For most of my sexing life I have been in the 165 pound range. During that time with several partners (admittedly less than I would like) all weighing between 95-130 pounds (I am not hating on all you chubby chasers, that is just not my style) I have performed missionary position without any complaint putting much of my body weight on my partner. In fact, I would say most females actually seem to prefer the pressure and contact, especially close to climax.

I recently put on around 40 pounds (some muscle, some fat) and have started getting complaints that I am too heavy. Now, it should be mentioned my sample size since gaining the weight is only 1 and the complaining party is only 105 pounds, has never exercised in her life, and has very little muscle tone, so this may be part of it, but not sure.

I realize according to retarded BMI charts I am borderline "obese," but then again so is most of America. There are probably several million 250 lb men in the US alone, and many of them are having sexual relations with the opposite sex. So my question is, how do they do it without smothering their partners. Do you stick mainly to non missionary positions??, hold up most of your weight yourself when you are on top?? Is my heina just a whiny bitch and most hoes have no problem with 200+ pounds of sweaty man-meat lying on top of them?

Inquiring minds want to know.