I knew this would happen eventually.

In a 1987 episode of "Max Headroom", a company was featured that was allowing people to interactively talk to video images of dead loved ones. Certain people were shown to be addicted to coming in to the company and talking to these images, even though the episode depicted them as being mostly primitive. (In one example, a woman's dead husband just kept repeating, "Oh yes.. that's wonderful", to everything she said, but the woman still ate it up.)

Max Headroom himself was supposed to be a digitally-created personality from the image and memories of seriously injured reporter Edison Carter, who then recovered and frequently interacted with his digital self.

Anyway, now a company is attempting to use people's online images and social media/blog/forum postings to re-create digital versions of them.


According to the team behind Eterni.me, a part of the MIT Entrepreneurship Development Program, the project works by collecting "almost everything that you create during your lifetime, and processes this huge amount of information using complex Artificial Intelligence algorithms. Then it generates a virtual YOU, an avatar that emulates your personality and can interact with, and offer information and advice to your family and friends after you pass away. It's like a Skype chat from the past."

If this comes to pass, there's a whole lot of samples of me online to use.

And I'll probably be talking to my descendants in the year 2250 a lot about Lock Poker and Jewdonk.