Magic Johnson's 20-year-old son isn't just gay... he's flaming so much that you feel like there's a fire hazard wherever he goes.

Magic Johnson really came out and said that he loves and supports his son. That's obviously the right thing for him to do:

But more interesting to me is the fact that Magic himself was suspected of being bisexual back when he contracted HIV in the early '90s.

This is because it's MUCH, MUCH, MUCH more likely to contract HIV through gay sex than hetero sex, and I didn't see Magic to likely be an intravenous drug user.

I always personally believed that Magic had sex with men, and contracted HIV from one of them.

I also personally believe that homosexuality and bisexuality is somewhat hereditary. Clearly there are gay children of completely straight parents, but I think a guy with gay/bi tendencies is more likely to have a gay/bi son than a straight man is.

Before you accuse me of being homophobic, keep in mind that I am taking a position long held by the gay community -- that their sexual preference is ingrained from birth, and not a "choice".

I do believe that sexual preference can also be influenced by environmental factors, but I don't think a guy who was born completely gay could ever be straight, nor do I think a guy who was born completely straight could ever turn gay. I think it's the marginal "in the middle" cases where environmental and social factors can take hold and push the person one way or the other.

I think the fact that Magic's son is gay is not a coincidence. He probably takes somewhat after his dad.