Quote Originally Posted by Dan Druff View Post
Quote Originally Posted by Walter Sobchak View Post

You make a point. It's tough on the girls. This wasn't about race, it was about misogyny, specifically the misogyny that is a crucial part of fundamentalist evangelical Christianity.

This guy was taught to be ashamed of and repress his own natural sexuality. He was taught to see women as the source of his temptations, and as dangerous and evil. He was prohibited from forming a healthy adult relationship with a woman which would include sex. So he visits these happy ending places as an outlet, but ends up in a feedback loop of his own shame, anger and repression, until one day he takes it out on them violently.

If not for this BBB (Bible Belt Bullshit), those women would still be alive. That's a fact.
This is pretty close to the truth.

Now if only the mainstream media would report it this way...
so he should of targeted the church instead ?