He might be a narcissist, but he could probably succeed again in coaching if he found the right niche. Not that his advice there was particularly insightful, but he's a good communicator and a smart guy.

I see someone like Bart Hanson, and he seems to be having a lot of success with his subscription site.

Bart's a good live mid stakes player, but I see him staying in Macao now for months at a time and opening restaurants in LA, and I imagine he must be doing really well with his site. I don't think he could sustain that life on successful mid stakes play. It's like $30 a month, and I know I like listening to him not so much because the analysis is so great, but he's a good communicator and makes you think about your decision making process. Much better than some more accomplished players who make videos using a bunch of 2+2 terminology and lack personality.

I could see Haseeb succeeding in that manner. People won't care about his past if he has something to offer. It's poker. I have to imagine he's a much better player than Bart given the levels he played. It seems the higher stakes have passed him by, and I don't know that he'll appeal to that hs community who don't trust him and who will think he's overpriced in the $200/hr range for mindset coaching. I think if he started a subscription site for like $19.99 a month and did a blend of poker analysis and discussed his approach to the game that he might succeed.