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Thread: Power of prayer and side note on the effort to hide it from the mainstream

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    Gold 408Mike's Avatar
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    Power of prayer and side note on the effort to hide it from the mainstream

    Quote Originally Posted by Cat Out Of The Bag View Post
    What sort of evidence you have about this
    Publicly mock me? Really? For me wanting the best for a good friend and human being???......

    I'll play with you though, until you bore me.....

    You can't always prove something exists, even though it's existence is impossible to refute. For example, what evidence do you have gravity exists? Well plenty of course, how stupid I be....

    But wait, and think careful now, please answer me this- is gravity a Theory or a Law? What separates the two? It's important you grasp what I am getting at. If you aren't scientifically minded/trained as I am please do google what makes a theory a theory and what makes a law a law (scientific law) before proceeding further.

    Can I prove prayer does anything sure I can, just as well as you can prove gravity does anyting. This being a poker forum I want to show a quick example you poker players can relate to. Small sample size I know, but it is more than sufficient. Taken from Doyle Brunson's Super System2. (By the way, for many of you this will be the first time you have heard "the whole story" but more on that after. also I'm going to just copy/paste the section that counts but also put up a link for the whole book should anyone want to read it) For the truly ADD out there, the section in particular will be bolded.

    They Came to Say Goodbye

    "While I suspected the worst, it wasn’t until I was taken home for one day, prior to flying to Houston, that I really knew I was going to die. Over two hundred people from all over the country came to our house that day. I was really surprised. I didn’t think I had that many close friends. From the way everybody was acting it was obvious they’d come to say goodbye. My friend Dwayne Hamilton just broke down and cried.
    Louise was pregnant at the time, and I thought to myself how sad it was that I’d probably never get to see my baby. By all rights, I’d be dead and gone before it arrived.
    Louise was thinking the same thing and had made the arrangements for further surgery at M. D. Anderson. Though the doctors had told her there was
    no hope of my living, they said there might be a slight chance of prolonging my life a few more months through radical neck surgery. With that operation, there was a possibility that I’d be able to live long enough to see my baby before the cancer reached my brain.
    We flew to Houston the next day. For the next two-and-a-half weeks, I rested in the hospital to build myself up for the surgery to come. I went into the operating room at 10:30 a.m. I spent eight hours under the knife and at 6:30 p.m., they gave Louise the news. I was going to make it. It had been touch and go.

    The Impossible Had Happened

    At one point during the operation, my blood pressure dropped to zero, but they pulled me through. What was truly incredible was that there was no longer any trace of cancer in my system. The doctors couldn’t believe it. The impossible had happened.
    The odds against merely surviving the operation itself were very high. A month earlier the black corruption of melanoma had been visible to the naked eye. That the cancer had disappeared was incomprehensible to the staff at the hospital. Five doctors had unanimously agreed that it was a medical impossibility for me to live longer than a few more months, with or without the operation.
    For the next two weeks, Louise and Sailor took turns watching me twenty- four hours a day, since we couldn’t afford a private nurse. I had to be observed closely. The tubes that led to my body had to be checked constantly, and my vital signs had to be monitored continuously. I don’t know when Louise and Sailor got any sleep.

    After leaving the hospital, I recuperated at my sister’s. When my strength returned, I reported back to the hospital in Fort Worth for a checkup. The doctor who had first operated on me was at a complete loss for an explanation. The only thing he could say was that occasionally, spontaneous remissions occur, but in my case he could only believe a miracle had happened.
    Later we found out that during the operation several friends had spoken to their church pastors about my case and entire congregations were praying for
    my recovery. Those prayers surely must have been answered.

    A Higher Power

    Louise had always been a religious woman, but this experience and two others in our lives reinforced her conviction that there’s a higher power that watches over us.
    Shortly after my recovery, Louise developed a uterine tumor. That normally requires extensive surgery and removal of the female organs. She was scheduled for surgery, but before the procedure, it was discovered that her tumor had disappeared. Another miracle.
    In 1975, when my daughter Doyla was twelve years old she was found to have idiopathic scoliosis, a debilitating spinal disorder. That affliction causes extensive curvature of the spine or permanent crippling. Specialists were consulted and radical procedures were recommended, including implantation of a steel rod in her spine or a full body brace. None of that was necessary. Louise organized a marathon prayer session for Doyla that included radio broadcasts and correspondence with the late Katherine Kuhlman, the famous faith healer. Within three months, Doyla’s spine had straightened completely. The doctors acknowledged that hers was one of only three known cases where the curvature was corrected without surgical assistance. The third miracle in our family.
    Since that time, Louise has been extremely active in Christian ministry and heavily involved in work with foreign missions. She spends as much or more time as a servant of the Lord as she does in taking care of our family. She’s said time and again: “It’s so exciting to be a Christian. It’s by far the most exciting part of living.” And I know she believes that as strongly as any person on earth."

    Whole book ---->

    Folks, a degenerate gambler you all know and probably like, the last type of person you'd think was a Christian not only is, he OPENLY thanks God and the power of Prayer for his miracle of life. There is literally NO OTHER EXPLANATION for his recovery. None! Miracle from God, can't be anything else. Doyle's DOCTOR admitted it, Doyle Brunson himself admitted it, what did either man have to gain by doing so? He could easily have just said "yeah I beat cancer, and then poker made me money" and glossed over what happened, but he recognizes truth for what it is.

    Don't be blinded people please, and if you want proof that there is a concerted effort to blind you specifically from the power of God Faith and Prayer, it would take months to really point out all the little details and what not, so Ill quickly tie in an example that pertains specifically to this story.

    I googled looking for the excerpt above and site after site, article after article, said the same thing: "Doyle did lots of things, and blah blah, oh he beat cancer, it was a miracle, money and fame and more poker blah blah" -----but wait, i didn't see a word about his Christianity nor his wife and congregation praying daily, why are they omitting that part? Don't you, the reader, have the right to the full story so you can make your own mind up?

    See, the omission of facts just like that, it's done purposefully in order to subversively sway peoples opinions. George Bush won the war in Iraq and is a hero, didn't you know? Well, you don't, but your grandkids sure will. There is a saying "The history books are written by winners" and it's not to say Bush really won any war ( he certainly didn't) but, who writes the history books? We do. How are things going to be told over time? In a light negative to america or positive? Think about that.

    When you were in grade school, did the history books talk a lot (any) about the slaughtering and robbery of millions of american indians? Sure as fuck didn't read that in any books I read. Why omit the truth?

    It's not that history books LIE, they don't need to. They just conveniently forget little things, like death and deceipt that might make impressionable children see the red white and blue as a


    I'm no Bible thumping redneck, I am from the streets and pretty damned intelligent. I was raised by a very far left liberal mother and an alcoholic vietnam vet stepfather. At 15 I was smoking pot at 22 ecstacy and for most of my life, I wanted to believe but I couldn't get behind it. So don't take me for something other than what I am -just like almost any one of you.

    Cut a long story short- here's a quick hit to "doyle brunson cancer story" and you guys can figure out the rest. I had to literally copy and paste from the man's copy-write protected work to bring forward the whole story, as the man HIMSELF told it. Now ask yourself this, again- why is it so damn hard to get the whole story? Gosh, it's easy as hell to read about sex, drugs, gambling etc, but you just rarely find in the mainstream media much that POSITIVELY reflects Christian beliefs and actions. I mean, did anyone here not familiar with this exact story EVEN KNOW DOYLE WAS A CHRISTIAN?

    We are the largest bunch of mutes on earth is what we are. 80 million strong in the us alone and growing, and yet you have to really work hard to find people saying good things about God in the mainstream today. So, if we can agree the powers that be make sure history books only tell one side of the story because they seek to INFLUENCE YOUR OPINION, what connection can we make that applies here? Easy enough, more subtle and yet important-WHY DO IT IN THE FIRST PLACE??? That's the nitty gritty you should all be wondering. Answer-it's because they are afraid you will learn the truth because the truth hurts them.


    SYSTEMATICALLY, FROM THE TIME YOU WERE ABLE TO READ "Brunson met his future wife, Louise, in 1960 and married her in August 1962. Louise became pregnant, but later that year, a tumor was discovered in Doyle's neck. When it was operated on, the surgeons found that the cancer had spread and declared it incurable. They felt that an operation would prolong his life long enough for him to see the birth of the baby, so they went ahead with it. After the operation, no trace of the cancer could be found.[9] The doctors said that his recovery must have been a miracle, and Brunson has attributed his cure to the prayers of friends of his wife and their correspondence with Kathryn Kuhlman, a self-proclaimed Christian faith healer.[10] Louise developed a tumor shortly afterwards and, when she went for surgery, her tumor was also found to have disappeared. In 1975, their daughter Doyla was diagnosed with scoliosis, yet her spine straightened completely within three months.

    Oh shoot sorry, my bad, wikipedia also mentions his wife also experiencing an absolute miracle. Nothing to see here folks, move along, christians are retards. Miracles like cancer disappearing twice in the same family psh that's happening every day on my block.

    "77-Year-Old Poker Legend Doyle Brunson All Clear Following Cancer Scare" Legendary poker player and the face behind, Doyle Brunson, is free of cancer.

    The Texas Dolly, as he is so affectionately called, has learned that a biopsy on a skin lesion has come up negative for melanoma.

    “EVERYTHING CLEAR!!” he declared on his Twitter page just moments ago. “One more bullet I ducked in my life. All of a sudden I feel great!! Take that melanoma:-)”

    Surgery took three hours and caused Brunson to miss a big poker game last week. In 1962, doctors determined that Brunson had cancer that spread from his neck to the rest of his body, declaring it “incurable”. An operation to prolong his life, however, revealed no trace of the cancer could be found.

    Brunson has attributed his cure to the prayers of friends of his wife and their correspondence with Kathryn Kulman, a self-proclaimed Christian faith healer.

    The two-time World Series of Poker main event winner has had addition brushes with death, including surviving an armed robbery.

    Doyle Brunson is often the mainstay of celebrity death pools with “Doyle Brunson Dead” a regularly searched item leading to the website where we are ranked among the top 5 in Google Search."

    Wait- so Brunson, a degenerate gambler and likely shady person (or so the media would have you believe, how often is his Christianity mentioned?) not only beat terminal cancer, he also beat melanoma (THE single worst aside from pancreatic cancer) and at an old age, his wife also beat terminal incurable cancer???

    "In 1975, their daughter Doyla was diagnosed with scoliosis, but her spine straightened completely within three months." oh shoot wait, my bad folks, my bad, no miracle here, her scoliosis just worked itself out and such. Happens all the time, spines just straightening and shit, no biggie.

    On second thought, I don't recall being a doctor or expert on scoliosis, i'd like to be sure, so I hunted around for the truth and tried to find a site that seems halfway credible. Mayo and NIH had little info so will have to do.

    "Is there a cure for scoliosis?
    At this time, there is no cure for scoliosis. There are good treatment options as discussed above. Researchers are trying to find the causes of the different types of scoliosis. This will hopefully lead to better treatments or a cure."

    I suppose you can knock me for not getting an actual MD on here to say the same damn thing, bit that would be overkill anyway. If you aren't hearing what I am saying by now you best believe NO ONE can get through to you.

    Quote Originally Posted by Cat Out Of The Bag View Post
    What sort of evidence you have about this
    A quick rundown of facts:
    Doyle Brunson personally beat cancer (one terminal the 2nd very probably given his age) TWICE
    Louise Brunson beat terminal canccer
    Doyla Brunson beat an incurable spine disorder

    That is four damned miracles in one small family in what 30 years timeframe? Yet how often when you hear Doyle Brunson being talked about do you also hear about his Christianity? Hardly ever! Ya'll are free to make up your own minds, but I've had fun either way. Hope someone somowhere reads this thread and it at least opens their mind a bit. Yes there is an effort to prevent people from hearing good things about faith in God, the question is who is doing it and WHY? Because Christianity is bad and should be exterminated? IDK, 4 miracles in the span of a lifetime doesn't sound too shabby. If being a christian might give my family a shot at dodging terminal cancer and shaking off scoliosis like a cheap suit nothing, I'd say sign me up for all the bad asap! But who am I to say what you should think, if I were you, I might take an open mind and find out for myself....

    I did already, why haven't you?
    Last edited by 408Mike; 04-22-2012 at 05:50 AM.

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    UFO, lockness monster, magic, sasquatch, bermuda triangle forum is over there =========>

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    Silver El Gallo's Avatar
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    OHHHHHH, Now I get why they call it "flying stupidity"

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    Cliffs: No difference between those who were prayed for and those who weren't, BUT those who knew they were being prayed for actually had more complications on average.

    I know, just science and all.

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    Bronze DABADASS's Avatar
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    I didn't read the actual post, but I decided to reply based on the thread title only:

    Prayer works out- "Our prayers were answered!"
    Prayer doesn't work out- "God has a plan."

    I will say this, I am sure that praying has some kind of placebo effect. It has to. I'd like to see a study on happiness and religion. I'm sure those that go to church are happier than those who don't.

    edit: yep,

    I'm not religious, but I don't have a problem with anyone who is. I think the people who bash religion are just as bad as those who try to shove it down our throats. Live and let live.

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    I am sorry for all the users that i brought the 408 meltdown.

    Haven't the poker forums taught you anything about sample size.

    There is no evidence to support people who pray get "miracle" cures more often non praying population.

    Everything in this universe happens like it would if there wasn't "god" interfering.


    Best answer for chronic stupidity is adding more information, reading the God Delusion by Richard Dawkins wouldn't do any harm to you.

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    i aint really knowed til now but 408mike is a moron - it is clear

    slim t

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    fact: religious ppl tend to be less educated

    in other words mike

    mike, you are idiot, ok

  10. #10
    Diamond Sloppy Joe's Avatar
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    Has there been confirmation that 408 has been on a wild coke/meth binge for the last week or so?

  11. #11
    Bronze DABADASS's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by fluffer View Post
    fact: religious ppl tend to be less educated

    in other words mike

    mike, you are idiot, ok
    I have a feeling that intelligence and happiness are slightly inversely correlated.

  12. #12
    Silver TheTemplar's Avatar
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    I don't believe in God or a higher power, but I don't discriminate on what others believe. Do what you want, think how, you want, and if it makes you a better person, than go for it.

    Also, didn't read.
    Of all the money e'er I had, I spent it in good company

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    Holy fuck Mike, what drugs are you on? Is getting a prayer answered akin to winning the lottery? Thousands of people everyday wind up on their death beds with lots of people praying for them, yet they still die. Does God just randomly choose a few prayers to answer. Congratulations Doyle, you get to live! Congratulation Micon, you win a 3 bitcoin pot! Congratulations JewDonk, a TV stand will soon be yours! Sorry Dick Clark, better luck net time...ooops you're dead. The FACT that 99.99% of prayers are not answered is proof praying does nothing except maybe work as a stress reliever to the person praying. What you call an answered prayer, I call a coincidence.

    Additionally Mike, numerous studies have been done showing prayer does nothing. The earliest study noted that in England congregations pray for the health and well being of the Royal Family every Sunday but statistically they fare no better than commoners. A recent study published in the 2006 American Heart Journal, studied 1800 patients who had received heart by-passes. The were divided into 3 groups.....Group 1 Received prayers and didn't know it Group 2 Didn't receive prayers and didn't know it and Group 3 Received prayers and knew it. The results were exactly the same for groups 1 and 2. Mike, now please sit down......the results for Group 3 were significantly worse! LOL

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    Gold Bootsy Collins's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RealTalk View Post
    Lol at the amount of effort that druff's friends have to exert trying to do an internet podcast without offending him.

  15. #15
    BathingGrape, let me be the first to say 2012 is shaping out to be a great year for you. All the best.

  16. #16
    Bronze Serial Fail's Avatar
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    I stopped reading at "you can't prove that gravity is real."

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    *** SCAMMER *** Jasep's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Serial Fail View Post
    I stopped reading at "you can't prove that gravity is real."

    That was a dumb statement even by napkin bet standards

  18. #18
    Cubic Zirconia
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    tldr, but you're owning this forum you fucking genius. Almost 500 posts and you're now the worst AND most prolific poster all at once. Well done sir.....also, you're a fucking retard and are most likely ghey......

  19. #19

    BathingApe, create a profile at one of this dating sites. List all your ideas, beliefs and watch the pussy flow in like cheap whey shakes.

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    Quote Originally Posted by 408Mike View Post
    Publicly mock me? Really? For me wanting the best for a good friend and human being???......

    I'll play with you though, until you bore me.....

    You can't always prove something exists, even though it's existence is impossible to refute. For example, what evidence do you have gravity exists? Well plenty of course, how stupid I be....

    But wait, and think careful now, please answer me this- is gravity a Theory or a Law? What separates the two? It's important you grasp what I am getting at. If you aren't scientifically minded/trained as I am please do google what makes a theory a theory and what makes a law a law (scientific law) before proceeding further.

    Can I prove prayer does anything sure I can, just as well as you can prove gravity does anyting. This being a poker forum I want to show a quick example you poker players can relate to. Small sample size I know, but it is more than sufficient. Taken from Doyle Brunson's Super System2. (By the way, for many of you this will be the first time you have heard "the whole story" but more on that after. also I'm going to just copy/paste the section that counts but also put up a link for the whole book should anyone want to read it) For the truly ADD out there, the section in particular will be bolded.

    They Came to Say Goodbye

    "While I suspected the worst, it wasn’t until I was taken home for one day, prior to flying to Houston, that I really knew I was going to die. Over two hundred people from all over the country came to our house that day. I was really surprised. I didn’t think I had that many close friends. From the way everybody was acting it was obvious they’d come to say goodbye. My friend Dwayne Hamilton just broke down and cried.
    Louise was pregnant at the time, and I thought to myself how sad it was that I’d probably never get to see my baby. By all rights, I’d be dead and gone before it arrived.
    Louise was thinking the same thing and had made the arrangements for further surgery at M. D. Anderson. Though the doctors had told her there was
    no hope of my living, they said there might be a slight chance of prolonging my life a few more months through radical neck surgery. With that operation, there was a possibility that I’d be able to live long enough to see my baby before the cancer reached my brain.
    We flew to Houston the next day. For the next two-and-a-half weeks, I rested in the hospital to build myself up for the surgery to come. I went into the operating room at 10:30 a.m. I spent eight hours under the knife and at 6:30 p.m., they gave Louise the news. I was going to make it. It had been touch and go.

    The Impossible Had Happened

    At one point during the operation, my blood pressure dropped to zero, but they pulled me through. What was truly incredible was that there was no longer any trace of cancer in my system. The doctors couldn’t believe it. The impossible had happened.
    The odds against merely surviving the operation itself were very high. A month earlier the black corruption of melanoma had been visible to the naked eye. That the cancer had disappeared was incomprehensible to the staff at the hospital. Five doctors had unanimously agreed that it was a medical impossibility for me to live longer than a few more months, with or without the operation.
    For the next two weeks, Louise and Sailor took turns watching me twenty- four hours a day, since we couldn’t afford a private nurse. I had to be observed closely. The tubes that led to my body had to be checked constantly, and my vital signs had to be monitored continuously. I don’t know when Louise and Sailor got any sleep.

    After leaving the hospital, I recuperated at my sister’s. When my strength returned, I reported back to the hospital in Fort Worth for a checkup. The doctor who had first operated on me was at a complete loss for an explanation. The only thing he could say was that occasionally, spontaneous remissions occur, but in my case he could only believe a miracle had happened.
    Later we found out that during the operation several friends had spoken to their church pastors about my case and entire congregations were praying for
    my recovery. Those prayers surely must have been answered.

    A Higher Power

    Louise had always been a religious woman, but this experience and two others in our lives reinforced her conviction that there’s a higher power that watches over us.
    Shortly after my recovery, Louise developed a uterine tumor. That normally requires extensive surgery and removal of the female organs. She was scheduled for surgery, but before the procedure, it was discovered that her tumor had disappeared. Another miracle.
    In 1975, when my daughter Doyla was twelve years old she was found to have idiopathic scoliosis, a debilitating spinal disorder. That affliction causes extensive curvature of the spine or permanent crippling. Specialists were consulted and radical procedures were recommended, including implantation of a steel rod in her spine or a full body brace. None of that was necessary. Louise organized a marathon prayer session for Doyla that included radio broadcasts and correspondence with the late Katherine Kuhlman, the famous faith healer. Within three months, Doyla’s spine had straightened completely. The doctors acknowledged that hers was one of only three known cases where the curvature was corrected without surgical assistance. The third miracle in our family.
    Since that time, Louise has been extremely active in Christian ministry and heavily involved in work with foreign missions. She spends as much or more time as a servant of the Lord as she does in taking care of our family. She’s said time and again: “It’s so exciting to be a Christian. It’s by far the most exciting part of living.” And I know she believes that as strongly as any person on earth."

    Whole book ---->

    Folks, a degenerate gambler you all know and probably like, the last type of person you'd think was a Christian not only is, he OPENLY thanks God and the power of Prayer for his miracle of life. There is literally NO OTHER EXPLANATION for his recovery. None! Miracle from God, can't be anything else. Doyle's DOCTOR admitted it, Doyle Brunson himself admitted it, what did either man have to gain by doing so? He could easily have just said "yeah I beat cancer, and then poker made me money" and glossed over what happened, but he recognizes truth for what it is.

    Don't be blinded people please, and if you want proof that there is a concerted effort to blind you specifically from the power of God Faith and Prayer, it would take months to really point out all the little details and what not, so Ill quickly tie in an example that pertains specifically to this story.

    I googled looking for the excerpt above and site after site, article after article, said the same thing: "Doyle did lots of things, and blah blah, oh he beat cancer, it was a miracle, money and fame and more poker blah blah" -----but wait, i didn't see a word about his Christianity nor his wife and congregation praying daily, why are they omitting that part? Don't you, the reader, have the right to the full story so you can make your own mind up?

    See, the omission of facts just like that, it's done purposefully in order to subversively sway peoples opinions. George Bush won the war in Iraq and is a hero, didn't you know? Well, you don't, but your grandkids sure will. There is a saying "The history books are written by winners" and it's not to say Bush really won any war ( he certainly didn't) but, who writes the history books? We do. How are things going to be told over time? In a light negative to america or positive? Think about that.

    When you were in grade school, did the history books talk a lot (any) about the slaughtering and robbery of millions of american indians? Sure as fuck didn't read that in any books I read. Why omit the truth?

    It's not that history books LIE, they don't need to. They just conveniently forget little things, like death and deceipt that might make impressionable children see the red white and blue as a


    I'm no Bible thumping redneck, I am from the streets and pretty damned intelligent. I was raised by a very far left liberal mother and an alcoholic vietnam vet stepfather. At 15 I was smoking pot at 22 ecstacy and for most of my life, I wanted to believe but I couldn't get behind it. So don't take me for something other than what I am -just like almost any one of you.

    Cut a long story short- here's a quick hit to "doyle brunson cancer story" and you guys can figure out the rest. I had to literally copy and paste from the man's copy-write protected work to bring forward the whole story, as the man HIMSELF told it. Now ask yourself this, again- why is it so damn hard to get the whole story? Gosh, it's easy as hell to read about sex, drugs, gambling etc, but you just rarely find in the mainstream media much that POSITIVELY reflects Christian beliefs and actions. I mean, did anyone here not familiar with this exact story EVEN KNOW DOYLE WAS A CHRISTIAN?

    We are the largest bunch of mutes on earth is what we are. 80 million strong in the us alone and growing, and yet you have to really work hard to find people saying good things about God in the mainstream today. So, if we can agree the powers that be make sure history books only tell one side of the story because they seek to INFLUENCE YOUR OPINION, what connection can we make that applies here? Easy enough, more subtle and yet important-WHY DO IT IN THE FIRST PLACE??? That's the nitty gritty you should all be wondering. Answer-it's because they are afraid you will learn the truth because the truth hurts them.


    SYSTEMATICALLY, FROM THE TIME YOU WERE ABLE TO READ "Brunson met his future wife, Louise, in 1960 and married her in August 1962. Louise became pregnant, but later that year, a tumor was discovered in Doyle's neck. When it was operated on, the surgeons found that the cancer had spread and declared it incurable. They felt that an operation would prolong his life long enough for him to see the birth of the baby, so they went ahead with it. After the operation, no trace of the cancer could be found.[9] The doctors said that his recovery must have been a miracle, and Brunson has attributed his cure to the prayers of friends of his wife and their correspondence with Kathryn Kuhlman, a self-proclaimed Christian faith healer.[10] Louise developed a tumor shortly afterwards and, when she went for surgery, her tumor was also found to have disappeared. In 1975, their daughter Doyla was diagnosed with scoliosis, yet her spine straightened completely within three months.

    Oh shoot sorry, my bad, wikipedia also mentions his wife also experiencing an absolute miracle. Nothing to see here folks, move along, christians are retards. Miracles like cancer disappearing twice in the same family psh that's happening every day on my block.

    "77-Year-Old Poker Legend Doyle Brunson All Clear Following Cancer Scare" Legendary poker player and the face behind, Doyle Brunson, is free of cancer.

    The Texas Dolly, as he is so affectionately called, has learned that a biopsy on a skin lesion has come up negative for melanoma.

    “EVERYTHING CLEAR!!” he declared on his Twitter page just moments ago. “One more bullet I ducked in my life. All of a sudden I feel great!! Take that melanoma:-)”

    Surgery took three hours and caused Brunson to miss a big poker game last week. In 1962, doctors determined that Brunson had cancer that spread from his neck to the rest of his body, declaring it “incurable”. An operation to prolong his life, however, revealed no trace of the cancer could be found.

    Brunson has attributed his cure to the prayers of friends of his wife and their correspondence with Kathryn Kulman, a self-proclaimed Christian faith healer.

    The two-time World Series of Poker main event winner has had addition brushes with death, including surviving an armed robbery.

    Doyle Brunson is often the mainstay of celebrity death pools with “Doyle Brunson Dead” a regularly searched item leading to the website where we are ranked among the top 5 in Google Search."

    Wait- so Brunson, a degenerate gambler and likely shady person (or so the media would have you believe, how often is his Christianity mentioned?) not only beat terminal cancer, he also beat melanoma (THE single worst aside from pancreatic cancer) and at an old age, his wife also beat terminal incurable cancer???

    "In 1975, their daughter Doyla was diagnosed with scoliosis, but her spine straightened completely within three months." oh shoot wait, my bad folks, my bad, no miracle here, her scoliosis just worked itself out and such. Happens all the time, spines just straightening and shit, no biggie.

    On second thought, I don't recall being a doctor or expert on scoliosis, i'd like to be sure, so I hunted around for the truth and tried to find a site that seems halfway credible. Mayo and NIH had little info so will have to do.

    "Is there a cure for scoliosis?
    At this time, there is no cure for scoliosis. There are good treatment options as discussed above. Researchers are trying to find the causes of the different types of scoliosis. This will hopefully lead to better treatments or a cure."

    I suppose you can knock me for not getting an actual MD on here to say the same damn thing, bit that would be overkill anyway. If you aren't hearing what I am saying by now you best believe NO ONE can get through to you.

    Quote Originally Posted by Cat Out Of The Bag View Post
    What sort of evidence you have about this
    A quick rundown of facts:
    Doyle Brunson personally beat cancer (one terminal the 2nd very probably given his age) TWICE
    Louise Brunson beat terminal canccer
    Doyla Brunson beat an incurable spine disorder

    That is four damned miracles in one small family in what 30 years timeframe? Yet how often when you hear Doyle Brunson being talked about do you also hear about his Christianity? Hardly ever! Ya'll are free to make up your own minds, but I've had fun either way. Hope someone somowhere reads this thread and it at least opens their mind a bit. Yes there is an effort to prevent people from hearing good things about faith in God, the question is who is doing it and WHY? Because Christianity is bad and should be exterminated? IDK, 4 miracles in the span of a lifetime doesn't sound too shabby. If being a christian might give my family a shot at dodging terminal cancer and shaking off scoliosis like a cheap suit nothing, I'd say sign me up for all the bad asap! But who am I to say what you should think, if I were you, I might take an open mind and find out for myself....

    I did already, why haven't you?

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