My PayPal account got locked down in late 2012.

I finally got around to needing to sell something on Ebay and am attempting to get the account restored.

Dealing with PayPal support is like dealing with a bunch of retarded 3rd graders.

First, I needed to provide Identification and Proof of Address (Energy Bill).

No problem, scan those in and submit them.

They confirm that those have been completed and then want me to explain why I accessed my account from Iran....I never accessed my account from Iran obviously.

So I write them a letter explaining that I have never accessed my account from Iran and that nobody from Iran should be accessing my account.

Now the hilarity begins.

Of course they denied this response, and followed up asking for a response as to why I accessed my PayPal from Iran.

I laugh and decide to call PayPal support. On the phone I am told that Foreign Disputes can only be handled by email.

When I explain I already did that and they denied my response, they basically said, to fucking bad try again.

I hang up and send another email to PayPal support.

They of course deny my explanation again.

I call support again and ask to speak to a Supervisor, of course they won't let me speak to one.

Repeated this process a couple more times and I finally gave up.

Now I am stuck without a PayPal account and appears it may be totally lost forever.

I am thinking I may need the assistance of a Jewish Radio Attorney.

I also know somebody that writes major tech articles for the AP and am thinking I might publicly shame them into getting my account back.

Anyone got any ideas on how I might resolve this?