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Thread: ''For love...Or for money?''

  1. #81
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    It was 12:30 pm

    ''There's Randell fellas. Looks like he has 2 goons with him. One loading several cases into the trunk of a car. Probably weapons. Let's get going then.'' Said Elmer Fud.

    And Randell and 2 of his men took off in his car. With the NYPD fallowing him.

    ''Car 47 to headquarters. Patch me in to Captain Richardson.''

    ''Patching you through car 47.''

    ''Whew! Eggs and beans again for breakfest Sally?''

    Sally giggles.

    ''Captain Richardson here.''

    ''Captain Jake Randell is in route now.''

    ''Alright proceed to follow as directed by plans. We're leaving now.''

    ''Alright let's move out men.''

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  2. #82
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    Miles suddenly takes his hand off the control and belted his helper on the head with a soft pipe knocking him out. Then he tied him up.''

    Soon Moose was in the engine car.

    ''I'm going to kill this guy Sonny and throw him off the train.'' Moose said.

    ''No Moose Karla said not to kill anybody.''

    ''Karla said that?''

    ''Yes she told me that last night when I was speaking with her.''

    ''Ok then.''

    But Moose did think it was strange that they were going to blow up some of the gang with dynamite.

    ''Moose you'd better disconnect the car with the armed guards in it now. We're at the point where it needs to be done.''

    ''Alright I'm going then.''

    And Moose went to do it and got it done.

    And then returned to the engine car.

    ''It's a done deal Sonny. How much longer until we get to the drop spot?''

    ''30 minutes Moose.''

    Last edited by son of lockman; 12-17-2015 at 10:36 AM.

  3. #83
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    A motorcycle officer was parked along the highway and noticed a car approaching with a broken headlight. He decided to follow it as he was going to write a citation on it. It was Jake Randell's car.

    ''Cr#p what's that scooter hooter going to do? Pull Randell over?'' Said Weitz.

    ''Sure looks like it Tad.'' Said Fud.

    And with the siren going Randell did pull over.

    ''License and registration please.''

    ''Alright pull over here behind them Elmer and let's see what happens.'' Said Weitz.

    ''Mr. Randell I see that this car is registered to a Betty Huston.''

    ''Yes officer it's my sister's car and she let me borrow it today god bless her as I'm looking for work today.''

    ''Alright scooter-hooter just be cool. Don't be a hero.''

    ''I see. Mr. Randell I stopped you because you have a broken left front headlight. Where you aware of that sir?''

    ''Funny? My sister just had this car in the shop yesterday. I don't know how they could of missed that.''

    ''Well it happens sir. Mr. Randell is that beer I smell on your breath?''

    ''Car 47 to car 6. Report on your status please.''

    ''Car 6 here. Well...Hold on Captain Roberts.''

    ''Well a few officer. But give me a break will you? I've been out of work for months, even in a war time economy. I'm not big, stong, and young like you. No one will hire me. But with any luck I might land a job on the docks today as I heard they needed people.''

    ''Yeah sure. Any weapons on you?''

    ''No not on me officer.''

    ''Give me the keys to the trunk.''

    Randell thinks in head.

    ''If he opens that trunk I'm going to have to blast him.'' Randell says to the others as the officer walks toward the trunk of the car.

    ''Captain Roberts we have a problem here. Some motorcycle officer has just pulled Jake Randell over for something. Over.''

    ''Alright just wait and see what happens. Over''

    ''Roger that car 47. Over.''

    Last edited by son of lockman; 12-17-2015 at 10:40 AM.

  4. #84
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    ''Oh cr#p the idiots going to open the truck. Elmer that car across the street drive into it!''

    ''I'm way ahead of you Tad.''

    And Fud drove into the car across the street just a the officer was going to open the trunk. Then backed up and took off down the street.

    The officer saw this and ran back to Randell and handed him his keys, driver's license and registstration.

    ''Why that guy must be crazy officer.''

    Yeah and I'm going to get him.''

    And then officer Gillispie was off on them with his siren blazing.

    ''Make a right on this next street. Then a left on the next one. Then a left into an alley. I know this area as I was raised here.'' Said Pointdexer.

    And officer Gillispie made a right and kept right on going.

    ''Alright let's give it a minute then get back on the road to follow Randell.'' Said Weitz

    ''Car 6 to car 47.?''

    ''We're back in presuit of Jake Randell Captain Roberts. Over.''

    ''Good work then. We'll see you at the rendezvous then. Over.''

    ''Oh well the department will pay for the damages to that car then when we submit the report.'' Weitz said chuckeling.

    ''Jeez that's the third time this week someone has given me the slip. I must be getting old.''

    ''Fellas I like cops like that. Attentive to duty, but not too bright. But I would of filled him with lead if he'd opened that trunk.''

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  5. #85
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    Karla Montez was also on the move.

    With the truck and 6 men in another car.

    ''Line 21 coming up shortly Moose.''

    ''Good then we're going to be rich.''

    ''Car 6 to car 47. We'll be in position shortly. Over''

    ''Car 6. Read you and we're right behind Randell. Over.''

    ''Well here's the turnoff and the road to riches boys.''

    15 minutes later.

    ''Here we are Moose. I see Karla over there. You get out and I'll be there in a minute after I turn everything off.''

    ''Sure thing Miles.''

    Then Miles untied Joe his helper.

    ''What's this all about Miles? Slugging me and tying me up? I thought we were friends?''

    ''We are friends Joe so I'm telling you this once. Turn around and take off out the side and start running like a rabbit being chased by a bob cat. And if you want to live Joe don't look back.''

    And with that Joe took off like Red Runner at Belmont.

    Last edited by son of lockman; 01-14-2016 at 11:37 AM.

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      son of lockman: Thank you so very much. Im happy you are enjoying it. :)

  7. #87
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    Randell finally got there and got out of the car.

    ''Well there is a broken headlight. Heck with all the money I'm going to make I'll just buy little sis a new car.'' Randell said laughing.

    ''Listen you two lugs get out and just stay by the car. I see Finkelstein there and will handle this. But if I give a shout start shooting. For now just open the trunk and lay out the heavy armor out of their cases but don't let him see you do it.''

    ''Well the freighter should be here soon. You have the money?''

    ''In the breifcase on the ground. Thousand dollar bills and unmarked just like you said.''

    Miles got out of the freighter and was handed a machine gun by one of the gang and stood by the boxcar with the gold bullion in it.

    Moose went to the car and set the timer on the dynamite to explode.

    The rest of the gang also stood at the boxcar door with their machine guns.

    'Where's the rest of your help and truck Finkelstein?''

    ''Right over there.''

    And Randell looks and sees them and the truck.

    ''When the freighter gets here there'll be a forklift in the car carrying the gold bullion. It won't take long to load the gold into your truck. Big day for us eh?''

    ''Yeah big day for us Randell.''

    Miles gave the 2 clerks the code and then the door of the boxcar flew open.

    And the gang opened up on the 2 defenseless clerks and killed them.

    And Miles just stood there unbelieving.

    Then thought to himself.

    ''OMG! I'm glad I let Joe go! But what have I gotten myself into?!''

    ''Well where's the frieghter Randell?''

    ''Give it a few minutes Finkelstein. It'll be here shortly. Be patient. You're going to make several million so it's worth the wait I think.'' Randell said laughing.

    Then the gold was loaded into the truck with Miles driving Karla stting next to him and Moose next to Karla. The other 6 of the gang followed in the car not expecting the death that awaited them.

    Moose thought to himself.

    ''Why's she being so chummy with Miles there? I thought she was my girl now? I'm getting mad about this but I'll give it a minute. That car should be going up in smoke any moment.''

    And then the car went up in horrific flames killing the 6 gang members.

    And Miles looked in the side mirror and saw the car in flames and thought.

    ''Oh man this was part of my nightmare! Am I going to die too! But I love her! I love the woman!''

    Last edited by son of lockman; 12-17-2015 at 12:21 PM.

  8. #88
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    ''Relax Miles, Now it's just a split between you, me, and Moose here.''

    ''Hey Karla? Why so chummy with Miles there? I thought you were my girl?''

    ''Miles stop the truck and get out and make sure it's alright. I want to have a talk with Moose here.''

    ''Sure Karla.''

    And Miles stops the truck and gets out.

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    ''Moose there's been a little changes in plans here.''

    And Karla shoots Moose in the head and opens the door and pushes him out.

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    ''I...I see Moose is no longer with us Karla. The trucks ok''

    ''Yes my love. Now the gold is all ours.''

    ''So where to now?''

    ''Jake house. Keep on the road here and in about an hour we're be there. We're going to go to Argentina on a ship with the gold. An elderly man who's a Captain that comes to the club is going to take us there.''

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    'Where's the freighter Randell? What kind of deal is this anyway?''

    ''Well I don't know. It should of been here by now.''

    ''Maybe we just oauht to call the whole thing off. Dealing with hoods like you makes my skin crawl.''

    Randell thinks in head.

    ''Skin Crawl?! Why you Wall Street chisler! But something must have gone wrong.''

    ''I'll tell you what Finkelstein. Just hand me over the breifcase and we'll call it a day. You get to live you white collar crook.''

    And so Randell left with the money without any gun play by either side.

    ''So what do you think happened Sonny?''

    ''I don't know Roy. But we're down several million on this deal so far. Weitz, Fud, and Pointdexter get back across the street and keep Randell under surveilance as I have a hunch that's where he's headed. The rest of you come with me back to the precient. I've got some thinking to do.''

    Randell's thinking in head.

    ''I wonder if that little flake Turner double crossed me. But Moose was with him and would never let that happen. Not moose my boy who I consider a son.''

    Last edited by son of lockman; 01-04-2016 at 09:59 AM.

  9. #89
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    ''Jack tell me, you call this thing a lie detector right as I think you called it that when I was in here a few days ago?'' Says Sonny.

    ''Yes Captain Richardson it's the lastest thing in police work. Right 99% of the time and almost impossible to fool.''

    Could we use it immediately Jack?''

    ''Well I don't see why not Captain.''

    ''Alright I'll get back to you in 20 minutes.''

    ''Mr. Finkelstein tell me exactly what happened when you were in the bar with Jake Randell?''

    ''Well like I said. We met, Talked some and agreed on the exchange. Your man was there and saw it all.''

    ''Yes but did he hear it all?''

    ''What you think I'm holding something back on you Captain? Like this was a set up to steal the several million?''

    ''I didn't say that Mr. Finkelstein but something is strange on what happened an hour ago. Mr Finkelstein would you be willing to take a lie detector test?''

    ''What's that?''

    ''That's not an answer to my question Mr. Finkelstein. Are you will to take the test? A yes or no answer is what I'm seeking.''

    ''Sure I'll take it as I have nothing to hide.''

    ''Sonny you don't think Richard is lying to us about everything?''

    ''I don't know Don but we're going to find out.''

    15 minutes later

    ''In an hour or so Miles the ship will be here. Then it's smooth sailing to a wondeful new life together.''

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    And the watch for Randell contined.

    And Jake Randell sat in his office by his desk just thinking after he opened the breifcase and saw the money.

    ''What could have possibly gone wrong? I just don't get it. All this work and just 25 million. The way I had planned it it work be 75 million as I'd have the gold and money too.''

    ''So you're going to give me this lie dector test as you call it then?''

    ''Yes sir if you'll please remove your jacket and tie.''

    ''You sure you know what you're doing right?''

    ''Yes sir I've had the proper training with it.''

    Randell's thinking.

    ''There has to be an answer to this. But what is it?''

    ''Your name is Richard Finkelstein correct?''

    ''Why of coarse it is. You know that.''

    ''Please just answer yes or no sir.''

    ''Yes it is.''

    Born January 3rd 1913?''


    ''Married twice?''


    ''Under Federal indictment by the U.S. government for securities fraud on the New York Stock Exchange and tax evasion?''


    ''Preliminary and set up imaging seem to be ok to continue test.''

    ''Miles I love you so much.''

    Miles is thinking in head.

    ''Does she really? Or am I starring at Satan here?''

    Randell puts his hand on his desk.

    And sees his keys on the desk and stares at them.

    Thinks in head.

    ''Hey that's funny my key to my house is missing there. Hey wait! There's only one person that could of taken it. And that's Karla! It all make sense now. They double crossed me and are at my house. But how could Moose do this to me? Well I'm going to find out alright I am. I'm going there and I'm going to kill everybody there!''

    Then stands up and says.

    ''Damn that Woman!''

    Last edited by son of lockman; 01-04-2016 at 10:06 AM.

  10. #90
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    And Jake Randell came out from his club and started for his car.

    Randell thinks in head.

    ''These dirty rats are going to pay for what they did to me!''

    ''There's Randell coming out of the bar and he's headed for his car. Let's move men.''

    ''I'm so mad I could spit sh#t! They're all going to die!''

    ''Car 47. Patch me through to Captain Richardson. Over.''

    ''Doing so now car 47. Over. Whew Sally that was brutal, I'm going to ask for a transfer!''

    ''Ah shut up as I bet your wife washes brown underware.''

    ''Captain Richardson here.''

    ''Captain Richardson we are presently following Jake Randell. He's on highway 27 and headed East toward the ocean.''

    ''Alright keep up the persuit. We're headed out and moving on this. Over.''

    Sonny thinks in head.

    ''From what I remember and reading about Randell he has a house down there on the ocean front.''

    ''Alright stop the test. Roy and Don come with me.''

    ''Mr. Finkelstein you stay here until we get back.''

    The phone rings again.

    ''Captain Richardson here.''

    ''Sonny! Sonny! It's Jennifer! She's cut her wrists! I called an ambulance and they're on their way!''

    ''What?! Alright alright settle down Mary. I'll take care of this. Just stay with he boys.''

    A moment of crisis and decision has come into Sonny's life. He's damned if he acts in either way. What will he do?

    Last edited by son of lockman; 12-17-2015 at 12:42 PM.

  11. #91
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    And then Sonny began to weep.

    ''Alright let's move.''

    ''Roy radio back to the precient and get Randell's address to his home.''

    ''On it Sonny.''

    ''Jake Randell's address? Ok give me a minute and I'll get back to you car 6. Over. Sally I'll be right back. I'm going to leave the door open so maybe this place will air out.''

    ''Knock the top of you head off and the place should air out.'' Sally laughs.

    ''Moose how could you do this to Papa Jake? The man who loved you?''

    ''Karla do we really need to do this? Look at all the people that have died. Do we really need money to be happy?''

    ''What do you mean Miles? Do you think Jake would let us live if we backed out of this now. He knows by now we double crossed him. We're dead if we stop now. You're a good guy Miles and I love you but let me do the thinking ok? You won't feel this way when we get to Argentina. You'll understand my love?''

    Miles doesn't say anything but thinks in head.

    ''She's going to kill me also. But maybe I deserve it for being such a fool who has fallen in love with this woman.''

    Last edited by son of lockman; 12-19-2015 at 11:47 AM.

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    ''Ben the loss of blood is horrendous!''

    ''Prepare for blood tranfusion.''

    ''Doctor she's type Rh-null. We used the last we had on her last week. Less than a 100 people in the United States have that type of blood.''

    ''Alright start the plasma. Then when finished return her to a room. It's in God's hands now.''

    Last edited by son of lockman; 10-06-2015 at 04:02 PM.

  13. #93
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    ''Car 6 the address is 222 Magnolia. Over.''

    ''Got it. Over.''

    Sally ripps another one and starts laughing.

    ''Oh God all I can say is I'm glad my vacation starts tomorrow woman.''

    ''Good then I can enjoy this all by myself then. You know if I could bottle this I bet I could make a million.'' And she's laughing even harder now.

    And then Randell came to a railway crossing and just beat a train that was about to cross the crossing.

    ''Step on it Elmer! Randell's going to beat us accross the tracks!''

    ''Crap!...Car 47 to car 6. We're lost Randell as he made it through a railway crossing before we could also get through. We may be here several minutes waiting for the train to pass. Over''

    ''Alright car 6 the address is 222 Magnolia. That's the address to Randell's home and we're certain he's headed there. We'll see you there then. Over. Sonny are you alright? You look like you have tears in your eyes?''

    ''Got it car 47. Over.''

    ''Sonny are you ok?! Tell me old Friend! What's the matter?!'' Says Don.

    ''It's nothing. Something in the air I think. It comes and goes. Let's stay focused here.''

    Last edited by son of lockman; 12-19-2015 at 12:36 PM.

  14. #94
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    Randell got to his home.

    Says to himself.

    ''They're done for now. I want to see the look on their faces when I'm pointing my gun at them.''

    So he grabbed a key he had hidden in a planter box and went around to the back to get in.

    And climbed the stairs.

    ''The ship should be here any second now Miles and I'll give them the signal to make the pickup. Then we're home free to Argentina.''

    ''Ah! Just like I thought! Why you 2 dirty little rotten double crossers! What have you to say for yourselves?!''

    ''Jake! Miles made me do this! He said he'd kill me if I didn't help! I love only you Jake. You know I'm Papa Jake's girl!''

    ''Ha ha ha. Don't make me sick Karla.''

    ''Yes she makes me sick too. I now know she's a liar among other things.''

    ''And a common tramp.''

    ''And why don't you ask her who killed Moose and those 6 other men. It was Papa Jake's girl. That's who it was Randell.''

    ''You killed Moose?! My boy! My son!''

    ''And I know now she was going to kill me next. Weren't you Karla?''

    ''Yes Miles I was going to kill you. Until just now when I look at you. Those eyes, that smile you have. Your hair is so beautiful and you're the most handsome man I have ever seen. Yes I do love you Miles. Take the gold Jake. The keys to the truck are on the dresser.''

    ''Oh I'm going to take the gold alright. Now the 2 of you sit down there on the couch as I'm not done with you yet.''

    The Captain of the ship that was to take the gold to Argentina saw no signal. And then thought to himself.

    ''Well it's 6 thousand miles and 10 days to Argentina. I better set sail now before the tide turns. Such a sweet lovely girl that Karla is. Still I'm out 2 million dollars.''

    Sonny and the rest of the force finally showed up.

    Last edited by son of lockman; 01-14-2016 at 01:16 PM.

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    And then?

    To be continued
    Last edited by son of lockman; 07-27-2015 at 10:33 PM.

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    ''Karla I gave you everything I could but it wasn't enjoy of a joy for you. So enjoy this you little tramp.''

    And then Randell shot her.

    And Sonny saw the gun flash from the window.

    ''Roy, Fud around to the back and cover! The rest of you follow me!''

    ''Miles I'm sorry to say and please forgive me. But I killed your sister Julie also.''

    ''Well there you have it Miles. The woman who loves you killed your sister. The last time we saw each other we said we settle up on this. Too bad as you're a good kid. But I can't leave anybody around who might want revenge on me.''

    They say when a person is dying that their whole life flashes in front of them. Only by death will each of us know. But it did for Miles.

    And shattered dreams that would never happen.

    And then Randell grabbed the keys to the truck and headed down the stairs with 2 million dollars he'd brought with him. Only to see the police confronting him. He started to aim his weapon at them.

    But the police were too quick and well prepared for Randell.

    And started up the stairs.

    Last edited by son of lockman; 01-14-2016 at 01:14 PM.

  17. #97
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    ''Well Sonny it looks like we solved the case.''

    ''No Don, Karla and Miles solved it for us. One wanted money and the other love. The 2 never mix. And there's the proof as they're both headed for the cemetary.''

    Captain Roberts and Elmer Fud come into the room.

    ''Sonny the truck with the gold bullion in it? It's around back. But the crates are filled with rocks.''

    ''Rocks?'' Says Sonny

    ''Yes Captain. Rocks.'' Says Fud.

    ''Alright then. Fud and Weitz take the truck to the police impound. Don you stay here with Pointdexter until the Coroner arrives. Sorry to put you through this for rocks Roy.''

    ''It's alright Sonny. Atleast I can tell my grandkids my last case was a rocky road.'' And Captain Roberts chuckles some.

    ''Fellas there's something I have to do now so I have to go.'' Said Sonny

    So Sonny took off for the hospital. And quite a crowd had gathered hearing the gunfire. Not to mention more police arriving at the scene.

    Last edited by son of lockman; 01-04-2016 at 09:35 AM.

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    But as usual there was traffic to contend with.

    But finally got to Bellevue Hospital.

    And located where Jennifer was and saw Dr. Spacey.

    ''Doctor how is my wife?''

    Dr. Spacey didn't answer Sonny right away.

    ''No don't tell me doctor?''

    ''Yes Captain Richardson she passed away several minutes ago. We tryed everything we could to save her life but the blood loss was horrendous.''

    ''Can I see her doctor?''

    ''Certainly Captain Richardson it's alright.''

    And Sonny went into the room and saw Jennifer there on the bed.

    And looked at her and began to cry even more.

    Dr. Spacey who was still outside the room could hear Sonny crying and thought.

    ''I see too much of this even though I'm trained to accept death. I only wish that this could of been avoided. I must go now. Off into the halls of duty.''

    ''I'm sorry my darling wife that I put this money over you. I did this to you. That I put my job ahead of you and the boys. Dear God in Heaven my Lord I can only pray that you will forgive me. That you will never me make this kind of foolish decison again. Please forgive me for not realising what was right.''

    Then Sonny bent down and kissed Jennifer.

    And thought of the day they were married.

    And said to himself.

    ''I will only live for my sons. Now I know what I must do.''

    Last edited by son of lockman; 12-22-2015 at 01:22 PM.

  19. #99
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    Sonny decided to drive back to the precient. It was only there that he thought he could figure a way to tell the boys their mother was gone. And for him to do something else also.

    And finally got there.

    And walked through the squad room towards his office.

    ''Hey Sonny you're back. I didn't think I'd see you until tomorrow?''

    ''Yes nowhere to go I suspose. I see you're here Don.''

    ''Yes the paperwork Sonny. It never stops you know.''

    ''Yes I guess. Where's Mr. Finkelstein?''

    ''I sent him home Sonny. He almost pretty much puked when I told him there were only rocks in the truck instead of gold that it was susposed to be carrying.''

    ''Yes rocks?.. I wonder if the Federal Reserve Bank knew there was going to be an attemped robbery. Or if they ship rocks all the time? Maybe there is no gold at the Federal Reserve Bank? I guess we'll never know Don.''

    ''Well one thing I can says for rocks and it's''

    Sonny interrupts Don.

    ''Yes Don and it's rocks start with R. Just like the Boston Red Sox. But maybe rocks are the answer. They're worthless but last forever. Just like our friendship. For a man is rich if he has just one friend.''

    ''Yes Sonny..We are forever rich you and I are. So Sonny what are you going to do now?''

    ''Wait here until morning and then speak to Chief Nolte.''

    ''Well no need for that Sonny as he's in his office right now. Why after hours I couldn't tell you. But he's in there.''

    ''Oh...Ok thanks Don. I'll see you later then old friend.''

    And so Sonny walked towards Cheif Nolte's office and walked in.

    ''Oh there you are Sonny. What a life eh? So what have you to say about today's fiasco?''

    ''What have I to say Cheif?''

    ''This is not the life for me.''

    And Sonny put his gun and badge on the desk. Then he turned and walked out the door.

    And Cheif Nolte thought to himself.

    ''Oh f#ck. This means that since Lockman is next in line to be Captain I'll have to appoint him. Oh dear God there goes my chances of becoming Commishioner I guess.''

    Epilogue to follow

    Last edited by son of lockman; 12-22-2015 at 12:52 PM.

  20. #100
    Rest In Peace son of lockman's Avatar
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    Open music, listen and read

    Let's have some happy music for the ending.

    Since no robbery had been committed they was no one to try for a crime. Even though Randell had stolen 2 million he was dead and the money was recovered at the scene of his death. Miles and Karla were both dead so there was no case against them either.

    But Richard Finkelstein still had to stand trial for securities fraud and tax evasion.

    ''But Mr. Richardson how did Richard Finkelstein help you with this case you had when actually no crime was committed?''

    ''It was his intention to help us sir.''

    ''Intentions sir? They have little crediblity in court Mr. Richardson as he's being tried on tax evasion and securities fraud. Not this bungled robbery attempt. What we need has to have far more than that to avoid the sentencing and charges against that man seated there.''

    But Fedeal Magistrate Todd Witteles knew true justice when he saw it.

    ''Seven years hard labor at the Federal Institution at Atlanta for securities fraud and tax evastion for Richard Finkelstein.''

    A far cry from the 30 to 40 years the government wanted.

    And thought to himself.

    ''Everytime this Richardson fellow shows up in my court it's a major trial for me. Too much work it is. If I see him walking down the street I'm just going to keep going and not even say hi. Whatever it is he's bad news for me.''

    ''Hey only 7 years Don. That's like a winning streak for the Red Sox.''

    ''It sure is Richard and I'll be waiting when you get out.''

    ''Hey Don put the cigarette out man. You're in court. You can't do that.''

    ''Relax Richard, I'm a Captain now since Sonny resigned.''

    ''I'm glad he did so Don. A man needs to be with his sons. To see them grow and enjoy the best things in life that are free. I'll see you in 7 sevens years my friend.''

    And yes Richard Finkelstein did serve his full 7 years there in Atlanta.

    And Don was waiting there the moment he got out.

    ''Still smoking I see Don? I quit while in here.''

    ''Well good for you there Richard. But it hasn't stunted my growth yet.''

    ''Still the clown I see.'' And Finkelstein laughed.

    ''So what are you going to do now Richard?''

    ''Coach Baseball as I have nothing else to do. My wife divorced me while I was in here.''

    And so Richard Finkelstein got a job driving a taxi and started coaching little league. Then older boys in the Babe Ruth league. Then he got a big break and caught on with a class A team owned by the Boston Red Sox. In 1956 he became the 3rd base coach for the Red Sox.

    ''Listen you guys that guy was safe by a mile. You'd have to be blind not to see that. BTW shouldn't there be 4 of you out here. But I bet he's sleeping back in the umpires room just like you're doing out here you Bozos.''

    ''Listen Finkelstein you're not some Wall Street hot shot who thinks he knows how to umpire a baseball game. If you don't shut up you'll be hitting the showers just like your manager who got tossed out last inning. You clowns haven't won a World Series in nearly 40 years and it'll be 40 more years before you do.''

    And Cheif Nolte did become Commishioner.

    ''Elroy get rid of the God D#mn beer! You want everyone to know I'm a fish at the press conference?! You're as stupid as your mother you know that!''

    And as for Sonny? Well he got a job with the water department and was lucky enough to get his pension from the police department transferred there. It was a Monday though Friday job from 8 am to 6 pm. With weekends off he could watch his boys play baseball on Saturdays and then go to church with them on Sunday.

    ''You know Mr. Richardson these 2 you have here are good and listen to everything I say out there. A great double play tandem they are at shortstop and second base.''

    ''Thank you Mr. Grayson.''

    ''You know sir I have a second cousin who is a scout for The New York Yankees. Maybe he could come by and give them a look for the future?''

    ''Oh good gosh no. Their Uncle Don is a die hard Boston Red Sox fan and would have a heart attack for sure if they ever played for the Yankees. For right now I think they should concentrate on their studies. Isn't that right boys?''

    ''Yes sir dad it sure is!'' The twins yelled in unison.

    Next page for credits

    Last edited by son of lockman; 01-05-2016 at 12:11 PM.

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