Cydia Impactor is broken.

You cannot use it right now, unless you have a paid Apple Developer account, which most of us don't.

You can go to Saurik's Twitter to see the rest of the story, including a bunch of BS about how generous he's being with his time and how he took time out during a weekend of a friend's wedding. The guy is an arrogant douche.

Anyway, we're probably looking at mid-December until it's fixed.

In the meantime, you can do the following as a workaround:

1) On your device, go to Safari and go to

2) Click on "Download OTA (By Ignition)" and then click Install on the pop-up

3) Go to Settings->General and scroll down to Device Management. Click on that, and then click on "Xihuang Information Technology Company", and click on Trust App.

4) Go find where unc0ver installed on your app list, and run it