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Thread: Ron DeSantis suspends state attorney Andrew Warren, over claims he won't enforce new Florida laws

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    Owner Dan Druff's Avatar
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    Ron DeSantis suspends state attorney Andrew Warren, over claims he won't enforce new Florida laws

    Interesting legal situation playing out in Florida.

    Ron DeSantis, who is very good at reading the middle-of-the-road voter's pulse on hot-button issues, has engaged in a lot of high-profile decisions presumably meant to bolster his chances to eventually become President.

    He's been very good at it, and I agree with nearly all of these actions, though with some of them I've questioned if they have enough teeth to become reality.

    The latest one was aimed at the disturbing trend of woke prosecutors refusing to prosecute the breaking of certain laws. This has become common in cities such as Los Angeles, San Francisco, and New York, and is aimed at "racial equity", but has had predictably disasterous results. If you state up front that certain criminal offenses will NEVER be prosecuted, then criminals become emboldened to break those laws, and in fact organized rings appear which take advantage of these -- even seemingly minor ones like shoplifting. These also eventually result in more violent crime, as citizens who attempt to stop these crimes are often beaten or killed.

    In any case, there has been no real attempt from an executive standpoint to stop these woke DAs from their one-man rewriting of state legislation. The closest that has happened was a successful recall in San Francisco, of all places, against DA Chesa Boudin.

    Ron DeSantis has decided to change that. While he is powerless to stop anything occurring in California or New York, he focused upon a woke state attorney (roughly equivalent to a DA) in Hillsborough County, near Tampa. This state attorney, Andrew Warren, signed a pledge to never prosecute anyone for providing "gender affirming care to minors" (meaning mutilating kids who claim they feel like the other gender at the moment), as well as never prosecuting anyone for getting or providing an abortion in Florida.

    Note that Florida allows early term abortion up to 15 weeks. Warren is essentially stating that his office will never prosecute any providers who blatantly break that law. For example, if a doctor in Hillsborough County gives an non-medically-necessary abortion to an 8-months-pregnant woman simply because she doesn't want it anymore, Warren will not prosecute it. Same goes for mutilating kids who want damaging and irreversible hormones or operations. Warren will not prosecute this, even though Florida has laws against providing this type of "care".

    Regardless of how you feel about transgender operations/hormones for kids, or about late term abortion, the position of state attorney is to enforce state law. It is not up to them to decide whether or not they agree with state law. They need to prosecute any case where they feel a conviction is likely, and where there aren't extenuating circumstances where non-prosecution would be sensible. They are NOT supposed to become a one-man re-legislating machine, deciding which state laws are worthy of enforcement. That is for the voters and state legislators to decide.

    DAs and state attorneys ARE expected to evaluate each case on their individual merits. If a conviction is unlikely, or if strong extenuating circumstances exist for this individual crime, or if the office simply lacks resources to prosecute certain minor cases, it is considered acceptable to decline prosecution. For example, if a woman steals food from a store, and is arrested for it, if it's found that she did it to feed her starving kids, it would be within the state attorney's rights not to prosecute. However, it should NOT be within the state attorney's rights to say, "We will never prosecute any shoplifting for less than $900 of stuff, under any circumstances", as that is a case of one man deciding to rewrite state law.

    DeSantis is not accusing Warren of refusing to prosecute shoplifters or other minor criminals, though it should be noted that Warren refused to prosecute 67 semi-violent BLM protesters in 2020. DeSantis is instead stating that Warren is already announcing he will not prosecute for violations of Florida abortion law and Florida transgender operations on minors law, and therefore he is not doing his job as state attorney.

    Warren counters that he hasn't done anything yet, and simply stated his intent for the future. He claims that it's "Orwellian" that he's being suspended for something he hasn't done yet.

    I disagree. If you are a state attorney and announce you will not ever prosecute certain state laws, you have already committed a dereliction of duty.

    Warren has already been locked out of his office, and was replaced by a new appointee by DeSantis. Warren is claiming that this suspension was illegal, as he's an elected official, and that he can only be removed via a recall election.

    I am not sure who is right legally here, but I'm glad to see things like this happening. Cities like LA, NY, and SF have become shitholes thanks to woke prosecuting, arrest, and sentencing policies.

  2. #2
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    If its not Trump it would be DeSantis so democrats better be sending him lots of campaign cash if they're so opposed to Trump. Whereas Trump was a draft dodger and was disrespectful to John McCain, DeSantis is a Navy Seal. He's done an excellent job in Florida with how he's responded to covid, Disney and woke politics. I'm for DeSantis

      BCR: Navy seal? Wasn’t he like a lawyer JAG-type? I don’t think he was a seal. He was already a lawyer.

  3. #3
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    Where I’m from (a different) attorney warren brings up bad memories. Wonder how much Seminole this gent has in him lol.

    Hopefully the electorate can find observe and understand the nuance involved in what is sure to be the best g social issue on the table. It’ll still probably depend on a multitude of factors, though underestimating voters’ capacity for nuance can sometimes be a difficult task.

  4. #4
    Bronze some user's Avatar
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    The word “woke” has been used 5 times in this thread.

  5. #5
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    I stand corrected. DeSantis is not a seal but has an honorable service record. Whatever he's done it is what Trump was unwilling to do.

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    Quote Originally Posted by country978 View Post
    If its not Trump it would be DeSantis so democrats better be sending him lots of campaign cash if they're so opposed to Trump. Whereas Trump was a draft dodger and was disrespectful to John McCain, DeSantis is a Navy Seal. He's done an excellent job in Florida with how he's responded to covid, Disney and woke politics. I'm for DeSantis
    Desantis Navy Seal lol. come on .... he has a somewhat badass background without this nonsense.

    - yale grad.
    - JAG lawyer
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  7. #7
    Gold Cerveza Fria's Avatar
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    So, the issue is whether or not this State Attorney is exercising "prosecutorial discretion" or simply trying to re-write state law by not enforcing them. By making a blanket statement to not prosecute certain laws, he is effectively usurping the power of the legislature to make new law.

    Desantis is correct to do this.
    En boca cerrada, no entran moscas

  8. #8
    Owner Dan Druff's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cerveza Fria View Post
    So, the issue is whether or not this State Attorney is exercising "prosecutorial discretion" or simply trying to re-write state law by not enforcing them. By making a blanket statement to not prosecute certain laws, he is effectively usurping the power of the legislature to make new law.

    Desantis is correct to do this.

    It is funny watching Democrats whine about the prospect of authoritarian rule, and then they support self-appointed authoritarian DAs and state attorneys to just take power away from the duly elected legislatures, and craft state criminal law to their personal liking.

    Anyone who believes in "democracy" cannot support activist DAs deciding to not prosecute laws they don't personally like. That's not how democracy works.

    If DAs can just choose which laws to enforce, why do we have laws at all? Why do we have a legislature?

    These aren't complex concepts. It's amazing how morally bankrupt the left becomes when they think something advances their agenda.

  9. #9
    Gold The Boz's Avatar
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    Governor Ron is well liked down here and he had 3 different county Sheriffs with him when he made the announcement and they all supported it.

    He will win the general election by double digits and along with redistricting will give Florida even more GOP seats in Congress. He will also carry Marco Rubio to re-election by a larger margin than he would have gotten if there wasn’t a gubernatorial election this year.

    Also the GOP has overtaken the Dems in voter registration here for the first time in many years.

    Year Republican Party of Florida Florida Democratic Party
    2022 5,157,343 4,955,022
    2021. 5,123,799 5,080,697
    2020 5,218,739 5,315,954
    2019 4,761,405 4,986,520
    2018 4,718,720 4,975,895
    2017 4,544,708 4,807,950

  10. #10
    Platinum garrett's Avatar
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    hey everybody so what's going on in this thread

  11. #11
    Owner Dan Druff's Avatar
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    Trump delivered Florida to the GOP, to where it's not a purple state anymore. DeSantis put the final nail in that coffin -- at least for awhile. The Dems were on track to turn Texas blue by 2024 or 2028, but Trump disrupted that as well. He managed to pry a lot of Hispanic men away from the Democratic Party, and even with Trump gone (for now), those men are still new members of the GOP, and their number is growing. The left is also doing themselves no favors, pushing woke policies which Hispanics don't particularly like. The Dems have now conceded that Texas is likely out of play for awhile, which is great news for the GOP. Had Texas gone blue, it would be incredibly tough for the GOP to win any Presidential elections for a long time.

    Anyway, DeSantis does a really good job identifying dumb things the left does, and which actions will likely appeal to middle-of-the-road voters. Notice his message is never too extreme or far right. It's always a clear message with logical reasoning, explaining why he's taking the actions he is, and why the left is acting foolish. This will win elections on a national level.

    On a side note, if DeSantis does run for President, he will have one hurdle. He'll be the shortest President in modern times, and the only modern President besides Carter to be under 6'. Michael Dukakis was short, and some believed that was one of the factors which hurt him in his attempt to become President. DeSantis claims to be 5'9", but may even be a little shorter than that.

  12. #12
    Diamond Sloppy Joe's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dan Druff View Post
    Trump delivered Florida to the GOP, to where it's not a purple state anymore. DeSantis put the final nail in that coffin -- at least for awhile. The Dems were on track to turn Texas blue by 2024 or 2028, but Trump disrupted that as well. He managed to pry a lot of Hispanic men away from the Democratic Party, and even with Trump gone (for now), those men are still new members of the GOP, and their number is growing. The left is also doing themselves no favors, pushing woke policies which Hispanics don't particularly like. The Dems have now conceded that Texas is likely out of play for awhile, which is great news for the GOP. Had Texas gone blue, it would be incredibly tough for the GOP to win any Presidential elections for a long time.

    Anyway, DeSantis does a really good job identifying dumb things the left does, and which actions will likely appeal to middle-of-the-road voters. Notice his message is never too extreme or far right. It's always a clear message with logical reasoning, explaining why he's taking the actions he is, and why the left is acting foolish. This will win elections on a national level.

    On a side note, if DeSantis does run for President, he will have one hurdle. He'll be the shortest President in modern times, and the only modern President besides Carter to be under 6'. Michael Dukakis was short, and some believed that was one of the factors which hurt him in his attempt to become President. DeSantis claims to be 5'9", but may even be a little shorter than that.
    His one hurdle is if King Retard goes after him and annihilates his chances.

    State media should be snapping Trump off clean at this point. Think a dem loses to anyone else at this point.
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  13. #13
    Diamond dwai's Avatar
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    desantis is obviously GOD

      The Boz: GOD of GODS

  14. #14
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    Desantis fan myself. I have a gf in Florida, so I know a bit about FL and there politics. Desantis wins the presidency before he gets old and we see a ridiculous red wave (for better or worse). Might take 2 or 3 election cycles but he is young, he has time, as long as he can stay squeaky clean-ish and have no major issues he is good as gold. funny guy too. Honestly, Whether your left or right politically,, If you are a American male 12-72 I think you would like hanging out with Desantis. Very nice guy in my few experiences. Whether it was a show or not when i spent time with him it felt like a friend i knew for years. Easy to talk to, talked about FL, Elections both midterm and general, Trump, MMA, keeping Florida events open during covid etc. Superbowls, sports betting & Seminole tribe.
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  15. #15
    Plutonium Sanlmar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by aayjay View Post
    Desantis fan myself. I have a gf in Florida, so I know a bit about FL and there politics. Desantis wins the presidency before he gets old and we see a ridiculous red wave (for better or worse). Might take 2 or 3 election cycles but he is young, he has time, as long as he can stay squeaky clean-ish and have no major issues he is good as gold. funny guy too. Honestly, Whether your left or right politically,, If you are a American male 12-72 I think you would like hanging out with Desantis. Very nice guy in my few experiences. Whether it was a show or not when i spent time with him it felt like a friend i knew for years. Easy to talk to, talked about FL, Elections both midterm and general, Trump, MMA, keeping Florida events open during covid etc. Superbowls, sports betting & Seminole tribe.
    I’m still processing Orbán, Bannon & Trump at CPAC. They got standing ovations. I think you are way over your skis with DeSantis. There are way too many moving parts right now.

    3 election cycles? You couldn’t begin to imagine what things will be like in 12 years. There is absolutely no way you could have envisioned the world today 12 years ago. The only thing we know is it will be unrecognizable to us today.

    What I do know is that what is occurring with the former President will have lasting negative consequences whether you feel the persecution is deserved or not.

    Everyone is playing this like a sporting contest cheering for their side and no one cares a wit that it is destroying the game.

      MumblesBadly: Spot on about how it’s destroying the game.

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sanlmar View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by aayjay View Post
    Desantis fan myself. I have a gf in Florida, so I know a bit about FL and there politics. Desantis wins the presidency before he gets old and we see a ridiculous red wave (for better or worse). Might take 2 or 3 election cycles but he is young, he has time, as long as he can stay squeaky clean-ish and have no major issues he is good as gold. funny guy too. Honestly, Whether your left or right politically,, If you are a American male 12-72 I think you would like hanging out with Desantis. Very nice guy in my few experiences. Whether it was a show or not when i spent time with him it felt like a friend i knew for years. Easy to talk to, talked about FL, Elections both midterm and general, Trump, MMA, keeping Florida events open during covid etc. Superbowls, sports betting & Seminole tribe.
    I’m still processing Orbán, Bannon & Trump at CPAC. They got standing ovations. I think you are way over your skis with DeSantis. There are way too many moving parts right now.

    3 election cycles? You couldn’t begin to imagine what things will be like in 12 years. There is absolutely no way you could have envisioned the world today 12 years ago. The only thing we know is it will be unrecognizable to us today.

    What I do know is that what is occurring with the former President will have lasting negative consequences whether you feel the persecution is deserved or not.

    Everyone is playing this like a sporting contest cheering for their side and no one cares a wit that it is destroying the game.
    About the 3 election cycles, Agree world will be unrecognizable , I just said that passing on there thoughts ; because in early 22 I saw Desantis at a MMA show and he said quite explicitly that nows safe to move to FL because he will be around for 6 minimum years while Trump does another prez term. At least in jn or Feb he said he planned to stay till 2028 when he can ride in on Trump 🤷*♂️🤷*♂️🤷*♂️
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  17. #17
    Plutonium Sanlmar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by aayjay View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Sanlmar View Post

    I’m still processing Orbán, Bannon & Trump at CPAC. They got standing ovations. I think you are way over your skis with DeSantis. There are way too many moving parts right now.

    3 election cycles? You couldn’t begin to imagine what things will be like in 12 years. There is absolutely no way you could have envisioned the world today 12 years ago. The only thing we know is it will be unrecognizable to us today.

    What I do know is that what is occurring with the former President will have lasting negative consequences whether you feel the persecution is deserved or not.

    Everyone is playing this like a sporting contest cheering for their side and no one cares a wit that it is destroying the game.
    About the 3 election cycles, Agree world will be unrecognizable , I just said that passing on there thoughts ; because in early 22 I saw Desantis at a MMA show and he said quite explicitly that nows safe to move to FL because he will be around for 6 minimum years while Trump does another prez term. At least in jn or Feb he said he planned to stay till 2028 when he can ride in on Trump ��*♂️��*♂️��*♂️
    As globalism and the liberal world order winds down let’s see if Florida captures any of the manufacturing that will be brought back. DeSantis populist fans will hold him accountable.

    DeSantis gonna bag any of that chip money or would that be morally repugnant?

    Florida loves the Trump/DeSantis brand because it isn’t exactly one of the wealthier states. You have to wonder if success might soothe the angry mob. We will see.

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sanlmar View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by aayjay View Post

    About the 3 election cycles, Agree world will be unrecognizable , I just said that passing on there thoughts ; because in early 22 I saw Desantis at a MMA show and he said quite explicitly that nows safe to move to FL because he will be around for 6 minimum years while Trump does another prez term. At least in jn or Feb he said he planned to stay till 2028 when he can ride in on Trump ��*♂️��*♂️��*♂️
    As globalism and the liberal world order winds down let’s see if Florida captures any of the manufacturing that will be brought back. DeSantis populist fans will hold him accountable.

    DeSantis gonna bag any of that chip money or would that be morally repugnant?

    Florida loves the Trump/DeSantis brand because it isn’t exactly one of the wealthier states. You have to wonder if success might soothe the angry mob. We will see.
    Look around and see what’s happening in Florida. Growth is everywhere, and successful people keep moving in.


  19. #19
    Plutonium Sanlmar's Avatar
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    You made me look. Yeah, I see manufacturing is growing that’s good.

    The populist states are lower income. There is a reason for the anger

    Here is rate of income growth. Ain’t killing it. Nobody is keeping pace with inflation.

    Name:  8127A11E-A386-4A5C-AE0E-AAFFD46B6BDA.jpeg
Views: 195
Size:  750.3 KB

    Here is income from 2019. I was just up in Maine and it’s a big Trump state.

    Name:  F098177C-7DA3-45B4-9516-2C67E065A07F.jpeg
Views: 204
Size:  1.01 MB

  20. #20
    Diamond dwai's Avatar
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    desantis will be president of the United States within 10 years

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