Quote Originally Posted by Tellafriend View Post
what a dumb "sport." imagine paying for this. i'd rather watch two mules fighting over a turnip.
I'd actually watch the mules. That sounds kinda fun.

I thought the concept of an F1 race on the streets of the strip was a moderately cool concept, but not nearly worth the high price tag, or the massive disruption to the city for most of 2023.

Lots of things were miscalculated here:

1) Fan interest to the point of paying for super expensive tickets and (most of the way) ridiculously overpriced hotel rooms

2) The willingness of residents to put up with months of massive inconvenience just to enable this event, where the average Vegas resident will see zero benefit

3) The possible meaninglessness of the race if one racer has already been dominant all season

4) The relative lack of general F1 interest from the US population (compare this to the 2024 Vegas Super Bowl, which should be a huge deal)

Laughably, while Vegas was expected to be jammed with tourists, it's a ghost town. The event was sparsely attended so far, and everyone else stayed away this weekend, either choked by high hotel prices (only lowered near the end), and the perceived/real difficulty in getting around the strip.

Hotels are sitting at low occupancy, restaurants are empty, and the grandstands are somewhat empty as well.

And then there's the drain cover fail on top of it.