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Thread: Dan Druff's attempt to get down to 200 pounds by WSOP 2013

  1. #1
    Owner Dan Druff's Avatar
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    Dan Druff's attempt to get down to 200 pounds by WSOP 2013

    This will be my first realistic attempt at a diet in my life. There have been times when I have expressed an intention to lose weight, but never followed through. I am going to follow through this time -- or at least give it a real effort.

    I am doing this entirely for health reasons -- mainly because I am 38 1/2 years older than Benjamin (and likely 42 or more years older than my next child), and don't want him to lose his father very early in life. Men start getting abrupt (and sometimes fatal) heart attacks in their 40s. This is some of the reason for the difference in life expectancy between men and women.

    Right now I weigh 230 pounds. I weighed 200 during the 2008 WSOP. I gained 10 pounds for the next 3 years, being 230 by the 2011 WSOP. For the past 1 1/2 years, my weight has been the same, but I really want to drop those 30 pounds and return to 200. Ideally, I would like to be 185, but I'm not sure that is realistic, so I am shooting for 200.

    Here are the factors that have made me gain weight:

    - Lots of high calorie drinks. This is probably the biggest enemy of mine. I have always been "thirstier" than the average person, even as a kid. Unfortunately, the only drinks I enjoy are all of the high-calorie variety -- typically 150 to 200 calories per 12 ounces.

    - High fat diet. Most of the foods I like are fatty and high in calories.

    - Lack of exercise.

    - Age. I am almost 41. I once had a metabolism so high that I actually had to try not to LOSE weight. While my metabolism isn't bad for my age, it's not anywhere near what it once was.

    Challenges to change the above:

    - I hate diet drinks. In addition, I hate all other low-calorie drinks such as flavored water.

    - I won't feel satisfied eating low-calorie meals. I can pledge that I will stick to "diet" foods, but that will probably last 2 weeks before I give up on it.

    - I have chronic tension headaches, especially in the summer and winter. This has plagued me since my mid-late 20s, and unfortunately exercise brings them on (among other factors).

    - My body will attempt to resist the weight loss. Your body tries to maintain the same weight. This is one reason why it's easy to lose temporary or "water" weight, but difficult to lose real, permanent weight.

    So here is my plan:

    - Severely cut down on the high-calorie drinks. I am used to drinking a Pepsi upon waking up and a glass of orange juice before going to bed. I will still do this, as these would be very hard habits to break. However, I will start drinking cold water during the rest of the day, as much as possible.

    - Bring down the size of the meals I eat. I've been in the habit of eating as much as I can until I'm totally full. I don't really have to do that. I can order less and still feel satisfied, especially if I get used to it.

    - Start and maintain a moderate exercise program.

    While WSOP dates have not been announced yet (which is ridiculous), I know it will begin sometime in late May or early June.

    So basically I'm looking to drop 30 real pounds in 4 1/2 months, which is reasonable.

    This is not going to be pleasant, but I feel that I have to do this if I want to have a chance to be alive to see Benjamin when he's 40. While it's possible I could be fat and get longevity rungood like Tommy Lasorda (who is obese and 85), the greater chance would be an abrupt heart attack within the next 25 years (possibly much sooner), with my final thoughts being how stupid I was not to have done anything to prevent it.

    I will post my results in this thread, whether I succeed or fail.

    I am creating this thread so there will be some additional motivation not to fail.

  2. #2
    All Sorts of Sports gut's Avatar
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    Its a good idea, I've seen people do this on twitter, a "public humiliation" diet. post your weight every day to the crowd and etc. Nice extra motivation.

  3. #3
    Gold LLL's Avatar
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    GL. You've got a solid plan.

    I'd suggest going for a nice walk in the AM before breakfast and after dinner each day.
    "You run into an asshole in the morning, you ran into an asshole; you run into assholes all day, you're the asshole."

  4. #4
    Diamond mulva's Avatar
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    diet drinks are a must......that should be an easy trade off..coke zero or pepsi 1...., up pizza should be difficult, but that's a must as well.

    easiest way to drop 40 in a month is having your wife/GF leave you and taking your heart with them. best fucking diet in the world. you would reach your goal in a month and i'm sure you would provide us w/ some great alcohol and gambling stories during the process

  5. #5
    NoFraud Poker Room Manager Belly Buster's Avatar
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    Do we get a daily video blog outlining the loss (or gain) each day?

    On a more serious note if you get an exercise regime and you get to love water you'll find that helps your headaches.
    Quote Originally Posted by Dan Druff View Post
    BTW JACKDANIELS is the first one banned from the thread. He is accusing me of being "duped by a middle aged man who dresses like John Cena"

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  6. #6
    Owner Dan Druff's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mulva View Post
    diet drinks are a must......that should be an easy trade off..coke zero or pepsi 1...., up pizza should be difficult, but that's a must as well.

    easiest way to drop 40 in a month is having your wife/GF leave you and taking your heart with them. best fucking diet in the world. you would reach your goal in a month and i'm sure you would provide us w/ some great alcohol and gambling stories during the process
    Depression has never caused me to gain or lose weight.

    I am not a depressed person in general, but in the times I have been depressed, my weight has stayed about the same.

    Some people (especially women) eat a lot when they get depressed, others starve themselves. I do neither.

    I also don't want to do diet drinks for two reasons. First, they are unhealthy -- arguably worse for you than the sugar versions. Second, I hate them.

  7. #7
    Diamond chinamaniac's Avatar
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    druff, go with diet cherry pepsi and see how that goes

    chicken , rice, greens and wheat breads when possible , walk 30-45 min a day when possible

  8. #8
    Diamond Sloppy Joe's Avatar
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    In all honesty, this plan sounds completely half assed and destined to fail. Since you have money and never drink alcohol (right?), I think you should set the bar higher.

    1. Commit to eliminating the non-sugar drinks. Take one week or so to wean yourself off of them. You can go without Pepsi and orange juice. Your body may long for the sugar for a bit but you'll quickly get used to it. If you're really committed then this shouldn't be an issue.

    2. Many people fail at dieting because they can only afford to buy cheap healthy food. I'm guessing that you aren't poor so go to your local high-end grocery store (Whole Foods or whatever) and load up on good, healthy stuff. Consult a dietician beforehand to really target your leaks and get a better idea of what you want to eat.

    3. Get a personal trainer. Have someone to hold you accountable and to give you the best chance to maximize results/reach your goals. Most people fail at exercising because they go in with no plan and quickly get bored. At the very least, join a gym so your inner Jew will force your tubby ass to get your money's worth.

    GL sir

  9. #9
    Bronze offthetop's Avatar
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    P90x or insanity
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  10. #10
    PFA Emeritus Crowe Diddly's Avatar
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    Drink water. I know, it's tasteless. Just drink it. Single biggest thing you could do to change your shit without any major physical effort. Mentally tough, maybe, but you're a pretty driven guy at times.

    And that first morning pepsi may be the worst possible thing you can do. Drinking a sugary drink that early fucks up your digestion and blood sugar levels and all that shit right away. Coffee or tea or green tea or anything else in the world would be better for you, and make the rest of the day go a shitload better.

  11. #11
    Photoballer 4Dragons's Avatar
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    Just cut out your carbs and you'll make it np. I've dumped weight twice in somewhat the same fashion:

    • No pasta, limited bread, no potatos
    • Eat a lot of meat
    • Eat a lot of veg
    • Drink unsweetened or non-sugar sweetened iced tea
    • move around more than usual (exercise)

    I was 220 last year, now i'm 180. Took 6 months.

    GL, obv.

  12. #12
    Bronze Mad Dad's Avatar
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    Exercise is good for fitness, but don't count on it much to help with weight loss. Almost nobody can exercise off pounds - unless they go away from their daily lifestyle / routine to some kind of resort, fat farm etc for 2-3 months. Trying to keep your regular daily routine, and then adding in exercise and hoping to burn off calories won't work - so don't bother trying. It is way too hard and takes way too long to do it that way. Of course some exercise is good and you should do some, but don't connect it to weight loss, this just gives another easy way to fail. But if you feel like exercising, just do walking for the first 6 months or so. Don't even think about having to go to a gym - you won't do it long term.

    To lose weight and keep it off, you have to change your eating behaviour long term - no way around it.

    Weight loss is very simple arithmetic. Just reduce calories and you will lose weight slowly and surely - even if you just sit on your ass and look at a computer screen all day. It is like guaranteed winning pots at showdown - every time.

    In simple terms - it comes down to sugar. Stop buying anything that has sugar in it. If you don't buy it you won't eat it. Don't worry about what else you eat, if you stop eating sugar, you will lose weight.

    Just stop drinking Pepsi. Completely useless calories. It doesn't matter that you like it. Unless you stop drinking Pepsi, you won't lose weight. Also, you can't just switch to water. If you buy Pepsi and have in in the house you will drink it. So don't buy it. If you buy it you will drink it.

    Keep a log of your calorie intake. Don't set a firm budget - just start tracking your calories. Just like we tell poker players to track their sessions. Once you actually track your calories, you will see what is adding up to keep you at the current weight.

    There are lots of things you can do - and having healthy low calorie snacks when you are hungry will keep you going. Don't eat cookies, eat nuts. If you like cashews, get cashews. If you like peanuts get peanuts. The trick is to get rid of sugar. Stop buying stuff with sugar. Don't eat chips, don't eat Cheetos. Don't eat junk food snacks.

    Just commit to keep it up for 3 weeks and look at yourself in the mirror. You have to see results or you won't keep going. You will see that you actually look better because some of the extra weight on your face will go away. If you like what you see, you might keep doing it. Commit to doing it for another 21 days. Keep re-committing and eventually you will have changed your behaviour.

    The only fast food you should eat is Subway. But cut back on the mayonnaise. Cut out the cheeze. Don't eat out anywhere else. Fast food / sit down - it all has way too much calories. Plus it is expensive and takes time. Mayonnaise, salad dressing, sour cream, all these things are big calories, just use half you are used to.

    I know you like to eat and enjoy it, and if you really want to "cheat" - then do it. But only do it one day a week and then look forward to it and crave it for the next week. Better if you don't do this, but if you have to "cheat" then put it off until your cheating day.

    There is no easy answer - it is purely a matter of discipline, and if you don't have the discipline you will fail and you will only have yourself to blame. No-one else can do this for you and no amount of support will help you.

    Good luck.

  13. #13
    Diamond shortbuspoker's Avatar
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    If you have willpower problems you may want to look into starting a run on a prescription diet drug. I can tell you from experience that adipex will kill your appetite and you will have to force yourself to eat, but you will be so thirsty that you will drink upwards of 2 gallons of water a day. You could also try getting B-12 injections from your doctor. Good luck Druff.

  14. #14
    Gold Kuntmissioner's Avatar
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    Get a physical, Druff, and have yr test levels checked. Just because you are able to procreate doesn't mean yr not declining. And if you are low, a small bump will go a long way towards helping you reach yr goals.

    Think of it as slowing down the inevitable decline of age, nothing more. One more tool in your toolbox.


  15. #15
    Platinum Baron Von Strucker's Avatar
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    Good luck with your diet

    My wife is a dietitian and says the best way to lose weight for some one your size would be if you stopped or reduced your dairy intake and replaced with almond milk and to reduce or stop eating bread. Also if you like soda you can get a soda stream unit and make your owne drinks, we have this and it is really good, we put our own flavoring in, frozen concentrate or other concentrated drink mixes this way you can limit how much sugar you use, rybina is our favorite.
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    Originally Posted by DanDruff:Since I'm a 6'2" Republican with an average-sized nose and a last name which doesn't end with "stein", "man", or "berg", I can hide among the goyim and remain undetected unless I open my mouth about money matters.

  16. #16
    Gold Deal's Avatar
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    Before giving Druff advice have a read of his post. He doesn't ask for advice and have you ever known him to take any?

    He will lose weight if he wants to because he is a stubborn mother fucker. Period. GL.

  17. #17
    Serial Blogger BeerAndPoker's Avatar
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    Get away from the pop/soda. Drink water or if you need caffeine try something like green tea the actual tea bags and not the sugar filled kind they sell in bottles.

    Eat a lot of veggies and natural foods.

    If you struggle to get rid of bread/starchy carbs then at first pick one day a week where you can eat them and then hopefully in a few weeks you can limit them even more then that.

    Do some more walking and stretching.

    You might want to add a basic multi vitamin to your daily diet too.

    Stay positive as it takes time and so many people say they are going to diet then a week later when they see they lost 1 pound they throw in the towel feeling it's hopeless.

  18. #18
    Diamond shortbuspoker's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kuntmissioner View Post
    Get a physical, Druff, and have yr test levels checked. Just because you are able to procreate doesn't mean yr not declining. And if you are low, a small bump will go a long way towards helping you reach yr goals.

    Think of it as slowing down the inevitable decline of age, nothing more. One more tool in your toolbox.

    you are correct sir

  19. #19
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    Obv change title to Projekt: Druff but otherwise sounds solid.

    Given you already doa lot for this community, what sort of penalties will you have if you dont keep us updated?
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  20. #20
    Owner Dan Druff's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by zealanddonk View Post
    Obv change title to Projekt: Druff but otherwise sounds solid.

    Given you already doa lot for this community, what sort of penalties will you have if you dont keep us updated?
    No penalty. But I'll do it. Even if this is an epic fail and either I give up on it or I stick to it and the weight loss is nonexistent.

    Mad Dad is correct that the exercise will only have a minimal effect on the weight loss, but I need it anyway, so I am incorporating that.

    I think this plan is conservative and not too extreme.

    I could say that I am going to do a major lifestyle change and completely cut out the Pepsi & orange juice, vigorously exercise, and end the fatty food consumption, but there's no way I could manage that over 4 1/2 months. It's too abrupt.

    I picked a plan that I think has a moderate impact on my life, but is reasonable to keep up.

    I am already feeling it because I really wanted an orange juice this afternoon and instead grabbed a bottle of water.

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