. Yet you don’t see liberals obsessing over her and wearing her merchandise everywhere they go.

    That’s great that your gambling has made you millions of dollars.

    I'll explain it to you like you are a 3rd grader so maybe you can grasp it. I'll just do the two states for now, Arizona and Georgia. I just looked up the statistics.

    Biden won Arizona by 10, 457 votes. That means if 5229 of those votes had went to Trump instead of Biden then Trump would have won.

    Biden won Georgia by 11,779 votes. That means if 5,890 of those votes went for Trump instead of Biden then Trump would have won.

    That's a total of 11,119 votes that would have changed the results in those 2 states.

    If you still can't grasp it get Mission to help you. He's a better mathematician than me.

    Once you get it figured out, see if you can teach it to sloppytard. He's slow too.
    Last edited by mickeycrimm; 04-20-2023 at 03:16 PM.

  11. #151
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    Okay I admit that's fair I read it as votes needed not votes changed... and 20k was exactly the votes needed in the two states you mentioned hence why I thought votes needed. Typically when someone loses an election you talk about how many votes needed not how many votes needed to change.

    It's fair to say Trump was better off trying to change votes than find them
    PokerfraudAlert acknowledges that our message board is on the unceded, unsurrendered Territory of who's presence stretches back to that of Neverwinpoker and the Lithuanians. As such we acknowledge the great role that Tony G, Jewdonk, any many other Lithuanians have contributed to our community.

  12. #152
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mission146 View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post
    "Trump can win the primary but he can't win the general." And "Trump can't win the polls." All bullshit.

    Trump got a record for a sitting president, 75 million votes in 2020. Yeah, sure, Biden got 81 million. But if you discount out the Peoples Republics of California and New York, Trump won the popular vote by 1 million.

    Trump doesn't have to win the popular vote. He has to win in the electoral college. If just 20,000 votes were changed in 2020 Trump would have won. That's how close the battle ground states like Arizona and Georgia were. There was a ton of ballot harvesting going on in the battleground states.

    Now, for ignorant ass libtards that think the republican party is the minority. Here's what the statistics look like:

    State Senates
    Dems 857
    Repubs 1,110

    States Houses
    Dems 2,426
    Repubs 2,947

    Repubs lead in governors 26-24

    Get this. There are more repubs in the Senate, 49, than Dems, 48. The 3 Independents make the difference. But anyway the repubs are just 2 away from a majority.

    Repubs hold the house by 222 to 212.

    In 20 states repubs have a supermajority, Dems just 9.

    So overall, if you think the republicans are the minority party, guess again. Ballot harvesting won for dems in 2020 and 2022. Republicans need to beat them at their own game.

    I've just given you libtards plenty of reason to keep sniveling.

    PS: No RINO can win the republican nomination. Don't give me any shit about "Well, then you can't win the general without a RINO." A RINO winning is the same as a DEM winning. Fuck that shit.

    I consider us friends, so I am going to attempt to address the other elements of your post. Because I think of us as friends, it isn't fair for me to duck the better points that you made.

    Trump getting a record number of votes for a sitting POTUS, and Biden getting a record number for anybody, is not even something I see as a positive. While most Americans certainly have the right to vote, that doesn't mean that I hope all of them do so. There are a few things that happened between 2016 and 2020 that I do not see as a positive.

    1.) I don't see the Trump zeitgeist as a positive. I don't think so many Americans so quickly swearing undying fealty to one man is a positive sign of where we are as a society. It's borderline fucking god worship. We do not have a king for a reason. Look at what happened last time this land (some parts, anyway) did have a king who ruled over it.

    2.) I don't think padding the numbers with snap-blue or snap-red votes says anything about the state of democracy in this country. We need fewer people who are going to automatically vote one way or another, not more of them. The deepening partisan divide is not a positive.

    3.) I didn't see social media as a negative until more recently, but giving the most outspoken people on the extremes of both sides the platform to amplify their already stupid voices cannot be a positive. Again, they have the right to do this, but that doesn't mean that I actually want them to.

    4.) 2020 wasn't even red v. blue, which is terrifying for the state of our country. It was Trump vs. Not-Trump. Not that most people would know it, but Trump isn't even really THAT FAR to the right; he just picked a few issues that would get certain components of the Far Right on his dick, which is pretty easy, considering their mouths are always open anyway. He also used the word, "Bible," in a sentence once or twice, so all of that adultery with a porn star who he paid to keep her mouth shut about it can be forgotten.

    5.) Ultimately, legitimate political discourse, from one ordinary citizen to another, mostly died the second Trump won the nomination. Of course, some might look at the fucking clown show that was the GOP debates and maintain that it had actually died before that.

    There was also Scaramucci, I guess, but I'd be lying if I said I cared. That guy was legitimately fucking hilarious.

    When you look at the Senate 49-48, let's not forget that the three remaining include the following:

    1.) Bernie Sanders---a Senator from Vermont who has run for the Democratic Presidential Nomination twice. Also, an Independent NOT because he is not aligned with blue values, but actually, because he is way to the left of those. If he ran as an actual Socialist, in Vermont, he would still dominate.

    2.) Kyrsten Sinema---a senator from Arizona who made the least impactful party affiliation change in history. She probably just doesn't want to get primary'd, which would probably have happened. She went from being a Democrat to being an independent who caucuses with Democrats. She won the position as a Democrat.

    3.) Angus King---Not going to lie; don't know much about Angus King and don't care to look.

    And then, you talk about State Senate seats.

    Now, you cherry-picked California and New York on popular vote and you're going to talk about State Senate seats? I guess my first question would be, "Why does Kentucky need almost as many State Senators as California has?"

    Okay, so the red states can run up the score in their strongholds better. Proving what? All but two of them are Republicans in Wyoming. Big fucking deal!

    Let's look at how these states went in the 2020 Presidential Election: (I'm not counting DC or districts)

    More than 40%---Trump: 1 Biden: 0

    More than 30%---Trump: 5 Biden: 3

    More than 20%---Trump: 11 Biden: 8

    More than 10%---Trump: 18 Biden: 17

    In other words, some red states are much better at being deeply red than blue states are at being deeply blue. Should we give them a trophy? That still doesn't mean that social issues are winning issues for Republicans in a national election. They aren't. They haven't been for literal decades.. Please try to accept it.

    Republicans do lead in Governors. Democrats had a net gain of two gubernatorial seats in 2022. That's because SCOTUS overturned Roe (Constitutionally correct, ftr). That's also because Republican voters, particularly Evangelical retards, decided to nominate Doug Mastriano for Governor of Pennsylvania. Your party loses on social issues in a state that's even remotely moderate. Please learn to accept this. If your party does, then it will be able to win more often.

    In Arizona, Republicans nominated Kari Lake whose entire campaign platform was, "The election was stolen from Trump." Katie Hobbs beat Lake by doing nothing. She just hung back and let Lake talk, which was enough to give Hobbs the majority. Kari Lake, for all practical purposes, lost to nobody.
    Well, I've got to hand it to you, Mission. I thought I was a pretty good cherry picker. But after reading your two latest posts here I can see that I don't hold a candle to you. You're the best cherry picker I've ever seen. Congratulations!

    I think there are some dynamics you are missing this time around. Probably before your time but I remember the 1980 election. Everyone thinks Reagan beat Carter. But it wasn't Reagan that beat him. It was Ted Kennedy. With no chance to win Kennedy primaried Carter all the way to the convention. He bloodied Carter up so bad Reagan easily won the general.

    Enter one Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. So far the media has been trying hard as hell to keep Kennedy out of the news. But it won't work. He's going to beat Biden to death. Gonna bloody Biden's ass up real good for Trump. And if Biden steps out and one of his stooges steps in, Kennedy will bloody their ass up to.

    Another little dynamic. The number of voters identifying as Democrats was once in the high 30's, republicans low 30's. But now Dems and repubs are tied at 25%. A record 49% now identify as independents. Dems are the big loser here because they fell all the way from the high 30's where repubs fell from just the low 30's.

    Why have so many defected from the democrat party? Pretty simple. WOKE authoritarianism. DOJ going after parents, Catholics, malicious prosecutions. Shoving transgender bullshit down everyone's throats. Female athletes being abused, made to take a backseat to males that dress up like women. A host of other issues that moderate liberals are sick of. They are realizing that voting for dems will just keep the abuse coming.

    Another thing you misjudge is MAGA's. Do you know what I'm going to do on general election day if Trump doesn't get the nomination? I'm going to get up, make some coffee, turn the TV on....and watch everything that happens on that day. I won't be going out anywhere that day. And that includes to the voting booth. Do you know how many MAGA's are thinking like me?

    No republican can win the general election without the MAGA vote. So go ahead and keep fucking with us. Go ahead and replace Trump. All us MAGA's won't be going to the polls that day. We will sit at home and watch establishment republicans get their ass kicked.

    Paul Ryan is a known RINO. Just like his ticket mate, Mitt the Nit Romney, who will not make it thru the Utah republican primary this time around.

    Thinking republicans can win by replacing Trump is folly. The one thing MAGA's know is there is no difference between an establishment republican and a democrat. They are identical twins. So there is nothing to be gained by going to the polls for anyone but Trump.

    Last edited by mickeycrimm; 04-20-2023 at 04:21 PM.

  13. #153
    Owner Dan Druff's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BetCheckBet View Post
    Also if you wsnt to do mickey revisionist math… trump needed about 42k votes tie in which he would win tie breaker.

    For reference Clinton only needed 80k to outright beat trump.

    The lesson? The electoral college was designed to give minorities more power in their votes…. That’s right america has affirmative action built into the voting process.
    The electoral college exists because the US was conceived as a loosely connected co-op of state governments, and wasn't supposed to be under strong national rule.

    The electoral college makes it to where states are each separately electing a President, and then these results are all combined and weighted based upon population, but to where there is a minimum number of votes each state can have, thus giving all states some power.

    I laugh when people complain about popular vote results versus electoral college results. That's like complaining it's unfair that your baseball team lost because they had more hits than the winning team.

  14. #154
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sanlmar View Post
    Also, not so fast my friend with a heads up vs Biden. Are you sure it will be Biden?
    Mickey is the first on the forum to bring up Kennedy. Kennedy is who I was thinking of when I posted the above. It’s fluid that’s for sure.

    Someday there will be a book written about the effort to ease a sitting President from the White House.

    It’s chess

  15. #155
    Diamond dwai's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dan Druff View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by BetCheckBet View Post
    Also if you wsnt to do mickey revisionist math… trump needed about 42k votes tie in which he would win tie breaker.

    For reference Clinton only needed 80k to outright beat trump.

    The lesson? The electoral college was designed to give minorities more power in their votes…. That’s right america has affirmative action built into the voting process.
    The electoral college exists because the US was conceived as a loosely connected co-op of state governments, and wasn't supposed to be under strong national rule.

    The electoral college makes it to where states are each separately electing a President, and then these results are all combined and weighted based upon population, but to where there is a minimum number of votes each state can have, thus giving all states some power.

    I laugh when people complain about popular vote results versus electoral college results. That's like complaining it's unfair that your baseball team lost because they had more hits than the winning team.
    this covid faggot should worry more about Canadian politics or how since he's said he's a healthcare worker for drug addicts and mentally ill he should worry about being responsible for multiple murders for MAID assisted suicide in Canada, nigga said popular vote

  16. #156
    Plutonium Sanlmar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dan Druff View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by BetCheckBet View Post
    Also if you wsnt to do mickey revisionist math… trump needed about 42k votes tie in which he would win tie breaker.

    For reference Clinton only needed 80k to outright beat trump.

    The lesson? The electoral college was designed to give minorities more power in their votes…. That’s right america has affirmative action built into the voting process.
    The electoral college exists because the US was conceived as a loosely connected co-op of state governments, and wasn't supposed to be under strong national rule.

    The electoral college makes it to where states are each separately electing a President, and then these results are all combined and weighted based upon population, but to where there is a minimum number of votes each state can have, thus giving all states some power.

    I laugh when people complain about popular vote results versus electoral college results. That's like complaining it's unfair that your baseball team lost because they had more hits than the winning team.
    As the difference between the states increases I have come to embrace the electoral college where I did not before.

    As California, Texas, NY, Florida, Ohio etc. each become more extreme and attract lose citizens who find the politics and lifestyle to be appealing or distasteful. Embrace the difference. Less Federal leadership and more local.

    Would be interesting if states could enact immigration policies. Gotta prove employment, and have social media history scrutinized


  17. #157
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    Quote Originally Posted by BetCheckBet View Post
    Okay I admit that's fair I read it as votes needed not votes changed... and 20k was exactly the votes needed in the two states you mentioned hence why I thought votes needed. Typically when someone loses an election you talk about how many votes needed not how many votes needed to change.

    It's fair to say Trump was better off trying to change votes than find them
    The problem with this article is I read the entire transcript of the phone call between Trump and Georgia's Secretary of State. I couldn't find the sentence where Trump is supposed to have said "I just want 11,780 votes."

  18. #158
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    Quote Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post

    Well, I've got to hand it to you, Mission. I thought I was a pretty good cherry picker. But after reading your two latest posts here I can see that I don't hold a candle to you. You're the best cherry picker I've ever seen. Congratulations!

    I think there are some dynamics you are missing this time around. Probably before your time but I remember the 1980 election. Everyone thinks Reagan beat Carter. But it wasn't Reagan that beat him. It was Ted Kennedy. With no chance to win Kennedy primaried Carter all the way to the convention. He bloodied Carter up so bad Reagan easily won the general.

    Enter one Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. So far the media has been trying hard as hell to keep Kennedy out of the news. But it won't work. He's going to beat Biden to death. Gonna bloody Biden's ass up real good for Trump. And if Biden steps out and one of his stooges steps in, Kennedy will bloody their ass up to.

    Another little dynamic. The number of voters identifying as Democrats was once in the high 30's, republicans low 30's. But now Dems and repubs are tied at 25%. A record 49% now identify as independents. Dems are the big loser here because they fell all the way from the high 30's where repubs fell from just the low 30's.

    Why have so many defected from the democrat party? Pretty simple. WOKE authoritarianism. DOJ going after parents, Catholics, malicious prosecutions. Shoving transgender bullshit down everyone's throats. Female athletes being abused, made to take a backseat to males that dress up like women. A host of other issues that moderate liberals are sick of. They are realizing that voting for dems will just keep the abuse coming.

    Another thing you misjudge is MAGA's. Do you know what I'm going to do on general election day if Trump doesn't get the nomination? I'm going to get up, make some coffee, turn the TV on....and watch everything that happens on that day. I won't be going out anywhere that day. And that includes to the voting booth. Do you know how many MAGA's are thinking like me?

    No republican can win the general election without the MAGA vote. So go ahead and keep fucking with us. Go ahead and replace Trump. All us MAGA's won't be going to the polls that day. We will sit at home and watch establishment republicans get their ass kicked.

    Paul Ryan is a known RINO. Just like his ticket mate, Mitt the Nit Romney, who will not make it thru the Utah republican primary this time around.

    Thinking republicans can win by replacing Trump is folly. The one thing MAGA's know is there is no difference between an establishment republican and a democrat. They are identical twins. So there is nothing to be gained by going to the polls for anyone but Trump.
    I accept my championship trophy! Thank you very much! I'd say I am going to Disney World, but I hate that place; don't worry, I hated it before they went full political.

    I do somewhat recall hearing that about Ted Kennedy, but as I understand, it's not as if Carter was poised to win in a landslide. The one election that was during my lifetime was 1992, but that was a little bit different. Bush didn't get hammered in the primaries, or anything, but Ross Perot being in the race (the most relevant third-party candidate for POTUS in my lifetime) basically handed Slick Willy an easy win. Take Perot out and Bush would have demoralized him.

    Ross Perot might have changed the Presidential history of my entire lifetime. If Bush had a great second term, now you're talking about four consecutive Republican terms and probably Bob Dole runs in 1996. I don't think Dan Quayle could have won, because he's one of the stupidest human beings to ever live, and there was a time that mattered.

    I can't even really speculate what might have happened after 1996. The whole country might be different.

    If you think the Left stole the election last time, then there is nothing that would prevent them from doing that again. You guys really shouldn't even bother to vote. Either that, or you could just admit that you're a bunch of liars who KNOW GODDAMN WELL there was no widespread election fraud. It befuddles me that Evangelicals could even support Trump. I knew that their sanctimonious sense of morality was a complete fucking lie, but I never thought they'd be so flagrant about it as to throw in behind one of the least personally moral people ever. These are the same people who had a problem with Clinton getting a blowy in the Oral Office?

    First, I won't believe your numbers without a source. Second, I don't even know that you'll read this post. Third, I'm a Libertarian and don't care who registers as what. I do know where America is at on issues such as abortion and gay marriage, as a whole, and it's not with the fucking Republicans. If they learn to accept that, they will win more often. It's that plain and fucking simple.

    Republicans have won without you guys before. Many of you were irrelevant, prior to 2016, because a high percentage of you didn't even vote...exactly as you suggested. They don't need you; they have never needed you; what they NEED is to concede, once and for all, on certain social issues.

    Simple fact is: You're not a Republican; you're a Trumper. You drank the Kool-Aid, brother. It probably tastes a little like cum.

    If Trump did win, obviously, it would be his last term. Going to have to replace him with someone at some point.

  19. #159
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    Quote Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by BetCheckBet View Post
    Okay I admit that's fair I read it as votes needed not votes changed... and 20k was exactly the votes needed in the two states you mentioned hence why I thought votes needed. Typically when someone loses an election you talk about how many votes needed not how many votes needed to change.

    It's fair to say Trump was better off trying to change votes than find them
    The problem with this article is I read the entire transcript of the phone call between Trump and Georgia's Secretary of State. I couldn't find the sentence where Trump is supposed to have said "I just want 11,780 votes."
    This was very big news quite some time ago. You honestly doubt this?


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  20. #160
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mission146 View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post

    Well, I've got to hand it to you, Mission. I thought I was a pretty good cherry picker. But after reading your two latest posts here I can see that I don't hold a candle to you. You're the best cherry picker I've ever seen. Congratulations!

    I think there are some dynamics you are missing this time around. Probably before your time but I remember the 1980 election. Everyone thinks Reagan beat Carter. But it wasn't Reagan that beat him. It was Ted Kennedy. With no chance to win Kennedy primaried Carter all the way to the convention. He bloodied Carter up so bad Reagan easily won the general.

    Enter one Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. So far the media has been trying hard as hell to keep Kennedy out of the news. But it won't work. He's going to beat Biden to death. Gonna bloody Biden's ass up real good for Trump. And if Biden steps out and one of his stooges steps in, Kennedy will bloody their ass up to.

    Another little dynamic. The number of voters identifying as Democrats was once in the high 30's, republicans low 30's. But now Dems and repubs are tied at 25%. A record 49% now identify as independents. Dems are the big loser here because they fell all the way from the high 30's where repubs fell from just the low 30's.

    Why have so many defected from the democrat party? Pretty simple. WOKE authoritarianism. DOJ going after parents, Catholics, malicious prosecutions. Shoving transgender bullshit down everyone's throats. Female athletes being abused, made to take a backseat to males that dress up like women. A host of other issues that moderate liberals are sick of. They are realizing that voting for dems will just keep the abuse coming.

    Another thing you misjudge is MAGA's. Do you know what I'm going to do on general election day if Trump doesn't get the nomination? I'm going to get up, make some coffee, turn the TV on....and watch everything that happens on that day. I won't be going out anywhere that day. And that includes to the voting booth. Do you know how many MAGA's are thinking like me?

    No republican can win the general election without the MAGA vote. So go ahead and keep fucking with us. Go ahead and replace Trump. All us MAGA's won't be going to the polls that day. We will sit at home and watch establishment republicans get their ass kicked.

    Paul Ryan is a known RINO. Just like his ticket mate, Mitt the Nit Romney, who will not make it thru the Utah republican primary this time around.

    Thinking republicans can win by replacing Trump is folly. The one thing MAGA's know is there is no difference between an establishment republican and a democrat. They are identical twins. So there is nothing to be gained by going to the polls for anyone but Trump.
    I accept my championship trophy! Thank you very much! I'd say I am going to Disney World, but I hate that place; don't worry, I hated it before they went full political.

    I do somewhat recall hearing that about Ted Kennedy, but as I understand, it's not as if Carter was poised to win in a landslide. The one election that was during my lifetime was 1992, but that was a little bit different. Bush didn't get hammered in the primaries, or anything, but Ross Perot being in the race (the most relevant third-party candidate for POTUS in my lifetime) basically handed Slick Willy an easy win. Take Perot out and Bush would have demoralized him.

    Ross Perot might have changed the Presidential history of my entire lifetime. If Bush had a great second term, now you're talking about four consecutive Republican terms and probably Bob Dole runs in 1996. I don't think Dan Quayle could have won, because he's one of the stupidest human beings to ever live, and there was a time that mattered.

    I can't even really speculate what might have happened after 1996. The whole country might be different.

    If you think the Left stole the election last time, then there is nothing that would prevent them from doing that again. You guys really shouldn't even bother to vote. Either that, or you could just admit that you're a bunch of liars who KNOW GODDAMN WELL there was no widespread election fraud. It befuddles me that Evangelicals could even support Trump. I knew that their sanctimonious sense of morality was a complete fucking lie, but I never thought they'd be so flagrant about it as to throw in behind one of the least personally moral people ever. These are the same people who had a problem with Clinton getting a blowy in the Oral Office?

    First, I won't believe your numbers without a source. Second, I don't even know that you'll read this post. Third, I'm a Libertarian and don't care who registers as what. I do know where America is at on issues such as abortion and gay marriage, as a whole, and it's not with the fucking Republicans. If they learn to accept that, they will win more often. It's that plain and fucking simple.

    Republicans have won without you guys before. Many of you were irrelevant, prior to 2016, because a high percentage of you didn't even vote...exactly as you suggested. They don't need you; they have never needed you; what they NEED is to concede, once and for all, on certain social issues.

    Simple fact is: You're not a Republican; you're a Trumper. You drank the Kool-Aid, brother. It probably tastes a little like cum.

    If Trump did win, obviously, it would be his last term. Going to have to replace him with someone at some point.
    I have to tell you, Mr. Mission that I no longer consider you to be a friend. Now, the reason why is so I can fire the insults back at you like you have been doing me. You see, unlike you, I don't get derisive and abrasive with friends. I don't talk down to friends. You, on the other hand, don't have a problem doing that. I expect it from the PFA libtards. We've been going at it for a couple of years. I get insulted and I insult back. I'm not friends with them.

    I don't remain friends with someone that has no problem regularly insulting me. So by getting this so called "friendship" fantasy out of the way I can go ahead and insult you like you have been doing me.

    First of all, you ain't no libertarian. Quit with the fucking act. You are a far left loon with a mega case of Trump Derangement Syndrome.You're a libtarian like your cohort, beachbumblabs, is a conservative. LMAO!

    I take exception to lying ass libtards calling conservatives liars. GTFO. ROTFLMAO! You lying libtard bitches would rather climb to the top of a tree to tell a lie than stand on the ground and tell the truth.

    And fuck that atheist religious cult you belong to. Only fascists and communists are atheists.

    Do you expect evangelicals to do this right here "By God, that Trump got some strange pussy. That pisses me off, so I'm going to vote for higher taxes, higher gas prices, higher cost of living, and fascist authoritiarian rule by democrats. That'll show Trump." Get a massive fucking clue, dude.

    I Don't give a fuck if you believe my numbers. Don't give a fuck if you believe anything I say.

    Now get back to sucking Bart Hanson's libtard dick.

      Sloppy Joe: Mickeydimm tilt alert lol
    Last edited by mickeycrimm; 04-21-2023 at 02:26 PM.

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