Quote Originally Posted by 408Mike View Post
Quote Originally Posted by Jasep View Post

...... Eh forget it, I was gonna say something, but its no use.......
NO, I did not do the attention whoring thing again.

I directly responded to a posters post, offered a quip/ question thing intended to bemuse and tied the package together with a true and pretty damned funny story ABOUT PORN all at the same time, without super long posts making new threads or anything negative.

and then, you rebuke? I can't see how, except to say I am right.
Yes Mike, you are right. This thread, like every other thread on any site on the internet is about a topic that you just happen to have some very recent experience with. You can add a personal story and direct the commentary away from the topic at hand and directly on you with a shock value comment about a situation that would have been so uncomfortable for most people that they would have posted sometime that night about the fucked up shit that went down... But with you it is coincidence that this thread happened to pop up and you happened to have this far fetched experience that just went down.... Hey, look at me everybody....

It's lame already... You are not a good writer, you do not come off as intelligent.

For someone who suddenly has all of these friends to share all of these experiences with in life and to debate the inner workings of gay marriage bills and computers running the government than why did you just move from your mom's alley to your elderly neighbors couch?

I simply think you are a story teller and someone who seeks sympathy and maybe even a failed online grifter, who knows...

Also, it is really sad to idolize online forum posters like scooter and in some reverse way sonatine. These guys are not your hero's and villians, they are just guys who participate on forums and happen to be more well spoken than you are. You have manufactured them in to some life standard and its pathetic, just stop it already.

Just realize I am not azzclown or Muck Ficon... While those guys are completely right in their assessments of you, you find it easy to dismiss everything they say as them just being your trolls, but I am telling you, man to man, your fucked up and need to stop everything you do online and in real life and just do the exact opposite of whatever thought is in your mind and you will be a better person, poster, whatever, than you are right now.