Quote Originally Posted by Daredevil View Post
It really does seem that the chances of raw/slim's story being bullshit is about 99.9%. So many holes, so many things that don't make sense.

Also the fact that he now seems willing to just go away quietly into the night is the biggest red flag for me. If someone had really cheated me in the fashion that he is claiming, I would never let it go until I had proved my side. He could get a friend to take a picture of the texts on his phone and upload them if he can't screen capture, he could take his argument to another radio show/forum if he feels that the owner of this one is suppressing the truth, he could call witnesses from the Rio to back up his story. Yet all these things somehow cannot be done and so he's just going to leave, yeah, right.

But all that being said, it is still not right for Druff to say that he will not let slim/raw have any kind of voice on the radio unless certain pre-requirements are met. Bukowski72 made a great post about this that no one seemed to address, but I must say I agree. The problem is that it has always been said that anyone could come on PFA (or the old site), and air a grievance if they feel they had somehow been cheated or scammed. It was never said that anything more than a persons word would be necessary to have a voice on radio.

To have a higher standard for someone who is accusing a host, has the appearance of impropriety. Not to say that any impropriety is going on, but I think it is in this site's best interest to have this debate on air. The reason is, that if it does not, then it can always be brought up as some sort of injustice and damage the reputation of a site that is built on the reputation of it's owner. So it's better to just let someone with no hard proof (slim at this point) go up against someone who does (Druff has heard the vm from Drexel) and just let him look a fool and a liar than to censor it and have the appearance of shady inter-host collusion to suppress this story.
I understand your point, but I am not suppressing anything.

He had well over 20 pages to get his point across.

He was asked to post proof over and over and over and over again, and we got a lot of excuses and nothing of value.

You are correct in that the mission of this site is to allow anyone to "air a grievance if they feel they had somehow been cheated or scammed".

That has been accomplished here. He has aired his grievance repeatedly in this thread.

However, at the same time, I don't want this site to be used to smear the name of innocent people. This is especially true when real names are involved, and where google might lead people to this site. Even if the community sides with the accused, this still impacts them negatively, especially if people find this site through google and just read the thread's first few posts.

Therefore, it is the responsible thing to shut down the conversation (and redact the last name) if the community determines that the allegations are bogus and/or unfair. It is similar to how your auto insurance company cannot see that you were pulled over for speeding if a court rules in your favor and dismisses the ticket.

I have given Slim T ample time to state his case and present his proof, and he is still failing to provide us with anything even close to convincing.

I do not see the need to give this airtime on our radio show, as the radio is not the forum to provide proof, as it is not visual. There is absolutely no reason that Slim T can't post the proof he has before our show on Wednesday. I am not placing any extreme burdens upon him, nor am I trying to cover up anything that Brandon may be guilty of. I simply don't believe he's guilty until I see evidence suggesting that, as his side of the story makes much more sense thus far.

By the way, I have checked and indeed Slim T did not play WSOP Event #58. He did give me $200 for a 100-to-1 bracelet bet for that event, so indeed I owe him $200 back. He said that he wants that to be used for a freeroll here, and I will honor that. If he wants it refunded instead, he can also request that, and I will send it to him.